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  • #31
    u mean nq_aim 1; cl_viswalls 1; com_ping -100 cql champs ||


    • #32
      Originally posted by R00k View Post
      u mean nq_aim 1; cl_viswalls 1; com_ping -100 cql champs
      ^^^ hit it right on the HEAD!...


      • #33
        Would be nice .
        My servers for the gamers: /

        port 26000 EuroQuake
        port 26001 EuroQuake Coop

        Offline ATM /
        Offline ATM
        port 26010 (EuroQuake)


        • #34
          *cough* _ *cough* ugh I think I'm getting a cold.


          • #35
            that sounds like a bunch of gibbersh rook.
            Cbuf_AddText (va("say ZeroQuake GL version 1.10\n"));


            • #36
              hehe haha hohoho

              dare me to post source?

              clan zero WAS a joke and if u tout u were the only member without THE hacked client then you were not a valued member.

              get over yourself. monoxide.

              neil sent me the source after he retired so i could add to the bot scan. the clan zer0 client written by "TMR" which i was told was Sense, had aimbot, clear walls, faked ping, etc.
              2tone was caught using it multiple times. So your clan was a hack even if u didnt use it. so honestly, u are a fool if u think otherwise.

              ok lets just search the code for "TMR"
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(54):kbutton_t	in_visewalls, in_wireframe; //TMR - added these
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(57):int			target;  //TMR - for aimbot
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(58):int			lasttarget; //TMR - for aimbot
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(59):int			bot_visibility; //TMR - for aimbot
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(60):cvar_t		bot_ping = {"bot_ping", "0"}; //TMR - if true, bot will get your ping from the server
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(165):void IN_AimOn (void) { // TMR - Aim on
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(171):void IN_AimOff (void) { // TMR - Aim off
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(177):void IN_ViseWallsOn (void) { //TMR - vise walls on
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(189):void IN_ViseWallsOff (void) { //TMR vise walls off
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(198):void IN_WireFrameOn (void) //TMR - wireframe on
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(211):void IN_WireFrameOff (void) //TMR - wireframe off
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(310):	if (gl_xflip.value) cl.viewangles[YAW] *= -1; //TMR - x-flip
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(319):	if (gl_xflip.value) cl.viewangles[YAW] *= -1; //TMR - x-flip
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(375):		cmd->sidemove *= -1; //TMR - x-flip
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(436):CL_Bot* //TMR - allow aimbot to adjust
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(625):		Con_DPrintf("issued bot ping request\n"); //TMR - debugging
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1066)://TMR - for pingbot
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1075):	float fakelag; //TMR - pingbot;
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1091):	//TMR - allow fake pings
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1092):	if (com_ping.value && !cl.paused && !sv.paused)//TMR - subtract from cl.mtime[0] to create a false ping
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1102):	//TMR - sending data for aimbot
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1190):extern cvar_t shownames; //TMR - show name changes
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1229)://	Cmd_AddCommand ("+showme", IN_ShowMeDown); // TMR - switch model
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1230)://	Cmd_AddCommand ("-showme", IN_ShowMeUp); // TMR - switch model
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1233):	Cvar_RegisterVariable (&com_ping); // TMR - 'synthetic' lag
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1234):	Cvar_RegisterVariable (&com_ping2); // TMR - 'synthetic' lag
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1235):	//Cvar_RegisterVariable (&lagout); // TMR - 'synthetic' lagout
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1236):	Cvar_RegisterVariable (&teammode); // TMR - teamplay for aimbot, on by default
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1237):	Cvar_RegisterVariable (&viewaim);  // TMR - change cl.viewmodels for aimbot
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1238):	Cvar_RegisterVariable (&weapacc); // TMR - weapon propogation delay
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1239):	Cvar_RegisterVariable (&mheight); // TMR - model height to aim at feet
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1240):	Cvar_RegisterVariable (&maxangle); //TMR - max angle total to target player
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1241):	Cvar_RegisterVariable (&zadjust); //TMR - target's z position adjustment for less lift
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1242):	Cvar_RegisterVariable (&shownames); //TMR - show name changes
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1243):	Cvar_RegisterVariable (&botattack); //TMR - bot goes nuts
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1244):	Cvar_RegisterVariable (&pingadjust); //TMR - +/- adjust for bot ping prediction
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1245):	Cvar_RegisterVariable (&outputpredict); //TMR - debug output for bot
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1246):	Cvar_RegisterVariable (&bot_ping); //TMR - should the bot ping the server?
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1247):	Cmd_AddCommand ("+aimon", IN_AimOn); // TMR - switch model
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1248):	Cmd_AddCommand ("-aimon", IN_AimOff); // TMR - switch model
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1249):	Cmd_AddCommand ("+visewalls", IN_ViseWallsOn); //TMR - vise walls on
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1250):	Cmd_AddCommand ("-visewalls", IN_ViseWallsOff); //TMR - vise walls off
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1251):	Cmd_AddCommand ("+wireframe", IN_WireFrameOn); //TMR - wireframe off
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1252):	Cmd_AddCommand ("-wireframe", IN_WireFrameOff); //TMR - wireframe on
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(117):		attenuation = MSG_ReadByte () * 0.015625;	// TMR - Speed
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(133):	CL_StartTimer (sound_num, pos, ent); //TMR - item timer
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(134):	CL_TrackEnt (sound_num, pos, ent); //TMR - player tracker
