" Player died "
"As the corpse of the monstrous entity Chthon sinks back into the lava whence it rose, you grip the Rune of Earth Magic tightly. Now that you have conquered the Dimension of the Doomed, realm of Earth Magic, you are ready to complete your task."
Chthon is the end boss of the first episode, Dimension of the Doomed. You can find him in The House of Chthon, which is preceded by The Door to Chthon. He resides in a pool of lava, emerging once you pick up the episode's rune. He attacks by hurling explosive lava bombs (which, on Hard difficulty, are aimed ahead of moving targets). The lava bombs do the same amount of damage as a player's rocket (which is at least 100 upon a direct hit).
He is immune to player based weapons (via self.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO;), and can be damaged only by electrical prongs residing in the ceiling of his house, the code for which can be found in boss.
qc. Switches are located near both of the prongs, and at the center-end of the level is a switch to activate them,
electrocuting Chthon. On Easy skill you only need to do this once, but otherwise it will take three jolts. Upon death he
sinks back into the lava, and a bridge forms over the sulfurous mass allowing you access to an exit from the arena.
In Quake 1, the Chthon is the final boss at the end of the first episode (and first boss out of two in the game). It is a large
monster that lives in the pool of lava that centres the House of Chthon. Its face is seemingly armored with cooled down
molten rock, with the rest of his body a bright red, relecting the lava.
The Chthon's only attack is to pick up balls of molten rock from his pool and throw them at the player. These rocks deal
a considerable amount of damage of between 100 to 120 for a direct hit. Which shows that getting hit but once would be
enough to kill a player who doesn't have armour or the mega-health power up (Easy only). Luckily even on Nightmare,
the Chthon's attack is easy to dodge and the only real threat is not watching where the rocks are flying through the air
whilst the player is concretrating on hitting the floor panals, though this is rare.
Chthon can not be hurt by the player's normal weapons due to his impregniable armour. However, there is a trap set in
the ceiling of the House of Chthon where the player does battle with the Chthon. To defeat this boss, the player must ride
to the first floor and activate the two floor panals either side of the House. This lowers two electro pylons either side of
the Chython. Then the floor panal at the far end can be used to activate the pylons, zapping the Chthon and damaging
him. On Easy this need be done only once to kill him, on Medium, Hard and Nightmare, 3 hits are needed to sink the
demon back into the pit of lava, from whence it rose.
"As the corpse of the monstrous entity Chthon sinks back into the lava whence it rose, you grip the Rune of Earth
Magic tightly. Now that you have conquered the Dimension of the Doomed, realm of Earth Magic, you are ready to complete your task"
— Quake 1
- Name: Chthon orBoss;
- Health: -;
- Attack: Throws lavaballs at you;
- Information: Mighty Chthon, stuck in his little arena yet wrecking havoc all over the dimensions. He throws
lavaballs on uninvited visitors so keep a bit of a distance, will you?; - Message of death: "Player died";
- File Position: Quake/id1/progs/boss.mdl;
- Health to gib: -;
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Thanks a lot QuakeWiki, Quake Wiki, Speed Demos Archive, Ritualistic.com, Quaddicted and Giant Bomb for
some the information on this page and other of this site. We recommend visiting their sites for further study.