Originally posted by Davers
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Obama threatens Russia
Originally posted by Baker View PostYou missed the point.
The USA threatens cyber attack on Russia. Next day, half of USA internet is down.
Github is down too. PayPal down. Many other things are down like Amazon AWS servers (powers a large part of "the cloud" that countless companies and internet caching companies use).
Firewall Russia from network routers i guess...
I had to firewall all of china to prevent spam entering my mail server.
It's been so peaceful the last few years.
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lol )
in the USSR it has always been so good with food. No food stamps, and other horrors. The problems began after the collapse of the Soviet Union. But this was quickly rectified)
About the KGB - is another scary story for stupid inhabitants. Most people do not notice it. But dissidents have had a lot of problems from the KGB. Now they call themselves "human rights activists" and tells how they were oppressed. You Look at these people -
Typical schizoid personality. Their place has been in psychiatric clinics. Sick people
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Originally posted by bfg666 View PostBack in '45, it worked only because of an extraordinary set of circumstances. But at the expense of how many lives? At any rate, Hitler's power already was on the decline and I don't think this madness could have lasted much longer.
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Originally posted by bfg666 View PostDid violence and killing help the US in Nam? Nope. Did violence and killing help in Afghanistan and Iraq? Quite the opposite. The current ISIS mess is a direct consequence of that.
Like I said though, it solves immediate problems, and it did in Afghanistan. Al Qaeda got their asses handed to them. And like I said too, it can create other problems in it's wake... like Abu Bakr al Baghdadi or whatever the hell his name is.
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The fall of the USSR wasn't Gorbachov's fault! He merely tried to bring a touch of humanity in politics (Glasnost, etc...). He failed. As for protection of civilians, the victims of the KGB and people standing in lines for ration tickets would disagree with that.
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Originally posted by nahuel View PostRight now, a confrontation between Russia and USA only create severe problems. Especially because China would not be watching the show as if nothing.
As for FEMEN, they got imprisoned for what? Protesting by way of baring their boobs. Wow. Those are definitely dangerous terrorists that need to be put away...
Originally posted by barnes View PostSome fools compared him to Hitler, but it is not true.
Gorbachev is whore.Last edited by Mugwump; 10-22-2016, 05:52 PM.
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Originally posted by bfg666 View PostI don't think shooting anybody is right in any way.
You mean there's not a single good politician in Russia? Only one dictator and a bunch of enemies of the country? That doesn't sound believable one bit. Gorbachov wasn't one of a kind, surely.
Gorbachev is whore.
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Did violence and killing help Ulster in getting rid of english domination? Nope. Did violence and killing help the US in Nam? Nope. Did violence and killing help in Afghanistan and Iraq? Quite the opposite. The current ISIS mess is a direct consequence of that.
Back in '45, it worked only because of an extraordinary set of circumstances. But at the expense of how many lives? At any rate, Hitler's power already was on the decline and I don't think this madness could have lasted much longer.
Yes, the way of non-violence is a difficult one and there's a good chance of being put in a world of hurt before its benefits become apparent, but if you don't at one point take a stand and say "fuck it", it will never end. Ask Gandhi.
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Originally posted by bfg666 View Post
He mostly seems like a fuckin despot. Ask the Femen. Or basically any others who ever dared to disagree with him.
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Most people can give examples of "violence works" with things that have not lived, or things on a small scale.
Right now, a confrontation between Russia and USA only create severe problems. Especially because China would not be watching the show as if nothing.
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Originally posted by barnes View PostI'm living in Russia. Guys understand one thing - all those cries of "terrible Russian" serve as to divert attention. And do not forget that the policy professional liars.
Originally posted by bfg666 View PostHistory has shown time and again that violence doesn't solve anything.
Momma might've told you that violence doesn't solve anything, but momma never fought any wars. You're from France, right? I think violence did a pretty good job of expelling the Germans from your country back in the late 1940's. People use violence and killing because it works. When someone or some group is being problematic for you, killing them does a terrific job of eliminating the problem. If history has shown anything, it's that man has used violence quite liberally to solve problems. Sure it sometimes creates MORE problems in it's wake, but it usually solves the immediate ones. When the Northern and Southern US States were at odds over slavery and economic policies, violence did what a debate or a vote was never gonna accomplish on it's own.
Hooray for killing and murder!
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I'm a pacifist. I don't condone any form of violence. But if you're really bent on punishing people, there are far worse fates than death. You snuff the bastard and then what? That's it? Wow, he's well punished... Newsflash: the guy doesn't care anymore, he's dead. Jail him, put him in isolation, whatever... that'll teach him. Murder resolves nothing. Of course, torture is unacceptable.
Originally posted by MadGypsy View PostYou want true freedom? Start there.
I think there should be a new law that if you are a politician you have to accept that you will be followed around 24/7
Conversely and less brutal, governmental jobs should be barely over poverty level in pay.
he SEEMS like a real fuckin President
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