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Running Multiple Engines Against 1 ID1 (or mod) Folder

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  • Running Multiple Engines Against 1 ID1 (or mod) Folder

    The concepts stated below were intended to be utilized from the radiant build menu. From that angle, the possibilities that this creates make sense. Be warned however that, this script is incomplete in the sense that a solid way to juggle .cfg files was never implemented. I remember that my method was going to be to store .cfg files in the engine folder that corresponds, and upon using that engine, it's .cfg would overwrite whatever .cfg is in the ID1 folder. To handle if a change was made to the config between opening and closing the engine was going to be a manual system (ie you move the new .cfg to the proper engine folder). I understand that isn't ideal but the original purpose of this was to allow map developers to test their maps on numerous engines, and my line of thinking was: if someone is going so vanilla there probably wouldn't be many changes being made to .cfg files.

    With no further ado, How to do it...

    The entire meat and potatoes of this relies on 2 things

    1) Directory Structure

    ignore proxy.bat. It's purpose was radiant related and isn't necessary for using my scripts this way.

    2) Run.bat

    I put a bunch of stuff in here that is not necessary but, can be handy to force certain results early on

    :: turn off console printing for a moment
    @echo off
    :: set some user options
    set height=720
    set width=1200
    set conheight=480
    set conwidth=768
    set gamename=id1
    :: set path to the directory which this bat resides in
    set path=%~dp0
    :: change CWD to current directory
    cd /d %path%
    :: turn printing back on
    :: make sure there is any data at all
    if "%1" EQU "" goto ENG_ERR
    :: make sure there is a map name
    if "%2" EQU "" (goTo MAP_ERR) else set map=%~n2
    :: print out the current commandline variables
    ECHO Label: %1
    ECHO -basedir %path%
    ECHO -game %gamename%
    ECHO +map: %map%
    :: determine which engine was chosen
    if "%1" EQU "darkplaces" goto DP
    if "%1" EQU "darkplaces_develop" goto DP_DEV
    if "%1" EQU "fitzquake" goto FQ
    if "%1" EQU "proquake" goto PQ
    if "%1" EQU "qbismsuper8" goto QBS8
    if "%1" EQU "fteqw" goto FTE
    if "%1" EQU "qrack" goto QR
    if "%1" EQU "quakespasm" goto QS
    if "%1" EQU "directq" goto DQ
    :: unrecognized label
    ECHO their is no engine path associated with this label: %1
    goto END
    :: there are no commands
    ECHO you didn't specify anything
    goto END
    :: no map name was specified
    ECHO you didn't specify a map
    goto END
    :: run the commandline that corresponds with the "case" provided by %1
    set engine=%path%darkplaces\darkplaces.exe
    ECHO Engine Path: %engine%
    %engine% -basedir %path% -game %gamename% +map %map% -width %width% -height %height% -conwidth %conwidth% -conheight %conheight% -window
    goto END
    set engine=%path%darkplaces\darkplaces.exe
    ECHO Engine Path: %engine%
    %engine% -basedir %path% -game %gamename% +map %map% -width %width% -height %height% -conwidth %conwidth% -conheight %conheight% -window
    goto END
    set engine=%path%fitzquake\fitzquake085.exe
    ECHO Engine Path: %engine%
    %engine% -basedir %path% -game %gamename% +map %map% -width %width% -height %height% -conwidth %conwidth% -conheight %conheight% -window -bpp 32
    goto END
    set engine=%path%proquake\glpro493.exe
    ECHO Engine Path: %engine%
    %engine% -basedir %path% -game %gamename% +map %map% -width %width% -height %height% -conwidth %conwidth% -conheight %conheight% -window -bpp 32
    goto END
    set engine=%path%fteqw\fteqw.exe
    ECHO Engine Path: %engine%
    %engine% -basedir %path% -game %gamename% +map %map% -width %width% -height %height% -conwidth %conwidth% -conheight %conheight% -window
    goto END
    set engine=%path%qbismsuper8\qbismS8.exe
    ECHO Engine Path: %engine%
    %engine% -nocdaudio -basedir %path% -game %gamename% +map %map%
    goto END
    set engine=%path%qrack\glQrack.exe
    ECHO Engine Path: %engine%
    %engine% -basedir %path% -game %gamename% +map %map% -width %width% -height %height% -conwidth %conwidth% -conheight %conheight% -window -bpp 32
    goto END
    set engine=%path%quakespasm\quakespasm.exe
    ECHO Engine Path: %engine%
    %engine% -nocdaudio -basedir %path% -game %gamename% +map %map%
    goto END
    set engine=%path%directq\DirectQ.exe
    ECHO Engine Path: %engine%
    %engine% -basedir %path% -game %gamename% +map %map% -width %width% -height %height% -conwidth %conwidth% -conheight %conheight% -window -bpp 32
    goto END
    note that double colons denote a comment whereas, single colon is a label. Also, EQU is a comparison equals (==).

