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Obama threatens Russia

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  • #16
    Originally posted by MadGypsy View Post
    The internet has been given to "a neutral entity" in order to make sure that it doesn't fall into the hands of any special interest or governmental control.
    All phoney smiles. North Korea and China will always control what info their people have access to.

    But I'm also wondering what this move will mean for less-than-legal media sites like Putlocker and 123movies and Piratebay. It could potentially give one entity equal jurisdiction in all parts of the world to block access to various who-gives-a-shit-about-copyright sites.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Focalor View Post
      All phoney smiles. North Korea and China will always control what info their people have access to.
      They sure try, and it probably works for their denizens who don't know better. But some DO know better and bypass control using TOR and Darknet. And their numbers are growing.

      It could potentially give one entity equal jurisdiction in all parts of the world to block access to various who-gives-a-shit-about-copyright sites.
      Piracy will always find its way. They tried to shut TPB down how many times again? And the site always gets back on its feet.
      ♪ I'm skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain, just skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain ♪
      ♪ What a glorious feelin' I'm haaaaaaappy again ♪


      • #18
        I'm living in Russia. Guys understand one thing - all those cries of "terrible Russian" serve as to divert attention. And do not forget that the policy professional liars.


        • #19
          @terrible russia

          I can't speak for everyone but I am going to anyway. We all know Russia is terrible. Hah Hah I'm totally just kidding. The truth is, I doubt many people look at it like "people from X" are terrible people. I'm sure there are exceptions but, I don't think you need to be a scholar to realize that the grand majority of the world just wants to live their life. I can't find it in me to hate a race or nationality of people just because their "elite" completely suck and never stop trying to cause problems. If I could find it in me, I would have to hate myself cause our elite are terrible people.

          @we all know Russia is terrible - I really was just kidding...


          • #20
            Originally posted by MadGypsy View Post
            @terrible russia
            @we all know Russia is terrible - I really was just kidding...

            Russian winter - snow sweeps the house to the third floor, and at night on the streets are walking bears and ride terrible Russian mafia on the Mercedes 600
            Last edited by barnes; 10-22-2016, 12:45 PM.


            • #21
              Yes, we don't blame russians for Putin.

              Russian winter - snow sweeps the house to the third floor, and at night the streets are walking bears and ride terrible Russian mafia on the Mercedes 600
              ...while chugging wodka!
              ♪ I'm skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain, just skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain ♪
              ♪ What a glorious feelin' I'm haaaaaaappy again ♪


              • #22
                To be honest - Putin is not the worst. The opposition - a rare freaks who hate our country. They really get "paid" in Washington. One such "opposition politician" was recently shot. And it is right.


                • #23
                  Our enemy is not RUSSIA, our enemy is Obama/Clinton period.


                  • #24
                    I don't think shooting anybody is right in any way.

                    Originally posted by barnes View Post
                    Putin is not the worst. The opposition - a rare freaks who hate our country.
                    You mean there's not a single good politician in Russia? Only one dictator and a bunch of enemies of the country? That doesn't sound believable one bit. Gorbachov wasn't one of a kind, surely.
                    ♪ I'm skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain, just skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain ♪
                    ♪ What a glorious feelin' I'm haaaaaaappy again ♪


                    • #25
                      @shooting people bad

                      I disagree. I think if you are a traitor to your country or attempt to enslave/sell out/hold down/more.. your people, especially with your own personal gain in mind or with an agenda that goes against the founding principles of your country...DOUBLE ESPECIALLY if you were elected ... you need to fuckin die the worst death that is imaginable. A VERY clear message needs to be sent so any asshole that get's it in their mind to do these things and has the power to would be scared to DEATH to do more than entertain it in their mind.

                      If hillary clinton really is guilty of all the shit she is accused of she needs to be tortured on live TV for as long as we can keep her alive (during the torture). Months sounds good. This goes for all those involved in destroying the country and using their powers for corrupt means. It needs to be absolutely brutal and completely horrifying so NOBODY will EVER forget what happens to you if you fuck with the citizens. This goes for all countries worldwide. You want true freedom? Start there.

                      I think there should be a new law that if you are a politician you have to accept that you will be followed around 24/7 with a loaded gun pointed at your head and the very second you attempt to conspire you are shot point blank with no hesitation. Conversely and less brutal, governmental jobs should be barely over poverty level in pay. This way, only people that REALLY want to serve the public would ever apply. The President shouldn't get paid at all. It will be made sure that all his NEEDS are met and not a cent more.


