Experimentally, the server browser block includes a Twitter feed widget that current shows logged activity from Texas CRMOD server ( dm.quaketx.com ).
This thread is collect any feedback on the idea.
This was Tremor's idea. I've spend a bit of time getting it to integrate into the site, although the way is it placed might not be the best.
If this proves a keeper, likely some of the less popular servers that are front-paged will be trimmed. Any server with 2 or more players automatically displays in the server browser block anyway.
This thread is collect any feedback on the idea.
This was Tremor's idea. I've spend a bit of time getting it to integrate into the site, although the way is it placed might not be the best.
If this proves a keeper, likely some of the less popular servers that are front-paged will be trimmed. Any server with 2 or more players automatically displays in the server browser block anyway.