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  • #31
    Originally posted by Focalor View Post
    Dude! Language barrier? You're gonna hafta hop that shit cuz I like it right where I'm at, I ain't moving unless there's free p-u-s-s-y or some damn good BBQ ribs in the deal for me. And none of that Sonny's bullshit either, I'm talkin' REAL North Carolina BBQ.
    Dear Focalor
    I believe you are too genious for this forum your sarcasm, fine irony, subtle critical and complex discourse are really amazing. I am grateful to the Internet to read people like you. I'm sure you urgently need a ****y!

    Have a nice day
    Last edited by nahuel; 09-24-2016, 07:08 PM.
    the invasion has begun! hide your children, grab the guns, and pack sandwiches.



    • #32
      Originally posted by bfg666 View Post
      Yes it is!

      shit, these are wrong on so many levels but i busted up laughing at this!
      'Replacement Player Models' Project


      • #33
        One more for the road... or two... or three

        I'm calling it a night but before I go, I can't resist the urge to share these. They made me

        @Dutch: IKR

        C ya!

        Last edited by Mugwump; 09-24-2016, 08:17 PM.
        ♪ I'm skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain, just skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain ♪
        ♪ What a glorious feelin' I'm haaaaaaappy again ♪


        • #34
          I'm gonna be the guy who ties this all together. Right. Fucking. Now.

          Also: the prominent white supremacist they mention isn't prominent, nor a white supremacist. Just a guy who trolled the Daily Beast. We've entered Meme-ception.
          Last edited by DeathMaster; 09-24-2016, 11:41 PM.



          • #35
            big funny gun six six six, i believe you need to go to 4chan or something like that. ohhh, sorry really, I do not understand that kind of humor It is becoming worse with this type of threads. And not because of the old users.

            have a nice day
            the invasion has begun! hide your children, grab the guns, and pack sandwiches.



            • #36
              Originally posted by nahuel View Post
              I do not understand that kind of humor
              Yeah well, humor is a way the brain has to process the horror (or more generally what it doesn't understand) and I've always been a huge sucker for dark humor. I guess, like a famous french comedian once said, that you can laugh about anything but not with everyone. At least it made Dutch laugh.

              This better?
              Last edited by Mugwump; 09-25-2016, 04:56 AM.
              ♪ I'm skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain, just skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain ♪
              ♪ What a glorious feelin' I'm haaaaaaappy again ♪


              • #37
                Originally posted by DeathMaster View Post
                I'm gonna be the guy who ties this all together. Right. Fucking. Now.
                Hmmm... One has to wonder: why is it that the very intrusive "stand with Hillary" pop-up doesn't want to shut the fuck up when I click on that very much needed close button? At least on my phone, haven't tried on a real computer.
                ♪ I'm skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain, just skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain ♪
                ♪ What a glorious feelin' I'm haaaaaaappy again ♪


                • #38
                  I just find it ironic that clinton is starting a smear campaign when she is quite literally responsible for American deaths and a colossal breach in national security. Anyone else in this country would have been locked up behind bars in a maximum security prison, but not her. She gets to run for president instead.

                  Just a reminder that I'm no trump supporter. I just really really really really really hate clinton.
                  'Replacement Player Models' Project


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Dutch View Post
                    She gets to run for president instead.
                    Heh. Sadly this sounds all too familiar: here in France, instead of facing justice, Sarkozy is running for presidency AGAIN, after:
                    1) We kicked him out 4 years ago, and
                    2) He swore to quit politics for good if he wasn't re-elected the last time...
                    ♪ I'm skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain, just skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain ♪
                    ♪ What a glorious feelin' I'm haaaaaaappy again ♪


                    • #40
                      That's the American way though! It's terrific! Wells Fargo, a federally insured bank, rips off it's customers in a scheme that makes the mafia envious, and the government punishes them by fining them considerably less than what they stole. NO JAIL TIME FOR OUR FRIENDS IN THE BANKING INDUSTRY! MERRY FUCKING CHRISTMAS AND GOD BLESS AMERICA!

                      Meanwhile, if me and a few friends gather to willingly and honestly play poker for pots around 5 bucks a hand and the cops get wind of it... here comes the handcuffs and a free trip to jail.


                      • #41

                        yep, pretty much works the same way here. they say politics is the 2nd-oldest profession, and is just about as bad as the 1st.

                        Originally posted by Focalor View Post
                        Meanwhile, if me and a few friends gather to willingly and honestly play poker for pots around 5 bucks a hand and the cops get wind of it... here comes the handcuffs and a free trip to jail.
                        Damn straight. Here's another scenario: our govt actively tries to disarm (or make it very difficult to legally arm) American citizens, most of which have no criminal record to speak of, but then they order the military to drop munitions and military-grade weapons to a bunch of rebels in Libya. But wait, it gets better. Turns out a lot of those weapons may have ended up in the hands of fuckin Jihadis.