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(135):	//Con_Printf("%s\n", cl.sound_precache[sound_num]->name); //TMR
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(201):void CL_ModelListPrecache(char *name, int i) //TMR - added this
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(203):	//TMR - load models so i can find them easily
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(235):	//TMR - load sounds so i can find them easily
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(312):	cl.trackent = Hunk_AllocName (cl.maxclients*sizeof(*cl.trackent), "trackent"); //TMR - for entity tracking
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(376):		CL_ModelListPrecache(cl.model_precache[i]->name, i); //TMR - build list
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(386):		CL_SoundListPrecache(cl.sound_precache[i]->name, i); //TMR - build list
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(395):	Q_strcpy(cl_timerent[0].modelname, cl_entities[0].model->name); //TMR - copy model into list
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(421)://int	bitcounts[16]; //TMR - code cleanup
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(422):qboolean caeyecamnew; //TMR - for clan arena 'eyecam'
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(453):	// TMR - qbism//00-10-15 begin from DP- code cleanup
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(461):	// TMR - qbism//00-10-15 end from DP
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(546):	VectorCopy (ent->msg_origins[1], ent->msg_origins[2]); //TMR - save this for the bot
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(582):		VectorCopy (ent->msg_origins[1], ent->msg_origins[2]); //TMR - save this for the bot
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(590):	//TMR - bad place for it, but it works
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(722):			CL_100HealthUpdate(cl.viewentity - 1); //TMR - begin 100h countdown
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(895):extern cvar_t com_ping; //TMR - for bot ping calculation
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(960):			//TMR - if not negative
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(980):extern cvar_t ca_eyecam; //TMR - for clan arena 'eyecam'
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(990):	int minusping, lastplayer;		 //TMR -added this for bot support
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(991):	char name[MAX_SCOREBOARDNAME];   //TMR - added for ca eyecam
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(992):	static int caeyecam, oldentity; //TMR - added for ca eyecam
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1002):		if (*s == '-') //TMR - for negative ping
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1021):					//TMR - gotta handle the READY that gets put in the scoreboard
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1027):							if (checkping == cl.viewentity-1) //TMR - for bot ping
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1041):								Con_DPrintf("%i:Long:bot ping granted for %s\n", cl.sbar_ping, s); //TMR - debugging
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1051):						if (checkping == cl.viewentity-1) //TMR - for bot ping
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1065):							Con_DPrintf("%i:bot ping granted for %s\n", cl.sbar_ping, s); //TMR - debugging
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1108):		//	cl.botpingrequest = cl.botpingrequest && (checkping >= 0); //TMR - added for botpingrequest
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1127):				cl.timer_pause_time = cl.mtime[0]; //TMR - to handle pauses
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1137):			cl.timer_pause_time = 0; //TMR - to handle pauses
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1156):	if (ca_eyecam.value && !strncmp(string, "Tracking ", 9)) //TMR - for eyecam in clan arena
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1161):	else if (ca_eyecam.value && caeyecam && *s)	//TMR - for eyecam in clan arena
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1188):		|| !strcmp(string, "Round is a draw!\n"))) //TMR - for eyecam in clan arena
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1196):	if (!strcmp(string, "Client ping times:\n"))// && pq_scoreboard_pings.value) //TMR - for bot ping
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1199):		cl.last_bot_ping_time = cl.time; //TMR - added this for bot ping
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1201):		if (cl.sbar_ping)// || cl.botpingrequest) //TMR - added this for bot ping
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1213):cvar_t shownames = {"shownames", "0"}; //TMR for name changes
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1214):extern cvar_t antikick; //TMR - kick protection
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1215):extern kbutton_t in_aimon; //TMR - for bot lerping
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1216):extern int targetfound; //TMR - for bot lerping
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1217):extern int bot_visibility; //TMR - for bot lerping
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1218):extern vec3_t aimangles; //TMR - for bot lerping
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1219):extern int newtarget; //TMR - for bot lerping
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1241):	//TMR - this saves the initialization messages for on-the-fly demo recording
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1254):		//Con_Printf("cmd: %i %i\n", cmd, cmd&127); //TMR - debugging
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1284):			cl.mtime[2] = cl.mtime[1]; //TMR - store this for the bot
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1287):			//TMR - for bot aim lerping
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1314):				Con_Printf("Server attempted disconnect\n"); //TMR - no boot
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1379):			cl.caviewentity = cl.viewentity; //TMR - for ca eyecam
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1380):			//Con_Printf("ca_eyecam: svc_setview %i\n", cl.viewentity); //TMR - debugging
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1405):			//TMR - see who's changing names
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1410):			//Con_Printf("%s\n", cl.scores[i].name); //TMR
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1428):			//TMR - for eyecam, if more than 2 on our color and we're up in the rotation				
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1434):					//Con_Printf("ca_eyecam: reset on our color update %i\n", i+1); //TMR - debugging
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1467):						cl.timer_pause_time = cl.mtime[0]; //TMR - to handle pauses
                F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1479):						CL_TimerUnpauseAll(); //TMR - to handle pauses