    To utilize this script is simple:

    :> Run.bat "fitzquake" "e1m1"

    A menu could be made fairly easy where each engine would be tied to a %choice% and then you are asked to type the mapname. Maybe I'll spin a simple one today. I forgot I can program in this language, and it might be fun to play with it for a minute.

    Edit: whoops I forgot to implement the -developer flag in the DP_DEV build. I didn't add it in during this edit cause I don't remember if there is more to it and I don't feel like looking it up.

    Edit2: I remember that QubismSuper8 does not like this method at all. I never could get it to run properly. The rest of the engines work fine.
    Last edited by MadGypsy; 03-25-2015, 07:08 AM.

  • #2
    You are solving the symptoms of the disease with a tool you know how to use because it happens to be available.

    Which is normal and everyone does that. Before I started modifying engines, I made a launcher ( ProQuake Launcher ) because it was something I knew how to do vs. the correct solution which was making ProQuake friendlier (which I had no clue at all how to do at the time -- I didn't know C nor would I have been able to even compile Quake at the time.)

    But really are you solving a problem here or adding another piece of complexity and fragility?

    Extra info:
    I made an engine that flat out ignores other engines .cfg and still gets it settings if another engine stomps it without writing anything to the Quake folder or otherwise being obtrusive.

    (A beta Mark V in December over at func).

    Unfortunately, doing such things like that requires far more skill and planning than anyone should ever have.

    Which is the feeble state of our technology and programming languages, which are basically primitive neanderthal level programming tools/languages. - Being exactly one-half good and one-half evil has advantages. When a portal opens to the antimatter universe, my opposite is just me with a goatee.

    So while you guys all have to fight your anti-matter counterparts, me and my evil twin will be drinking a beer laughing at you guys ...


    • #3
      Well, I just made something possible via the simplest method I was aware of (.bat). From the radiant angle, this is the foundation of something that could be very helpful, especially to vanilla quake mod authors. Instead of having a zillion quake(NUM) directories and having to constantly hop around to test various engines, this puts it all in one place...and even one menu (in radiant).

      	<build name="RUN DARKPLACES MAP">
      		<command>[Run] darkplaces "[MapFile]"</command>
      	<build name="RUN DP -DEVELOPER MAP">
      		<command>[Run] darkplaces "[MapFile]"</command>
      	<build name="RUN DIRECTQ MAP">
      		<command>[Run] directq "[MapFile]"</command>
      	<build name="RUN FITZQUAKE MAP">
      		<command>[Run] fitzquake "[MapFile]"</command>
      	<build name="RUN FTEQW MAP">
      		<command>[Run] fteqw "[MapFile]"</command>
      	<build name="RUN PROQUAKE MAP">
      		<command>[Run] proquake "[MapFile]"</command>
      	<build name="RUN QBISM SUPER 8 MAP">
      		<command>[Run] qbismsuper8 "[MapFile]"</command>
      	<build name="RUN QRACK MAP">
      		<command>[Run] qrack "[MapFile]"</command>
      	<build name="RUN QUAKESPASM MAP">
      		<command>[Run] quakespasm "[MapFile]"</command>
      aside: hmmmm maybe the commandline doesn't need the engine to be quoted. My run.bat would actually catch the quotes to some degree and tell you that "someEngine" is not recognized. You'd have to be on your toes to realize the quotes are the problem though.

      From a user perspective this probably has little or no use. I think it's still pretty cool though.

      @But really are you solving a problem here or adding another piece of complexity and fragility?

      complexity and fragility, for sure. It is what it is. Someone may find it useful.