                        The administration has never determined where all of the weapons, paid for by Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, went inside Libya, officials said. Qatar is believed to have shipped by air and sea small arms, including machine guns, automatic rifles, and ammunition, for which it has demanded reimbursement from Libya’s new government. Some of the arms since have been moved from Libya to militants with ties to Al Qaeda in Mali, where radical jihadi factions have imposed Shariah law in the northern part of the country, the former Defense Department official said. Others have gone to Syria, according to several American and foreign officials and arms traders.
                        That's a snippet from this article here: Readme

                        This sounds vaguely familiar...oh yeah, remember the Mujahideen from the '70s? The guys in Afghanistan we supplied weapons to fight the Soviets? We call them the Taliban now.

                        And don't even get me started on Operation Fast & Furious, where federal ATF agents sold illegal guns to Mexican dug cartel members to "track them", a lot of which were used in violent crime against both Americans and Mexicans.

                        But God forbid I, an American citizen with no criminal record to speak of and a constitutional right to keep and bear arms, own a semi-automatic rifle colored black that takes a detachable magazine.

                        The hyprocrisy is unbelievable. You couldn't make this shit up, I dare ya to even try.
                        'Replacement Player Models' Project


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Focalor View Post
                          Meanwhile people are dying from cold in the streets in wintertime because they can't afford a roof.

                          if me and a few friends gather to willingly and honestly play poker for pots around 5 bucks a hand and the cops get wind of it... here comes the handcuffs and a free trip to jail.
                          Financial transactions in which the govt doesn't take its share? Don't even think about it!

                          Originally posted by Dutch View Post
                          Turns out a lot of those weapons may have ended up in the hands of fuckin Jihadis.
                          He may have disappointed in a lot of ways but at least our current prez Hollande refused to sell jet fighter planes to Putin so that he could help Bachar slaughter the civilians in Alep while the UN stare disapprovingly (that didn't stop him however but it's another story). Props to him for that! Some still have a little decency left.
                          Last edited by Mugwump; 09-25-2016, 11:40 PM.
                          ♪ I'm skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain, just skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain ♪
                          ♪ What a glorious feelin' I'm haaaaaaappy again ♪


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by bfg666 View Post
                            He may have disappointed in a lot of ways but at least our current prez Hollande refused to sell jet fighter planes to Putin so that he could help Bachar slaughter the civilians in Alep while the UN stare disapprovingly (that didn't stop him however but it's another story). Props to him for that! Some still have a little decency left.
                            Good for him, that's a smart call.

                            I don't know why any nation feels the need to stick its nose in another nation's problems, when there is no immediate threat present. America is notorious for doing that, which I'm sure everyone around the world is aware of.

                            Whenever I claim to be patriotic, it is in regard to the nation we *should* be, not the nation we currently are.
                            'Replacement Player Models' Project


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Dutch View Post
                              America is notorious for doing that, which I'm sure everyone around the world is aware of.
                              Yeah, we are. That's the main gripe of anti-american people. I'm neither pro nor anti, but I sure don't condone that. It may be useful in some cases, like Syria for instance where the people could really use the help of the world against that madman and his slavic sidekick, but most often it's just pure interference. *cough* Colombia *cough*
                              ♪ I'm skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain, just skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain ♪
                              ♪ What a glorious feelin' I'm haaaaaaappy again ♪


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Dutch View Post
                                But God forbid I, an American citizen with no criminal record to speak of and a constitutional right to keep and bear arms, own a semi-automatic rifle colored black that takes a detachable magazine.
                                I'm a redneck gun nut and big fan of the 2nd amendment, however... I'm realistic about it too. We obviously have a huge problem with gun involved crime in this country. I'm ALL FOR background checks. I do not really disagree with most states policies on owning automatic weapons. Some states totally ban them and civilians cannot legally buy or possess them. I don't entirely like it, but I understand it. They're very dangerous in the hands of the wrong person. In my state, you CAN own automatic weapons, but you must pass a VERY thorogh background check and then sign a legally binding document which gives local and federal law enforcement the right to search your property at any time without a search warrant. Again, I don't completely LIKE that idea, but I understand why it's the policy and protocol.

                                Too many people who really don't even have or use guns are way too uptight about any proposed legislation about guns. Anything about guns comes across a politicians lips and its "THEY WANNA TAKE OUR GUNS! IT'S NAZI GERMANY ALL OVER AGAIN!" They aren't gonna take our guns tommorow, you loonies. So many people talk shit about Obama being a socialist secret-Muslim dictator bent on banning all guns like the rest of the filthy evil liberal democrats. In reality, Obama has done more FOR gun owners rights than our last several Republican presidents. I don't fuckin' like the guy at all, he's done lots of shit in his presidency that stinks. But facts are facts. The folks shit talking Obama's stance as being very anti-gun aren't REALLY paying attention to what he's actually done, they're just parroting quotes from assholes they heard on talk radio or 24hr news tv shows.
                                Last edited by Focalor; 09-26-2016, 06:06 AM.

