The contributors are listed in xonotic-credits.txt in the /data/zzzzz...9999....pk3 archive (can see via pressing on credits button).
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I now have 168 weapons in my game.Thoughts? (Harvy Weinstein did nothing wrong BTW)
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>but it isn't the quake 1 engine from what I can see.
It's darkplaces, and I've done a good deal of game code work to get q1 maps to work in the game (they don't work correctly in regular Xonotic (most won't load) due to missing functions). When I find a Q1 map that doesn't work/load I get to work and add what's needed. Thus you can play Q1 maps with whatever weapons you want: medeval, future, modern, etc, and also if you want you can enable the foliage mutator and have the place overgrown with trees etc
>Also, why the hell is your game 4 gigabytes?
Textures and 100 maps.
>That's a huge barrier someone has to get past to play a mod.
>Its also an iso.
One of the few archive formats that can go past 2GB on a 32 bit sytem (zip cannot), and has universal compatability.
>It would make much more sense to simply compress it first, but apparently you can't do that.
Everything is in .zip archives (pk3s) allready (compressed). Additionally, within those zip archives, that which can be systemlinked is (thus saving more space).
>One of the biggest things you need to learn is that having too many features is a bad thing.
Those who can't or won't, complain about those who do.
>And, since I know you are going to ask me what I've done, I will say that I have done a little. What I have done I feel isn't that special, but I do care when someone else cares about what I do. What you think is that your mod is special. It isn't special.
Too ashamed to even lift your head when confronted with this monolith.
>I never saw any of these 160 weapons of yours,
Multiplayer > Create > Start Weapons
Read the list and weep.
>Your mod, in this case, is a jumbled mess of features that aren't very appealing, and is anything but user friendly. From what I saw, there was a plethora of features, including body temperature, vehicles, jail mode, and a bunch of other unneeded stuff.
Cry about your inadequacy as if it is a virtue.
>I downloaded your mod. From what I got from it, its just regular old xonotic
I was contributing to xonotic before it was xonotic.
>Try starting a new project and think of a new idea. This 10 year old mod of yours is definitely not worth playing for the messiness of it all, and it's definitely not worth developing anymore either.
No. You want to say this to my face: time and place idiot.
>Anyone is allowed here, but bullshit spam is completely unallowed and nobody is going to take it.
No one has ever successfully banned me. They try. Old timer... They try. This game has absolute relevance to Quake: Loads Quake maps, uses a quake engine, has quake monsters, and has been specifically programmed to have quake 1 entities / functions. Download the quake retexturing project textures and take a Q1 map for a spin.
You don't even like cute young girls. "Sort yourself out" amero.
Last edited by ChaosEsqueEd; 10-17-2017, 05:00 PM.
Originally posted by SpecialBomb View Post.
Your problem, largely, is that you are in the wrong menu.
You have chosen to play the pre-programmed "single player" "campaigns"
(of which there are a few, but it seems you have chosen the first: xonotic
vanilla) (I suggest "Who Is The Greatest": a martial arts epic where you
fight hand to hand up the list, instead). You will only get the game the
campaign-creator thought of there.... which does not include most of the
mod additions!
Go to Create>Multiplayer and create a bot match. There are 100 or so maps to choose from.
>Music sucks
Since you played the standard campaign rather than picking the maps yourself,
you only played the standard Xonotic maps in said campaign.
Go to Create>Multiplayer and say... pick... ArenaAutomatica... that has a soundtrack.
Silent Siege
Final Rage is also suggested.
GrandChessboard, which is a large terrain map created to have lots of room for RTS style building matches (with the utilitool + hammer, crowbar) has good trax (It's on Disc 2 btw)
The dearth of good music was an issue for Xonotic, so for the maps I have added, I've picked different opensource music.
Settings>Info gives a good rundown of various features and how to use them.
>Wep-on is lie!
The menu you want is Create>Multiplayer>Startweapons
Also Create>Multiplayer>Mutators has options such as replacing standard maps weapons (with other sets, or traps, or spellbooks, etc)
and/or spawning other weapons in random areas:
(also foliage, monsters, turrets, water/oil/methane/slime/lava/chemical flood, city generation, baloons, bumpers, etc)
Other menus to be cognisant of:
This is the mounted guns menu where you can set mounted guns to spawn.