      • #4
        TRue, when building a map, pressing a single button to test would be immensely helpful. The ability to test on multiple engines; that's just smart. ||


        • #5
          OK, I have a wild hair to make this better in a simple way.

          finished product (will be):

          1) engine choice menu (bat style) - selection prompts...
          2) mapname input - input prompts...
          3) "black box"
          a) reads a txt file with engineName of last engine and overwrites engineName/.cfg with whatever .cfg is in id1(modGame)
          b) compares currentEngineName to engineName
          c) if (different) overwrite id1(modGame)/.cfg with currentEngineName/.cfg
          d) start map in engine

          the little txt file is going to be the hardest part. I could rip my engine choice menu straight from my old radiant menu, which let's you make some other kind of choice, reword some stuff, done.
          Last edited by MadGypsy; 03-25-2015, 08:31 AM.


          • #6
            I haven't programmed in the .cfg switcheroo but I made the menu. The current scripts are:

            menu.bat - this could take the place of proxy.bat in the image of my documents tree. It allows you to choose an engine, input a -game (or press enter to default to id1), and input a +map.
            @ECHO off
            cd /d %~dp0
            set engine=0
            ECHO 1. darkplaces
            ECHO 2. darkplaces -developer
            ECHO 3. fitzquake
            ECHO 4. proquake
            ECHO 5. fteqw
            ECHO 6. qrack
            ECHO 7. quakespasm
            ECHO 8. directq
            ECHO 9. qubismsuper8
            set /p choice=Choose the number that corresponds to your desired engine and press enter: 
            if not "%choice%"=="" set choice=%choice:~0,1%
            if "%choice%"=="1" set engine=darkplaces
            if "%choice%"=="2" set engine=darkplaces_develop
            if "%choice%"=="3" set engine=fitzquake
            if "%choice%"=="4" set engine=proquake
            if "%choice%"=="5" set engine=fteqw
            if "%choice%"=="6" set engine=qrack
            if "%choice%"=="7" set engine=quakespasm
            if "%choice%"=="8" set engine=directq
            if "%choice%"=="9" set engine=qubismsuper8
            if not "%engine%"=="0" goto FOLDER
            ECHO "%choice%" is not a valid choice. Try again
            goto ENGINE
            set /p modGame=Type the -game for your map and press enter. Press enter only for -game id1:
            if "%modGame%"=="" set modGame=id1
            set /p mapName=type the name of your map and press enter:
            if not "%mapName%"=="" goto LAUNCH
            ECHO You didn't supply a mapName. Try again.
            goto MAP
            start blackbox.bat %engine% %modGame% %mapName%
            blackbox.bat - this is the run.bat I posted earlier with a few slight modifications
            :: turn off console printing for a moment
            @echo off
            ::set some user options
            set height=720
            set width=1200
            set conheight=480
            set conwidth=768
            ::set path to the directory which this bat resides in
            set path=%~dp0
            ::change CWD to current directory
            cd /d %path%
            :: turn printing back on
            :: make sure there is any data at all
            if "%1" EQU "" goto ENG_ERR
            :: make sure a modFolder has been assigned 
            if "%2" EQU "" (goto MGM_ERR) else set gamename=%2