              'nuff said bye!
              Last edited by R00k; 09-14-2014, 12:19 AM.


              • #37
                Oh snap!


                • #38
                  Originally posted by monoz View Post
                  that sounds like a bunch of gibbersh rook.
                  Want to get into playing Quake again? Click here for the Multiplayer-Startup kit! laissez bon temps rouler!


                  • #39
                    @solecord - I had an idea. In the left side bar it says "chat *new*". What if it said "chat (activeUserCount)" and if aUC is 0 it just says chat (or "talk to yourself" lol)?

                    Also, what if the chat wasn't an entire page but a floating pop-up window instead?
                    Last edited by MadGypsy; 09-14-2014, 07:26 AM.


                    • #40
                      +1 for gypsy's idea of a floating pop-up window for chat instead of being its own page

                      I think it would also be nice if it a bit smaller then it is now. something like this size i think would be perfect imo:

                      could always make it so that the pop-up window can be stretched to make it bigger for those who want a bigger chat-window.
                      but that size would imo be perfect for standard size when the chat popup gets opened
                      are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
                      > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
                      everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


                      • #41
                        Or even leave it a page but have a pop out option.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by R00k View Post
                          hehe haha hohoho

                          dare me to post source?

                          clan zero WAS a joke and if u tout u were the only member without THE hacked client then you were not a valued member.

                          get over yourself. monoxide.