Vehicles to start with
Spells to start with
And ofcourse the previously mentioned
Where you can not only set start weapons and starting knowlege (amerios please
do not set this one: let's be realistic),but items to be spawned around,
and options for the multitool and utilitool (for building things: amerios are
forbidden from using these specific tool options unless accompanied by a latin friend)
With these you can set your gaming enviroment to be whatever you wish:
Modern, Futuristic, Medeval, City scape, lava wasteland, oil ocean, chemical plant, etc etc
All whilst zombie/solider/angel apocalypse occurs: You can do it.
This game is more of a game synthesizer than anything else.
Think of it as a korg MS-20. Now when amerios encounter a real synth
(and even the MS-20 is only a fraction of a real synth) they say,
in their bellicose voice, HERRALLL NRAAHH!!! While lard jiggles everywhere,
they then talk about how if anyone stares too long at their "dautah" they
"have a shotgun" etc. Wonderful people.
Anyway. Lots of options and buttons for those who can comprehend and accept
such things. Amerios just want a few options tho, and feel like kings
(they eat like kings...) in wanting everything given to them ready to go
and to pleasure them (this is while they bomb every country in the world
that has the audacity to allow the natural pleasures of young girl brides
etc (which amerios say is unnatural pleasures because jesus and better a millstone).
That's not how it works here, with me. I'm not your slave amerio, and since
china is taking your place as the superpower... I might aswell not even
bother to humor you.
I want to point out this statement:
>And, since I know you are going to ask me what I've done, I will say that I have done a little. What I have done I feel isn't that special, but I do care when someone else cares about what I do. What you think is that your mod is special. It isn't special.
This tells me all that I need to know about my work.
If it was lesser than yours, you would have shown yours.
If it was near yours, you would have shown yours.
You do not submit your work to be judged.
:. You concede, in this, that my work is much greater than yours: That there is no contest between the two.
The mod is what you make it.
I know my game: I make it how I want it.
You can too; I allready did all the work!
If you fail to configure the match you want in your mind... that's on you.
I (and others) have allready done the heavy lifting.
Ofcourse, amerios just want everything spoonfed into their obese bodies...
Can't help you there, I'm not a feeder!
You can't imagine the work that went into this game.
You can't even find the options to enable it all!
There is a reason why it's listed as older than Xonotic...
Oh and, btw, it isn't 4GB.
It's 6GB: There's a volume 2..
> It isn't special
> It isn't special
> It isn't special
> It isn't special
> It isn't spec
> It isn'
> It isn
It is.
Trust me.
It is.
There's a point one reaches, when working on a creative endeavor, when you know in your heart where it is.
When it is far beyond the sun
Last edited by ChaosEsqueEd; 10-17-2017, 06:20 PM.
A view of one of my maps from the void.
> 40 percent of American adults and nearly 20 percent of adolescents are obese — the highest rates ever recorded for the U.S.
(well food is the only natural pleasure not banned in "the land of the free")Last edited by ChaosEsqueEd; 10-17-2017, 07:37 PM.
Call of Duty is like 1000000000x better than Quake. I dunno why you people still play Quake. Everybody knows only gay people living in poverty play it.
I have a new game, but I can't decide what to call it yet, maybe you guys can help.
Some box art concepts I have so far:
Originally posted by Focalor View Post...
But this is the only type of Haji a person should be pursing:
Originally posted by Focalor View PostCall of Duty is like 1000000000x better than Quake. I dunno why you people still play Quake. Everybody knows only gay people living in poverty play it.
Could you tell that guy I wrote a 2 hr response to his complaints and to take the mod for another spin using the instructions (if he can spin, being an american (40 pct of american adults are obese))Last edited by ChaosEsqueEd; 10-18-2017, 10:16 AM.
Originally posted by ChaosEsqueEd View Post
(40 pct of american adults are obese))
Since we're doing percentage stats:
100% of Muslims are terrorists. (*The real stat is 99.6%, but we're rounding it to the nearest whole number)
83% of Muslim men have sex with livestock.
79% of Muslim men are child molesters.
Mohammed was 75% jewish.
96% of middle eastern Muslim women that I rape say my dick is bigger than their Haji husbands.
