My mod now has 168 weapons. I would like your thoughts on this. What it means to you.
I now have 168 weapons in my game/mod. What do you think of this? ((Harvy Weinstein did nothing wrong BTW, America is a woman's country (can't marry cute young girls, women can have anyone arrested)). All the American men support this because they are cattle and never ask "who benifits". They are completely ruled by emotional "logic" and thus manipulated deftly by the women. They infect every other place on the globe with their malady. This is why you cannot take young girls as brides anywhere anymore. American Men killed any culture that allowed it (including their own 100 years ago) because they fight people based on what their own emotions say. What is "right" and "wrong" in America is decided by "gut feeling" rather than by "does this benefit me or my class?" because the men are stupid cattle.)
Thus I work on the mod, every day, because there is nothing else to live for and America has destroyed every good culture on earth where they still kept the old ways (afghanistan etc, before that Europe)

Version 117t release:
ChaosEsqueAnthology opens up to colonial times and the wild wild west! Now the 1600s and 1800s are represented in the game! New weapons include the flintlock pistol, musket, the 1851 navy revolver, the Pepperbox revolver, the Colt 44 peacemaker. Additionally our resident 3d weapons modeler (and map maker) MikeeUSA has modeled an 1860 Henry Repeating Lever-Action Rifle for the project; that too is in the game. Additionally bugs have been fixed including one where one could not unjam if a jam occured on on the last bullet in a magazine (however some weapons have different ways to clear this more searious "malfunction"; such as switching away from the weapon, while others will clear the malfunction easier)
Come enjoy the new features! And pit your lever action rifle team against a modern army! See if the fudd gun prevails and you don't "need no au-te-matic-toys-to-defend-muh-self, muricca". Remeber: all your rights have been stripped from you: from good guns for shootin' to good girls (actual girls, look up the old laws) for marryin' (but you're ok with all of this and want to use your (1860 pattern) shootin' iron on any man that might want a girl! (murrica!, real man wants real (sassy) woman! murrica!)) so what can be said except for.... MURRICA!!! WOOOOOO (shoots 1860 Henry Repeating Rifle in the air many times).
Download now to experiance the 'murican way! 168 wea-pon!
Plans are in the works for next version to perhaps include a "hover round" type vehicle.
Perhaps with shootin' irons attached.
Shout out to Harvy Weinstein for doing the reasonable thing and fleeing america for a better society: keep strong - you did nothing wrong.
(Additionally an M16A2 has been added for all those Matrix reenactments one might wish!)
I now have 168 weapons in my game/mod. What do you think of this? ((Harvy Weinstein did nothing wrong BTW, America is a woman's country (can't marry cute young girls, women can have anyone arrested)). All the American men support this because they are cattle and never ask "who benifits". They are completely ruled by emotional "logic" and thus manipulated deftly by the women. They infect every other place on the globe with their malady. This is why you cannot take young girls as brides anywhere anymore. American Men killed any culture that allowed it (including their own 100 years ago) because they fight people based on what their own emotions say. What is "right" and "wrong" in America is decided by "gut feeling" rather than by "does this benefit me or my class?" because the men are stupid cattle.)
Thus I work on the mod, every day, because there is nothing else to live for and America has destroyed every good culture on earth where they still kept the old ways (afghanistan etc, before that Europe)

Version 117t release:
ChaosEsqueAnthology opens up to colonial times and the wild wild west! Now the 1600s and 1800s are represented in the game! New weapons include the flintlock pistol, musket, the 1851 navy revolver, the Pepperbox revolver, the Colt 44 peacemaker. Additionally our resident 3d weapons modeler (and map maker) MikeeUSA has modeled an 1860 Henry Repeating Lever-Action Rifle for the project; that too is in the game. Additionally bugs have been fixed including one where one could not unjam if a jam occured on on the last bullet in a magazine (however some weapons have different ways to clear this more searious "malfunction"; such as switching away from the weapon, while others will clear the malfunction easier)
Come enjoy the new features! And pit your lever action rifle team against a modern army! See if the fudd gun prevails and you don't "need no au-te-matic-toys-to-defend-muh-self, muricca". Remeber: all your rights have been stripped from you: from good guns for shootin' to good girls (actual girls, look up the old laws) for marryin' (but you're ok with all of this and want to use your (1860 pattern) shootin' iron on any man that might want a girl! (murrica!, real man wants real (sassy) woman! murrica!)) so what can be said except for.... MURRICA!!! WOOOOOO (shoots 1860 Henry Repeating Rifle in the air many times).
Download now to experiance the 'murican way! 168 wea-pon!
Plans are in the works for next version to perhaps include a "hover round" type vehicle.
Perhaps with shootin' irons attached.
Shout out to Harvy Weinstein for doing the reasonable thing and fleeing america for a better society: keep strong - you did nothing wrong.
(Additionally an M16A2 has been added for all those Matrix reenactments one might wish!)