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Election Day 2016 Thread (aka Political Grievance Therapy)

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  • Election Day 2016 Thread (aka Political Grievance Therapy)

    I guess I'm making this as a sort of discussion thread for the big day; who are you voting for, why are you voting for them, why is X better than Y, etc.

    If you want my thoughts, I'm going for Papa Trump, not on policy or anything like that, but because at this point I've lost all reason to care, and I picked the one that's going to piss more people off. I understand his policy, I understand Hillary's, I'm not blind to the whole situation, but the main reason I'm doing it is to give a gigantic middle finger. Now, is that the smartest voting ethic? No. Seriously, do your research and understand what each candidate has to offer before you vote. But I've become so numb to this damned race that I just want to have a little fun, and seeing those steamy fucks threatening to overthrow democracy will put a big smile on my face (This is not my view of all Hillary supporters, just the loud, annoying ones).

    Anyways, please vent but be civil. Never argue with a Quaker when the nation is on the line.


  • #2
    Trump, because he's the lesser of two evils.
    'Replacement Player Models' Project


    • #3
      I'm not voting. I have way more important plans. I'm gonna stay home all day and masturbate to snuff porn and old episodes of Threes Company. And then if my hands get tired, I'll just dip my dick into a can of gravy and let a big fat woman lick it off. And then if I run out of gravy, I'll singe each and every individual hair off my balls with a soldering iron. Then I might superglue my butthole shut if I have time. SO MUCH SHIT TO DO, UGH!


      • #4
        Drive all across this country and have only seen a few killary signs, I have seen more killary for prison signs than actual signs for her in a positive fashion. I see so many Trump signs on businesses, residential, billboards, cars, buses, even seen one on a train in New Mexico, you see Trump so much all over that if he loses this election you know damn well its rigged. Hillary could not fill a 110 seat Town Hall event, Tim Kaine had to cancel 3 events in Florida because when his helicopter flew over head he only seen about 30-50 people at his events in Fort Myers, Sarasota and Tampa. Hillary came to my home town here in Fort Pierce, FL and had a 1200 seat venue and only 295 people attended, there was a recorded 900 people outside protesting her appearance with Trump signs and people calling for her arrest.

        A friend of mine has been acting as an observer at the local supervisor of election's office and he said he has witnessed first hand fraud from some of the people who help there, He called them out and even handed a letter over to the supervisor of election's Gertrude Walker requesting public information from Facebook post, comments, ban list and so forth due to the fact that she refuses to investigate the claims coming in about her worker's telling elderly and first time voters to vote for Hillary.

        According to some political analyst Trump will win this by a landslide with 290 electoral votes and the popular vote.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Dutch View Post
          Trump, because he's the lesser of two evils.
          That remains to be proven. At any rate, he seems far more dangerous for world peace.
          ♪ I'm skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain, just skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain ♪
          ♪ What a glorious feelin' I'm haaaaaaappy again ♪


          • #6
            He seems far less dangerous for American liberties. Clinton has sworn to declare war on our right to bear arms. This is the one right we have as Americans to guarantee our other rights are not infringed upon. Big government never ends well, it inevitably becomes it's own entity, when it is supposed to be comprised of the people, by the people, for the people. It's why we have a republic.
            'Replacement Player Models' Project


            • #7
              I dunno. The Constitution provides for amendments specifically because Jefferson knew it would be necessary to make some adjustments. And the 2nd Amendment doesn't guarantee any civilian the right to possess ordinance like missiles and such, which would be absolutely required to defeat an in-house military threat. Our guns aren't gonna stop the government from shitting on us, and that's the reality of it. Only WE can do that. If they decided to repeal the 2nd Amendment, it would take A LOT more citizen support to make it happen. Imagine the violence and riots if they tried it right now. They'd need probably 80% or more of the citizens to completely support the idea to make it feasible.


              • #8
                Anyone here listen to Year Zero? Not to frighten anyone, but depending on today's vote I think we might be headed down that road...
                [ame=""]Nine Inch Nails - Year Zero (Halo 24)[/ame]



                • #9


                  • #10
                    Voted Trump - considered voting for Jill Stein cause she actually seems like somebody that isn't a cartoon, to me but, I knew that would be just throwing away my vote. She doesn't stand a chance in hell. Trump is going to need every vote he can get or Hillary is going to win. I couldn't live with myself if I fell in the ?4%? of dumb-fucks that elected Hillary by not voting for Trump. I'm in the anybody but Hillary camp. I'd vote for Focalor before I voted for her. At least we would have someone in office that is super easy to kill.
                    Last edited by MadGypsy; 11-08-2016, 04:56 PM.


                    • #11

                      Gun ownership doesn't just guarantee us some form of fight in the event of civil war. Look up the battle of Athens in 1946, and you will see how gun ownership defeated crooked local politics (even though they obtained the heavy guns from a national guard armory, several of them were using their own weapons as well...really, they could have pulled off the event with bolt action deer rifles because of their vantage point).

                      Alongside that, much of the military, from privates up to generals, believe in our constitution and the republic. It wouldn't be a simple matter of "govt vs the people"...the military would likely split.
                      'Replacement Player Models' Project


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by MadGypsy View Post
                        I'd vote for Focalor before I voted for her. At least we would have someone in office that is super easy to kill.
                        Still insinuating you wanna kill me. Meh, you're all talk. You're just butthurt by my refusal to change my avatar. Maybe try... getting over it?


                        • #13
                          Both of you. Play nice.

                          YOU'RE GONNA CARRY THAT WEIGHT...


                          • #14
                            Trump is ahead at the moment, Florida appears to be in his favor, but this is still anyone's game.

                            YOU'RE GONNA CARRY THAT WEIGHT...


                            • #15
                              Commiefornia is an automatic 55 votes for Hillary, don't forget.
                              'Replacement Player Models' Project

