The "war on terror" was planned a long long time ago and it's only goal was to create an endless war chasing boogey-men in order to take away the rights and freedoms of "democratic" countries in the name of "security".
I'm not saying terrorists don't exist or anything like that but, as Kissinger said "Never let a good crisis go to waste." ie...If the government can use or create a situation which will grant them more power... they will. There comes a point where the governments power HAS to come at the expense of our freedom and rights.
Supposedly, some terrorists flew planes into the world trade center in New York on 9/11. Due to that act (regardless of the perpetrators) Americans got the patriot act, which started a "legal" mass surveillance program on all Americans and placed a Gestapo (TSA) in every airport. We get attacked, lose privacy and freedom of travel and the government greatly expanded it's power. That power kept growing too. According to the NDAA, Anyone can be arrested and indefinitely detained at the discretion of the Government. That's ass fucking opposite to the constitution of our country. Imagine if someone came and punched you in the face and the "governments" answer to that was that you can't have a face anymore. This is more or less exactly what happened. Someone came an attacked our freedoms and the government said you can't have freedom. IMO (and if I didn't know it was on purpose), I'd say our government is one giant coward. Instead of a definitive and absolute eradication of terrorism and policies that empower the citizens to help in that eradication the government attacks it's own citizens with over-reaching and freedom destroying laws/orders. How there hasn't been a very bloody and armed revolution over this is AMAZING to me.
All I'm trying to say is most of these wars have nothing to do with eliminating terror. If terror was truly eliminated the government would have to relinquish much of the power they gain from the whole terror situation. Show me a government that wants to give away it's powers and I'll show you the cover to the fairy tale you're reading.
The "war on terror" was planned a long long time ago and it's only goal was to create an endless war chasing boogey-men in order to take away the rights and freedoms of "democratic" countries in the name of "security".
I'm not saying terrorists don't exist or anything like that but, as Kissinger said "Never let a good crisis go to waste." ie...If the government can use or create a situation which will grant them more power... they will. There comes a point where the governments power HAS to come at the expense of our freedom and rights.
Supposedly, some terrorists flew planes into the world trade center in New York on 9/11. Due to that act (regardless of the perpetrators) Americans got the patriot act, which started a "legal" mass surveillance program on all Americans and placed a Gestapo (TSA) in every airport. We get attacked, lose privacy and freedom of travel and the government greatly expanded it's power. That power kept growing too. According to the NDAA, Anyone can be arrested and indefinitely detained at the discretion of the Government. That's ass fucking opposite to the constitution of our country. Imagine if someone came and punched you in the face and the "governments" answer to that was that you can't have a face anymore. This is more or less exactly what happened. Someone came an attacked our freedoms and the government said you can't have freedom. IMO (and if I didn't know it was on purpose), I'd say our government is one giant coward. Instead of a definitive and absolute eradication of terrorism and policies that empower the citizens to help in that eradication the government attacks it's own citizens with over-reaching and freedom destroying laws/orders. How there hasn't been a very bloody and armed revolution over this is AMAZING to me.
All I'm trying to say is most of these wars have nothing to do with eliminating terror. If terror was truly eliminated the government would have to relinquish much of the power they gain from the whole terror situation. Show me a government that wants to give away it's powers and I'll show you the cover to the fairy tale you're reading.