Originally posted by Focalor View Post79% of Muslim men are child molesters.
I'm glad you import muslims as quickly as possible.
Originally posted by ChaosEsqueEd View Post
Perhaps some day freedom of religion (1st ammendment) will not be superseded by any and all equally applicable state laws in your country and all men who believe in something other than Christianity (a worthless gynocentric religion) will enjoy the benefit of child-brides once again (which American Christians started to ban in the 1870s at the behest of their women's movement (BETTER A MILLSTONE WOOO))
I'm glad you import muslims as quickly as possible.How many things have you sand monkeys invented to make life better for anyone? Point to one thing in your house that was invented by a haji and isn't belt-driven by a goat that doubles as your sex partner... I'll wait.
But hey, if you "ENJOY" marrying and fucking children... I guess maybe someone should tell your neighbors they need to keep a closer eye on their kids since the guy next door to them is a kid fucker. But according to your fucked up backwoods archaic goat fucking cultures laws, it's probably okay to hold your neighbors 8 year old kid down and fuck it as long as you give her father a couple of chickens afterwards, right? What a perfectly logical rational culture you have.
Which is what has me scratching my head. How can you so clearly see so many flaws with proper civilized progressive Western culture, while being completely blind to the OVERWHELMINGLY MORE NUMEROUS fucked up things going on in your own country filled with coast-to-coast wall-to-wall shit-stenched hovels that I wouldn't store my lawn mower in? Maybe if you had that same kind of outrage pointed at the sister fucking ragheaded retards running your country face-first into the ground and keeping it there, maybe you camel fuckers might actually be able to get some business and jobs and prosperity happening beyond drilling oil and being Americas oil n*ggers toiling away in the fields while we lounge on the porch sipping our iced tea and counting our money.
That's right! You people could HAVE some shit. All you gotta do is get off your ass and show some ambition. Next to the fucking Amish, you people are the LEAST ADVANCED society in the entire world. Were you aware of that fact?
- 1 like
All the ambition in the world will not have value in a country with zero access to a viable sea-port. For an example see Russia before it acquired a warm water sea-port.
The fact of the matter is: the fastest growing religion in the world is the American gyno-centric belief system.
America has twisted the arms of, by economic means, or out-right bombing campaigns every pro-male culture that allowed men to take female children as brides in existance over the last 75 years; converting all to it's social belief system in practice.
The few areas of the world that resist the gates of hell and still obey the ancient Abrahamic Overlord do so by being difficult and Remote.
While most animals the size of humans mature within three years of birth, and then go on to make more of said animals, humans stay "young" for much longer.
This is a gift to the men: they can have cute young brides and be happy for many years before the girl becomes a brood mare.
The creators of man were kind in adding this pleasure.
The adversary, of which America and it's men (who oppose their own interests and fight for women's interests instead) exist as has successfully denied men this pleasure now, in these 150 years since the advent of American feminism (and the 75 years of its imposition).
The other fact is the fastest greying populations of the world are those who have lived their lives under the American Gyno-centric religion.
This time is yours.
But tomorrow you will be dead.
The european-esque people who still exist will have their child brides again, and the white-man; a false construct of america created to bind it's mongrel population together around a lynchpin of deifying the white woman: he will be no more. The gates of hell will not prevail forever over all the world's oceans and lands.
Originally posted by ChaosEsqueEd View PostAmerica has twisted the arms of, by economic means, or out-right bombing campaigns every pro-male culture that allowed men to take female children as brides in existance over the last 75 years; converting all to it's social belief system in practice.
Originally posted by ChaosEsqueEd View Post
While most animals the size of humans mature within three years of birth, and then go on to make more of said animals, humans stay "young" for much longer.
This is a gift to the men: they can have cute young brides and be happy for many years before the girl becomes a brood mare.
The creators of man were kind in adding this pleasure.
The adversary, of which America and it's men (who oppose their own interests and fight for women's interests instead) exist as has successfully denied men this pleasure now, in these 150 years since the advent of American feminism (and the 75 years of its imposition).
Originally posted by ChaosEsqueEd View PostThe creators of man were kind in adding this pleasure.
No one created man, stupid. It's called science. You don't have it in your country yet, but trust me, it exists everywhere else where people wash themselves more than once a month.