            ::make sure there is a map name
            if "%3" EQU "" (goto MAP_ERR) else set map=%~n3
            ::print out the current commandline variables
            ECHO Label: %1
            ECHO -basedir %path%
            ECHO -game %gamename%
            ECHO +map: %map%
            ::determine which engine was chosen
            if "%1" EQU "darkplaces" goto DP
            if "%1" EQU "darkplaces_develop" goto DP_DEV
            if "%1" EQU "fitzquake" goto FQ
            if "%1" EQU "proquake" goto PQ
            if "%1" EQU "qbismsuper8" goto QBS8
            if "%1" EQU "fteqw" goto FTE
            if "%1" EQU "qrack" goto QR
            if "%1" EQU "quakespasm" goto QS
            if "%1" EQU "directq" goto DQ
            ::unrecognized label
            ECHO their is no engine path associated with this label: %1
            goto END
            ::no gameFolder was specified
            ECHO no gameFolder was specified: %2
            goto END
            ::there are no commands
            ECHO you didn't specify anything
            goto END
            ::no map name was specified
            ECHO you didn't specify a map
            goto END
            :: run the commandline that corresponds with the "case" provided by %1
            set engine=%path%darkplaces\darkplaces.exe
            ECHO Engine Path: %engine%
            %engine% -basedir %path% -game %gamename% +map %map% -width %width% -height %height% -conwidth %conwidth% -conheight %conheight% -window
            goto END
            set engine=%path%darkplaces\darkplaces.exe
            ECHO Engine Path: %engine%
            %engine% -basedir %path% -game %gamename% +map %map% -width %width% -height %height% -conwidth %conwidth% -conheight %conheight% -window
            goto END
            set engine=%path%fitzquake\fitzquake085.exe
            ECHO Engine Path: %engine%
            %engine% -basedir %path% -game %gamename% +map %map% -width %width% -height %height% -conwidth %conwidth% -conheight %conheight% -window -bpp 32
            goto END
            set engine=%path%proquake\glpro493.exe
            ECHO Engine Path: %engine%
            %engine% -basedir %path% -game %gamename% +map %map% -width %width% -height %height% -conwidth %conwidth% -conheight %conheight% -window -bpp 32
            goto END
            set engine=%path%fteqw\fteqw.exe
            ECHO Engine Path: %engine%
            %engine% -basedir %path% -game %gamename% +map %map% -width %width% -height %height% -conwidth %conwidth% -conheight %conheight% -window
            goto END
            set engine=%path%qbismsuper8\qbismS8.exe
            ECHO Engine Path: %engine%
            %engine% -nocdaudio -basedir %path% -game %gamename% +map %map%
            goto END
            set engine=%path%qrack\glQrack.exe
            ECHO Engine Path: %engine%
            %engine% -basedir %path% -game %gamename% +map %map% -width %width% -height %height% -conwidth %conwidth% -conheight %conheight% -window -bpp 32
            goto END
            set engine=%path%quakespasm\quakespasm.exe
            ECHO Engine Path: %engine%
            %engine% -nocdaudio -basedir %path% -game %gamename% +map %map%
            goto END
            set engine=%path%directq\DirectQ.exe
            ECHO Engine Path: %engine%
            %engine% -basedir %path% -game %gamename% +map %map% -width %width% -height %height% -conwidth %conwidth% -conheight %conheight% -window -bpp 32
            goto END
            Last edited by MadGypsy; 03-25-2015, 10:47 AM.