                          neil sent me the source after he retired so i could add to the bot scan. the clan zer0 client written by "TMR" which i was told was Sense, had aimbot, clear walls, faked ping, etc.
                          2tone was caught using it multiple times. So your clan was a hack even if u didnt use it. so honestly, u are a fool if u think otherwise.

                          ok lets just search the code for "TMR"
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(54):kbutton_t	in_visewalls, in_wireframe; //TMR - added these
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(57):int			target;  //TMR - for aimbot
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(58):int			lasttarget; //TMR - for aimbot
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(59):int			bot_visibility; //TMR - for aimbot
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(60):cvar_t		bot_ping = {"bot_ping", "0"}; //TMR - if true, bot will get your ping from the server
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(165):void IN_AimOn (void) { // TMR - Aim on
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(171):void IN_AimOff (void) { // TMR - Aim off
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(177):void IN_ViseWallsOn (void) { //TMR - vise walls on
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(189):void IN_ViseWallsOff (void) { //TMR vise walls off
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(198):void IN_WireFrameOn (void) //TMR - wireframe on
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(211):void IN_WireFrameOff (void) //TMR - wireframe off
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(310):	if (gl_xflip.value) cl.viewangles[YAW] *= -1; //TMR - x-flip
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(319):	if (gl_xflip.value) cl.viewangles[YAW] *= -1; //TMR - x-flip
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(375):		cmd->sidemove *= -1; //TMR - x-flip
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(436):CL_Bot* //TMR - allow aimbot to adjust
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(625):		Con_DPrintf("issued bot ping request\n"); //TMR - debugging
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1066)://TMR - for pingbot
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1075):	float fakelag; //TMR - pingbot;
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1091):	//TMR - allow fake pings
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1092):	if (com_ping.value && !cl.paused && !sv.paused)//TMR - subtract from cl.mtime[0] to create a false ping
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1102):	//TMR - sending data for aimbot
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1190):extern cvar_t shownames; //TMR - show name changes
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1229)://	Cmd_AddCommand ("+showme", IN_ShowMeDown); // TMR - switch model
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1230)://	Cmd_AddCommand ("-showme", IN_ShowMeUp); // TMR - switch model
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1233):	Cvar_RegisterVariable (&com_ping); // TMR - 'synthetic' lag
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1234):	Cvar_RegisterVariable (&com_ping2); // TMR - 'synthetic' lag
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1235):	//Cvar_RegisterVariable (&lagout); // TMR - 'synthetic' lagout
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1236):	Cvar_RegisterVariable (&teammode); // TMR - teamplay for aimbot, on by default
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1237):	Cvar_RegisterVariable (&viewaim);  // TMR - change cl.viewmodels for aimbot
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1238):	Cvar_RegisterVariable (&weapacc); // TMR - weapon propogation delay
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1239):	Cvar_RegisterVariable (&mheight); // TMR - model height to aim at feet
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1240):	Cvar_RegisterVariable (&maxangle); //TMR - max angle total to target player
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1241):	Cvar_RegisterVariable (&zadjust); //TMR - target's z position adjustment for less lift
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1242):	Cvar_RegisterVariable (&shownames); //TMR - show name changes
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1243):	Cvar_RegisterVariable (&botattack); //TMR - bot goes nuts
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1244):	Cvar_RegisterVariable (&pingadjust); //TMR - +/- adjust for bot ping prediction
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1245):	Cvar_RegisterVariable (&outputpredict); //TMR - debug output for bot
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1246):	Cvar_RegisterVariable (&bot_ping); //TMR - should the bot ping the server?
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1247):	Cmd_AddCommand ("+aimon", IN_AimOn); // TMR - switch model
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1248):	Cmd_AddCommand ("-aimon", IN_AimOff); // TMR - switch model
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1249):	Cmd_AddCommand ("+visewalls", IN_ViseWallsOn); //TMR - vise walls on
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1250):	Cmd_AddCommand ("-visewalls", IN_ViseWallsOff); //TMR - vise walls off
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1251):	Cmd_AddCommand ("+wireframe", IN_WireFrameOn); //TMR - wireframe off
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1252):	Cmd_AddCommand ("-wireframe", IN_WireFrameOff); //TMR - wireframe on
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(117):		attenuation = MSG_ReadByte () * 0.015625;	// TMR - Speed
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(133):	CL_StartTimer (sound_num, pos, ent); //TMR - item timer
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(134):	CL_TrackEnt (sound_num, pos, ent); //TMR - player tracker
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(135):	//Con_Printf("%s\n", cl.sound_precache[sound_num]->name); //TMR
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(201):void CL_ModelListPrecache(char *name, int i) //TMR - added this
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(203):	//TMR - load models so i can find them easily
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(235):	//TMR - load sounds so i can find them easily