                      I have to admit that I am not very familiar with whatever Putin is hated for. All I can say is I have heard the man give a couple/few speeches and based solely on that he SEEMS like a real fuckin President.
                      Last edited by MadGypsy; 10-22-2016, 03:11 PM.


                      • #26
                        I'm a pacifist. I don't condone any form of violence. But if you're really bent on punishing people, there are far worse fates than death. You snuff the bastard and then what? That's it? Wow, he's well punished... Newsflash: the guy doesn't care anymore, he's dead. Jail him, put him in isolation, whatever... that'll teach him. Murder resolves nothing. Of course, torture is unacceptable.

                        Originally posted by MadGypsy View Post
                        You want true freedom? Start there.
                        History has shown time and again that violence doesn't solve anything. Ever. It only fosters more violence and perpetuates the neverending cycle. It has to stop at one point. And that point is when you refuse to perpetuate it yourself. Sure, it will be a long process until mankind globally shares this mindset, but it is the only way.

                        I think there should be a new law that if you are a politician you have to accept that you will be followed around 24/7
                        That I can agree with - well, minus the gun part. Politicians need to be accountable and serve the people instead of the other way around.

                        Conversely and less brutal, governmental jobs should be barely over poverty level in pay.
                        THIS! I've been advocating for minimum wage for governmental jobs for years. Actually, I've been advocating for getting rid of money altogether. Eliminate the problems at the source: no greedy politician, no poverty, no corporation fucking with the planet, no bank dictating its law to everyone from government to nobodies...

                        he SEEMS like a real fuckin President
                        He mostly seems like a fuckin despot. Ask the Femen. Or basically any others who ever dared to disagree with him.
                        ♪ I'm skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain, just skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain ♪
                        ♪ What a glorious feelin' I'm haaaaaaappy again ♪


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by barnes View Post
                          I'm living in Russia. Guys understand one thing - all those cries of "terrible Russian" serve as to divert attention. And do not forget that the policy professional liars.
                          So armed Russian fighter jets doing flyovers in NATO airspace is either a lie or a non-aggressive act? I don't think you'd say the same thing if a few fully armed US B-2's flew over your house. I'm not saying all Russian people are terrible, but I am definitely saying that the Kremlin has been engaging in aggressive posturing towards the West more and more lately.

                          Originally posted by bfg666 View Post
                          History has shown time and again that violence doesn't solve anything.
                          I understand the desire to hold that philosophy for the progress of our species, but it isn't a realistic stance to take in every situation.

                          Momma might've told you that violence doesn't solve anything, but momma never fought any wars. You're from France, right? I think violence did a pretty good job of expelling the Germans from your country back in the late 1940's. People use violence and killing because it works. When someone or some group is being problematic for you, killing them does a terrific job of eliminating the problem. If history has shown anything, it's that man has used violence quite liberally to solve problems. Sure it sometimes creates MORE problems in it's wake, but it usually solves the immediate ones. When the Northern and Southern US States were at odds over slavery and economic policies, violence did what a debate or a vote was never gonna accomplish on it's own.

                          Hooray for killing and murder!


                          • #28
                            Most people can give examples of "violence works" with things that have not lived, or things on a small scale.

                            Right now, a confrontation between Russia and USA only create severe problems. Especially because China would not be watching the show as if nothing.
                            the invasion has begun! hide your children, grab the guns, and pack sandwiches.



                            • #29
                              Originally posted by bfg666 View Post

                              He mostly seems like a fuckin despot. Ask the Femen. Or basically any others who ever dared to disagree with him.
                              (little OT) Femen is a very controversial group, even some feminist groups detest femen. The group is originally from Ukraine, so I guess it would give a bonus to putin to hate Femen.
                              the invasion has begun! hide your children, grab the guns, and pack sandwiches.



                              • #30
                                Did violence and killing help Ulster in getting rid of english domination? Nope. Did violence and killing help the US in Nam? Nope. Did violence and killing help in Afghanistan and Iraq? Quite the opposite. The current ISIS mess is a direct consequence of that.

                                Back in '45, it worked only because of an extraordinary set of circumstances. But at the expense of how many lives? At any rate, Hitler's power already was on the decline and I don't think this madness could have lasted much longer.

                                Yes, the way of non-violence is a difficult one and there's a good chance of being put in a world of hurt before its benefits become apparent, but if you don't at one point take a stand and say "fuck it", it will never end. Ask Gandhi.
                                ♪ I'm skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain, just skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain ♪
                                ♪ What a glorious feelin' I'm haaaaaaappy again ♪

