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2006 Thank You Thread

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  • 2006 Thank You Thread

    Anyone can post whatever they want in here, but my post is my list of Thank Yous for 2006 and, in a way, for those that helped in one way or another make this site successful or classic Quake successful/interesting this year (the site launched in early March 2006).

    I thought about not doing one because the number of people and/or forgetting someone, but to hell with that. :d :d


    Thanks to MindzfieldX. I've had a lot of Quake buds, but never one that made me care about the game so much and backed it up with such a level of support and character.

    Site Launch

    Solecord and Yellow No. 5, of course. Sole did things with the site that were a major hassle and a ton of work and only barely possible, and Yellow No 5. -- who seemingly has no abilities that anyone can detect -- has done an excellent job of handling servers, mods and communications.

    And the core group of those that helped since day 1: MindzfieldX, Hydro, Zop, Rook, Bam, Jackhole, Lefty and Dolemite (who told me about Innosetup). Diazoild helped as well and it was a sad day when Singed.Net closed, which really prompted the immediate launch of this site despite the fact it really wasn't "done".

    Initial Site Promotion

    Megazoid, who had long ago made me an editor at Quake Terminus to announce completed projects and this site. None of us knew it would be SOOO LONG (nearly a year) after May 2005 when the site actually would go live.

    Func_Msgboard,, and Quaddicted for running news items announcing the launch of the site and Besmella Quake, Quakeboard and Rune Central for allowing us to shamelessly pimp the site in the forums. Especially scar3crow!

    Long-Time Community Support

    Thanks to Slot Zero for running the Shmack servers and, Yugo2Heck for running the IHOC servers, Jackhole for GameStatus.Net/Quake1.Net/Quakeboard.

    Quakeworld Community Support

    Thanks to Trinca, Aquashark, Vegetous, vb, Peppe and Sassa for showing support and interest in the site when we launched. The interesting debates and different points of view made the site launch very interesting. It was fun doing the new exchange with during the early days.

    Artwork and Asthetic Contributions

    Thanks to Bank for all the Quake Radios and artwork he shared in forums. JohnXMas and Amon26 too! (The latter, who we have not seen in a long while -- he started a band or something)

    Clan Arena Community

    It is no secret that Clan Arena ended up playing a huge role in the community. Maybe to no surprise to those that enjoy CA, but I don't think I'm the only one that thought CA was basically dead in April when Max.Essentrix.Net unexpectedly closed. It wasn't doing well before then with only intermittent activity and many of us didn't want to see CA die like Pub CTF.

    Phenom and Mindzfield surprised everyone in April by starting after Phenom's failed bid to take over Bam did the coding and got a very buggy base of code supplied by Rook into acceptable shape and both Phenom and Mindzfield felt like giving up several times due to all the server crashes and bugs. But they stuck in there.

    Chaos hit and eventually Bomber would be hosted by Vis and Avalanche of Clan HDZ, admin'ed by Yellow and developed by Rook and CAx is now in a very fine state, but I remember the insane difficulties of the early days and Phenom and Bam really stuck with it despite very big challenges.

    Also: Thanks to Phocus for starting Phathookups/CHI and West for the CQL games/server and those responsible for starting the #quake1 IRC channel at GameSurge.Net. All of those things generated a lot interest and player activity.


    The most unexpected mod this year was RQuake Team Cooperative and it has been very successful for a mod requiring a 50 MB download, heh RocketGuy and, later, Lardarse put a lot of work into it and as a result there is a server where players can play some of the most exotic and well-planned coop vs. monsters play that Quake has ever seen.

    And, of course, thanks to Gunter who runs the FVF mod and and who has ceaseless evolved Future Vs. Fantasy and came out with the wild hub modification.

    And thanks to Rook (again!) for the DM+ mod. DM+ is such an outstanding and fun mod, especially on maps such as QTDM3 -- which was an early Travail Quake DM map release from distrans. DM+ currently does not get much play right now because it requires a good bit of skill to compete and as a results competes against the Rage server, but if we can ever figure out a way to develop a community for the server, it is sure to be successful.

    And I am certainly Rook put a lot of work into Intertex and the ThreeWave CTF mod.

    Engine Authors

    Thanks to Rook (Qrack), aguirRe (Enhanced GLQuake), LordHavoc (DarkPlaces) and Jozsef (JoeQuake) for the changes made to those engines in 2006.