            • #7
              thats an interesting idea, and i can see how this could be usefull for mappers,
              to be able to quickly test out their map in multiple engines without needing multiple setups
              are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
              > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
              everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


              • #8
                I changed a bunch of stuff. This is far more complicated now (lol). Stay tuned...

                mini spoiler: I wrote a bat script that does everything I want... menu, results, etc but, I built most of an hta file that can bypass a big chunk of the bat and get the same results. I also did some massive reconsidering as to how I build a command line. The script is much leaner than before.
                Last edited by MadGypsy; 03-25-2015, 08:20 PM.


                • #9
                  its nice seeing .bats used properly even today.

                  im learning newer stuff! nom, nom.


                  • #10
                    son of a bitch. I just made a sizable post, hit submit and realized I wasn't connected to the internet....grrrrr. I will write it again.

                    Here is the latest bat. Many changes have been made
                    :: turn off console printing for a moment
                    @echo off
                    ::config some display options
                    set usedef=0
                    set useopt=0
                    ::set path to the directory which this bat resides in
                    set path=%~dp0
                    set /p default=<%path%gqe\configs\cmln
                    ::change CWD to current directory
                    cd /d %path%
                    ::check if this is being caslled from the hta menu
                    if not "%1"=="" goto FROM_HTA
                    goto ENGINE
                    ::if %1 was assigned these need to be assigned as well
                    set engine=%1
                    if "%2"=="" (goto GAM_ERR) else set gameName=%2
                    if "%3"=="" (goto MAP_ERR) else set mapName=%~n3
                    goto LAUNCH
                    ::unspecified stuff
                    ECHO -game was unspecified
                    ECHO +map was unspecified
                    goto END
                    ECHO 1. darkplaces
                    ECHO 2. directq
                    ECHO 3. fitzquake
                    ECHO 4. fteqw
                    ECHO 5. proquake
                    ECHO 6. qrack
                    ECHO 7. qbismS8
                    ECHO 8. quakespasm
                    set /p choice=Choose the number that corresponds to your desired engine and press enter: 
                    if not "%choice%"=="" set choice=%choice:~0,2%
                    if "%choice%"=="1" set engine=darkplaces
                    if "%choice%"=="2" set engine=DirectQ
                    if "%choice%"=="3" set engine=fitzquake085
                    if "%choice%"=="4" set engine=fteqw
                    if "%choice%"=="5" set engine=glpro493
                    if "%choice%"=="6" set engine=glQrack
                    if "%choice%"=="7" set engine=qbismS8
                    if "%choice%"=="8" set engine=quakespasm
                    if not "%engine%"=="0" goto FOLDER
                    ECHO "%choice%" is not a valid choice. Try again
                    goto ENGINE
                    set /p gameName=Type the -game for your map and press enter. Press enter only for -game id1:
                    if "%gameName%"=="" set gameName=id1
                    set /p mapName=type the name of your map and press enter:
                    if not "%mapName%"=="" goto LAUNCH
                    ECHO You didn't supply a mapName. Try again.
                    goto MAP
                    set /p optional=<%path%gqe\configs\%engine%\cmln
                    set enginePath=%path%engines\%engine%\
                    cd /d %enginePath%
                    if not "%default%"=="" goto DEF_CHOICE
                    if not "%optional%"=="" goto OPT_CHOICE
                    goto DEFAULTS
                    set /p usedef=Use default commandline options (y/n):
                    if not "%optional%"=="" goto OPT_CHOICE
                    goto DEFAULTS
                    set /p useopt=Use default commandline options (y/n):
                    goto DEFAULTS
                    set "base=-basedir %path% -game %gameName% +map %mapName%"
                    if "%usedef%"=="y" set "base=%base% %default%"
                    if "%useopt%"=="y" set "base=%base% %optional%"
                    Echo cmd line: %base%
                    %engine%.exe %base%
                    goto END
                    To undersdtand the bat you have to understand some changes that have been made to the directory structure.

                    1) engines are all now in Quake/engines and the engine folders are named after the executable that will be used for that engine (ex - if you use darkplaces-sdl.exe then the folder would need to be named darkplaces-sdl)
                    2) a configs folder has been created (Quake/GQE/configs) in this folder is one file (cmln - no extension) and a complete copy of all of the engine folders (without the engine inside). Inside the engine folders are blank cmln files. The cmln file in the configs folder is the default and is supposed to be used for switches that are unspecific to engines (conwidth, conheight, window, etc). The cmln file in each of the engine folders is meant to be used for engine specific switches. The engine folders (in configs) will also be used to store juggled config.cfg files.

                    I have done everything to the bat except the .cfg juggler. I have also made an hta facade for the bat. You can use either way. Bat alone will give you ugly bat menu and the hta way will give you pretty menu. The results between either are identical cause the hta file uses the bat for results.

                    Let's step through the bat menu

                    Choose an engine 1 through 8 (there is a visible list): 1
                    Choose -game value or press enter for id1: ENTER
                    Choose a map name: e1m2
                    Found default commandline, include (y/n): y
                    Found optional commandline include (y/n): y

                    commandline: darkplaces.exe -basedir a/path -game id1 +map e1m2 -width 1366 -height 768 -developer

                    where -width & -height were in the configs/cmdl file and -developer was in the configs/darkplaces/cmln file

                    I have to work today but I can probably finish this up tonight. Only thing left is cfg juggling.

                    @its nice seeing .bats used properly even today.

                    If I'm doing this "properly" I assure you it is an accident

                    EXTRA: The bat menu is designed to catch user mistakes and start the mistake portion of the questionairre over. Of course it doesn't bother to find mistakes like game and map names that don't exist but if you accidentally submit nothing it will back up and let you write in the "something". This isn't some big deal but it does give an example of how I program things beyond simply working. Another example of this is: If you ex have an empty cmln file (either) it won't even ask you if you want to include it. It knows (spooky music) lol.

                    Why did I implement external files for commandline switches

                    The answer is simple. I want the system to be expandable with little work. The old commandline method hard coded "extras" into the bat. This meant that every engine had to have it's own label with a repetitive yet mildly different set of instructions. By using my cmln way, 1 cmln file can cover the generic switches for all engines and you only need to go to the engine specific cmln files for well, engine specific switches. In many cases there won't even be any, but if there are there is a very clear structure on how to include them, and that structure doesn't include fucking with the bat (ie the job file that you will probably break).