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(312):	cl.trackent = Hunk_AllocName (cl.maxclients*sizeof(*cl.trackent), "trackent"); //TMR - for entity tracking
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(376):		CL_ModelListPrecache(cl.model_precache[i]->name, i); //TMR - build list
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(386):		CL_SoundListPrecache(cl.sound_precache[i]->name, i); //TMR - build list
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(395):	Q_strcpy(cl_timerent[0].modelname, cl_entities[0].model->name); //TMR - copy model into list
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(421)://int	bitcounts[16]; //TMR - code cleanup
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(422):qboolean caeyecamnew; //TMR - for clan arena 'eyecam'
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(453):	// TMR - qbism//00-10-15 begin from DP- code cleanup
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(461):	// TMR - qbism//00-10-15 end from DP
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(546):	VectorCopy (ent->msg_origins[1], ent->msg_origins[2]); //TMR - save this for the bot
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(582):		VectorCopy (ent->msg_origins[1], ent->msg_origins[2]); //TMR - save this for the bot
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(590):	//TMR - bad place for it, but it works
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(722):			CL_100HealthUpdate(cl.viewentity - 1); //TMR - begin 100h countdown
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(895):extern cvar_t com_ping; //TMR - for bot ping calculation
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(960):			//TMR - if not negative
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(980):extern cvar_t ca_eyecam; //TMR - for clan arena 'eyecam'
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(990):	int minusping, lastplayer;		 //TMR -added this for bot support
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(991):	char name[MAX_SCOREBOARDNAME];   //TMR - added for ca eyecam
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(992):	static int caeyecam, oldentity; //TMR - added for ca eyecam
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1002):		if (*s == '-') //TMR - for negative ping
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1021):					//TMR - gotta handle the READY that gets put in the scoreboard
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1027):							if (checkping == cl.viewentity-1) //TMR - for bot ping
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1041):								Con_DPrintf("%i:Long:bot ping granted for %s\n", cl.sbar_ping, s); //TMR - debugging
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1051):						if (checkping == cl.viewentity-1) //TMR - for bot ping
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1065):							Con_DPrintf("%i:bot ping granted for %s\n", cl.sbar_ping, s); //TMR - debugging
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1108):		//	cl.botpingrequest = cl.botpingrequest && (checkping >= 0); //TMR - added for botpingrequest
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1127):				cl.timer_pause_time = cl.mtime[0]; //TMR - to handle pauses
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1137):			cl.timer_pause_time = 0; //TMR - to handle pauses
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1156):	if (ca_eyecam.value && !strncmp(string, "Tracking ", 9)) //TMR - for eyecam in clan arena
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1161):	else if (ca_eyecam.value && caeyecam && *s)	//TMR - for eyecam in clan arena
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1188):		|| !strcmp(string, "Round is a draw!\n"))) //TMR - for eyecam in clan arena
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1196):	if (!strcmp(string, "Client ping times:\n"))// && pq_scoreboard_pings.value) //TMR - for bot ping
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1199):		cl.last_bot_ping_time = cl.time; //TMR - added this for bot ping
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1201):		if (cl.sbar_ping)// || cl.botpingrequest) //TMR - added this for bot ping
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1213):cvar_t shownames = {"shownames", "0"}; //TMR for name changes
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1214):extern cvar_t antikick; //TMR - kick protection
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1215):extern kbutton_t in_aimon; //TMR - for bot lerping
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1216):extern int targetfound; //TMR - for bot lerping
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1217):extern int bot_visibility; //TMR - for bot lerping
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1218):extern vec3_t aimangles; //TMR - for bot lerping
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1219):extern int newtarget; //TMR - for bot lerping
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1241):	//TMR - this saves the initialization messages for on-the-fly demo recording
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1254):		//Con_Printf("cmd: %i %i\n", cmd, cmd&127); //TMR - debugging
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1284):			cl.mtime[2] = cl.mtime[1]; //TMR - store this for the bot
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1287):			//TMR - for bot aim lerping
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1314):				Con_Printf("Server attempted disconnect\n"); //TMR - no boot
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1379):			cl.caviewentity = cl.viewentity; //TMR - for ca eyecam
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1380):			//Con_Printf("ca_eyecam: svc_setview %i\n", cl.viewentity); //TMR - debugging
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1405):			//TMR - see who's changing names
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1410):			//Con_Printf("%s\n", cl.scores[i].name); //TMR
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1428):			//TMR - for eyecam, if more than 2 on our color and we're up in the rotation				
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1434):					//Con_Printf("ca_eyecam: reset on our color update %i\n", i+1); //TMR - debugging
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1467):						cl.timer_pause_time = cl.mtime[0]; //TMR - to handle pauses
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_parse.c(1479):						CL_TimerUnpauseAll(); //TMR - to handle pauses