    Everyone is familiar with Qrack. LordHavoc implemented a lot of ProQuake-style features and other improvements into DarkPlaces including ideas from Monster and Candian Sniper to make it improved for deathmatch and he also spent a lot of time with me answering questions/explaining features that will pay (more) dividends for everyone when I get the time. Sajt was also very helpful with my numerous DP questions. Jozsef fixed a ping scoreboard issue in JoeQuake earlier in the year.

    And Enhanced GLQuake was the answer to the question I had long been asking. For those that want an authetic and unmodified Quake single player Quake experience that works with any video card and every (non-engine specific) single player mod, this is the Quake. Realizing the big weaknesses with ProQuake for modern day custom single player maps, this was the perfect fit for single player with the ProQuake Launcher.

    (FitzQuake is also an outstanding single player choice, but I needed an engine that also has a non-GL build to ensure that anyone who uses ProQuake could use the accompanying single player engine. In the future, I plan on a multi-engine user interface and FitzQuake will be supported.)

    To Everyone That Helped

    Thanks to everyone that registered and/or contributed something of value to the community. It is amazing all of the different ways and different people that have contributed things to Quake and/or this community. - Being exactly one-half good and one-half evil has advantages. When a portal opens to the antimatter universe, my opposite is just me with a goatee.

    So while you guys all have to fight your anti-matter counterparts, me and my evil twin will be drinking a beer laughing at you guys ...

  • #2
    I'll add on to this:

    Thanks to Zop for taking action for my huge map idea.

    Thanks to LordHavoc for continually supporting me with the help I needed for DarkPlaces. This engine kicks ass!

    Thanks to Bank for telling it like it is.

    Thanks to Phenom and Mindz for accepting me into Clan Since Ninety Six (after doing some dumb jumptext.bsp map ) and allowing me to play a big part in the clan.

    Thanks to Sole for paying the bills

    Thanks to Baker for always beating me on tech-support questions

    Thanks to Gib for introducing QW to me. That was hella fun.

    Thanks to Clan TU for helping us start clan matches.

    Thanks to Phenom, Dyne, Zop and Zeki for helping me improve my Street Fighter skills good times.

    Thanks to RocketGuy for tricking me into "leaving" FvF

    A Huge thanks to Zop for creating an old map idea I had for me. It's a map where you just constantly fall You can download it here.

    Thanks to Frenzy for helping Zop and I get a server.

    Thanks to the European quakers for being so god fucking damn polite

    Thanks to Fuzznut, Quadraptor and Phenom for finding a little use out of my config generator programs

    Thanks to Slot Zero and Magnesium for getting me started on Linux Quake. Also Thanks to Nintendo Wii for introducing Tyr-Quake to me.

    Thanks to Mr.Burns for being the coolest TU

    Thanks to Dyne for giving me a little competition in QuakeOne Arcade's Alloy Arena. Too bad I have an unstopable record now Highscore#1 Highscore#2

    Thanks to the Brazilian quakers who can apparantly waste 10 American quakers with only two Brazilian quakers (+200 ping sucks!)

    And of course, Thanks to the whole Quake community for keeping this classic alive and kicking!

    ps - Thanks to Baker for spalling Canadian wrong in his above post
    Last edited by Canadian*Sniper; 12-24-2006, 07:05 PM.


    • #3
      Both of these happened in 06;
      If Your a fan of horror/zombie flicks...
      see, The Descent
      I saw it in the theaters but NOW on the 26 of december its being released on video.

      Its good. This isn't your little sisters the ring or white noise, boogey man..or some other lame ass shit thats been injected with hollywood steriods and passed off as a horror flick, no. This isn't some fear factor 'Hostel' thriller-voyeurism bs either.

      motherfucking terror
      (thankful for a decent movie)

      and Rio Bent for there fresh west coast punk rawkness
      (thankful for hot chicks with bass guitars!)


      • #4
        yes, lets no one thanks Death Knight. its not like he did anything important this year.

        ...oh wait....i really didnt.

        carry on


        • #5
          I'd like to thank everyone for putting up with my relative NOOBness to all things Quake this past year and beyond.
          'My teammates are no good to me alive.' -Bank on CA.

          'I'll cry when I'm done killin!' -A REAL Patriot

          Clan TU

          Your own... personal... Shambler
          someone to hear your prayers
          someone who cares
          your own... personal... Shambie
          someone to hear your prayers
          someone whos there


          • #6
            Thank yous from FM

            Here's a list:

            - Frenzy, constantly there to answer questions and help out. Excellent work with the tourneys and being the go-to guy. Thanks Frenzy!