                    There is only one spot in the bat that should ever be appended to - the engine choice list. This can be done by simply duplicating the last line and changing 2 var values


                    last line:
                    if "%choice%"=="8" set engine=quakespasm
                    possible change:
                    if "%choice%"=="9" set engine=tenebrae

                    oh you would need to add that in one more place

                    ECHO 8. quakespasm
                    ECHO 9. tenabrae

                    batwise adding an engine is nothing more than these 2 steps.

                    To fully add an engine you would also need to add the engine to the Quake/engines folder and name that folder after the executable you will use. You would also need to go to Quake/GQE/configs, copy an engine folder, paste it and rename it whatever you named the folder you just included in engines. YOu would then need to open up the cmln file and either delete its contents if any and/or add engine specific commandline switches. Maybe I will include a "blank" template folder in these places.

                    to add an engine to the hta file is also very simple
                    just duplicate one of the <option> nodes in the form and change it's value to the name of the engine folder you created. Hmmm, maybe I can handle all of this with an "other" system where all someone has to do is dump the engine in the "other" folder and rename the EXECUTABLE other.exe... go the other way with it and supply all the empty "other" folder/options.

                    And finally, what is GQE?

                    Gypsy's Quake Enginator, of course (yep I'm back on the "nator" names)

                    This little project is pretty fun. In my normal vein of not being satisfied with one simple language this project is built using - BAT script, VBScript, CSS, HTML & JQuery. Too bad you don't all have a personal server (probably) I'm sure I could figure out a way to include some php and sql to the mix. Just be glad I stayed away from flash, that's always were I start going waaaay too complicated and generally never finish. Not because flash is complicated but because I start seeing where other projects could be implemented and before you know it I'm making 50 things instead of 1. A good example of this is my penchant to not be satisfied with xml so I pull out the object parser, but unfortunately that reminds me of how I wanted to utilize the object parser and the next thing you know I'm building some Object driven display engine instead of the thing I initially started making. That isn't going to happen this time. Mostly cause I am already about finished. HTML is fine for this cause there isn't a whole ass load of possibilities. The html menu is actually very very simple. The HTML menu is also completely unnecessary. I just made it cause I can.
                    Last edited by MadGypsy; 03-26-2015, 08:03 AM.


                    • #11
                      HTA update

                      I seriously need to work on my css (cause there basically is none, yet) but, there are super cool things going on in this image.

                      I started thinking about my command line system and I wanted the files to be easier to access. It's hard to tell but, the second checkbox is disabled. This is because both of those checkboxes start off disabled, then vbscript checks to see if the files exist AND if they are not blank. Checkboxes only become abled if it's corresponding cmln file meets both of the aforementioned criteria. In the case of the image the cmln file for darkplaces was empty.

                      There are 2 things to add here and I am going to add them both in just a minute.

                      1) when the selection changes in the engine dropdown the engine cmln file needs to refresh to the one for that engine (simple...I just need to plug it up)

                      2) a simple save button needs to be made and placed next to each of the checkboxes. When the save button is clicked the cmln textarea will again need to refresh. This is because it has to be tested that the file actually contains something to make the checkbox abled. Currently it defaults to: if the cmln file is populated, the checkboxes auto check on assumption. You can of course uncheck either or both.

                      After that is a trip through the css and finally write a cfg juggler.

                      It's ugly right now but, it completely works. I've even tested it with rogue and hipnotic, on many engines, no issues.


                      • #12
                        the "quake enginator"?
                        its so ridiculous sounding its awesome, i love it


                        one idea would be to perhaps add a skill selector below map-selection

                        it would be usefull to be able to start a map in any selected skill, so you can quickly test how well-balanced your map is in different skills
                        are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
                        > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
                        everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


                        • #13
                          @add skill selector
                          -how? skill is a console command.

                          @ridiculous name = awesome


                          • #14
                            you can also add the parameter +skill when starting an engine to immediately set the skill
                            are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
                            > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
                            everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


                            • #15
                              oh, then you can already set the skill. just add +skill NUM to one of the cmln files. If that is a switch all engines recognize it should be in the default cmln.

                              I tell you what. I'll make it an actual option, just for you.
                              Last edited by MadGypsy; 03-27-2015, 07:53 AM.