                          'nuff said bye!
                          I was absent during this period of the "CQL" or "JOKE LEAGUE" as it was described to me. However you mentioned "2tone" and i do remember him fairly well. I also do remember he connected to "NetDoor" FFA server year's back using "Leofbot?" I believe is the name of it. I caught him talking to someone else about it and they went back to IRC and posted the IP address which was "NetDoor FFA" server. I joined under an alias and they were discussing it on the server and saying things like you can toggle the aim on and off and so forth. Heck if i remember correctly even "jake aka tical" used that same one. However if it was not that one i still know he used one repeatedly and he admitted to it unlike most.


                          • #43
                            r00k is this the reason i seen people connect with "negative" pings??

                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1075): float fakelag; //TMR - pingbot;
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1091): //TMR - allow fake pings
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1092): if (com_ping.value && !cl.paused && !sv.paused)//TMR - subtract from cl.mtime[0] to create a false ping
                            F:\quake_dev\Cheat\cl_input.c(1102): //TMR - sending data for aimbot

                            I use to see player's connect with unreal pings for back in those times and some were even a negative number like -3, -10, -15 and so forth. They would leave and come back and then you would see it go from 20-40 or better..

                            I used a ping bot once along time ago when i joined clan TK, however it was not a cheat to help me in game it was only a cheat to show my ping being different then the original 200 that it was.


                            • #44
                              no in this day, people CAN use maxfps >1000

                              only Darkplaces shows a true ping regardless of the maxfps.

                              maxfps can fubar the ping report.

                              but 1 line of code can fake a true ping....

                              why have pings displayed anyways? it's like "this guy sux" , "no i dont -- look at my ping!" blah blah cry whine piss//

                              would be better to have accuracy on the scoreboard
                              Last edited by R00k; 09-14-2014, 04:56 PM.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by R00k View Post
                                no in this day, people CAN use maxfps >1000

                                only Darkplaces shows a true ping regardless of the maxfps.

                                maxfps can fubar the ping report.

                                but 1 line of code can fake a true ping....

                                why have pings displayed anyways? it's like "this guy sux" , "no i dont -- look at my ping!" blah blah cry whine piss//

                                would be better to have accuracy on the scoreboard
                                Ok, what i meant to say is "negative pings in the 90s/early 2000's..."
                                I've never seen a negative ping since i returned in 2011. 0 is the lowest i have seen it.

                                I agree, i think only the client should see their own ping and no one elses ping. That should go for all games.