            - Canadian_Sniper, working hard on a new one-of-a-kind mod for us to experiment with. Thanks Man! (Also a good script helper too...)

            - Rook, Kick-ass Quake 1 mod. This is more fun now than it was in 1996/1997.

            - Tunda, one of the first guys I ran into and saw my prior skills even though I sucked and he tooled me in the first matches. I've hung around for a while because of that. I can't argue when I eat his pineapples, he's from Hawaii for cryin out loud. Thanks!

            - The community in general. Quakeone has it's share of idiots and asswipes, but much less than I've seen elsewhere. Kudos to all of you for making this a tight community with some unspoken rules to be nice and just have fun!

            Happy 2007 to all,



            • #7
              Originally posted by FragMagnet View Post
              - Canadian_Sniper, working hard on a new one-of-a-kind mod for us to experiment with.
              Hardly working! HA HAH!!!


              • #8
                Originally posted by FragMagnet View Post
                Quakeone has it's share of idiots and asswipes, but much less than I've seen elsewhere.
                Haha, gotta love that one
       - Being exactly one-half good and one-half evil has advantages. When a portal opens to the antimatter universe, my opposite is just me with a goatee.

                So while you guys all have to fight your anti-matter counterparts, me and my evil twin will be drinking a beer laughing at you guys ...


                • #9
                  ...atleast...ya know, even a little thanks for my efforts would be greatly appreciated...


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Death Knight View Post
                    ...atleast...ya know, even a little thanks for my efforts would be greatly appreciated...
                    Thanks for making the Quad-Cast Stations. I forgot to mention Frenzy too. In fact, I probably forgot about contributions from a lot of people.

                    Originally posted by Baker
                    I thought about not doing one because the number of people and/or forgetting someone, but to hell with that.
           - Being exactly one-half good and one-half evil has advantages. When a portal opens to the antimatter universe, my opposite is just me with a goatee.

                    So while you guys all have to fight your anti-matter counterparts, me and my evil twin will be drinking a beer laughing at you guys ...


                    • #11
                      "It's called being awesome, maybe you should try it." -Bank


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Bank View Post
                        Read my first post carefully, 3rd or 4th paragraph

                        Certainly I didn't forget about you. You contributed a ton to the site and the community.
               - Being exactly one-half good and one-half evil has advantages. When a portal opens to the antimatter universe, my opposite is just me with a goatee.

                        So while you guys all have to fight your anti-matter counterparts, me and my evil twin will be drinking a beer laughing at you guys ...


                        • #13
                          Oh I know, I saw it. I'm just here to prove I'm still alive. It is Christmas after all.
                          "It's called being awesome, maybe you should try it." -Bank


                          • #14
                            Since everyone else has done it, here's my list:

                            Yellow No. 5, Baker - Thanks for all your work you've put into this site since it's inception as an idea. Without you two the site would be nothing. All your hard work, from making graphics and text for the site to creating installers and developing/promoting quake servers, is greatly appreciated!

                            The Rest of the Dev Members - You guys know who you are; too many to list... Thanks to all of you for contributing ideas and helping get the site off the ground and keeping the community alive.

                            Any Server Admin - Most are paying for servers out of their own pockets and spend time debugging, coding, and administrating the servers on their own watch. Thanks to you guys for keeping the community alive with great servers for everyone to play at.

                            Bank, Quad, DeathKnight, Whoever else - Thanks to Bank for initially starting and spending his own time on making the Qradio segments. It was great to have someone step up and bring something unique back into the community. Thanks to the others who have stepped up and took on the task of making segments after Bank put the project on the backburner.

                            Everyone Here @ QuakeOne - This is a community, and without any of you the site would be an empty echoy hall. Thanks to all of you for spending your time here and making this site what it is today.

                            We (myself and everyone involved in making this site) hope that everyone continues to use this site in the new year and that the community continues to grow each and every day. Cheers to an even larger community in the future!

                            Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday's, and Have a Happy New Year to all!


                            • #15
                              First of all, I want to thank scar3crow, for making QExpo happen. That was a huge event that went very well, considering that a lot of it was a last-minute rush. He will probably want to thank Sajt for doing a lot of the coding for the site on short notice.

                              Then there's Baker, for getting this site off the ground, and for asking me to be involved in numerous projects...

                              And of course RocketGuy, for constantly reminding me that I suck. And for getting me involved with RQuake.
                              16:03:04 <gb> when I put in a sng, I think I might need nails
                              16:03:30 <gb> the fact that only playtesting tells me that probably means that my mind is a sieve

