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Regular Quake vs QW

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  • Regular Quake vs QW

    I really never tried out QW or even know how it differs from regular quake. What is Quakeworld? a mod? a server? altered standard code?

    Can you play on QW servers with glpro?

    Someone please enlighten me as I've never payed attention to QW.

    kbdrate i seeeee youuuuuu

  • #2
    Quakeworld is basically a different version of Quake with altered physics, prediction, skin support, map download capability.

    Being a NetQuake multiplayer guy, it's mostly the bunnyhopping, the altered physics and aim prediction that is why I don't play it very often.

    Quakeworld has more technology built into the clients, and in Europe seems to be maybe as popular as Quake 3.

    Check out the following links to learn more about Quakeworld: - Australia, very nice site - Europe, the Jupiter of Quakeworld sites - USA

    The most popular Quakeworld client is EZQuake and has an amazing array of features and options.

    EZQuake has a built-in server browser, btw.

    Usually either you like NetQuake and find Quakeworld to be very bizarre or you love QW and find NetQuake very limiting.

    Can you play on QW servers with glpro?
    No. Different clients entirely. - Being exactly one-half good and one-half evil has advantages. When a portal opens to the antimatter universe, my opposite is just me with a goatee.

    So while you guys all have to fight your anti-matter counterparts, me and my evil twin will be drinking a beer laughing at you guys ...


    • #3
      If you wanna try qw out, you can download fQuake which is basically an online eQuake installer without pak1.pak. So just put your pak1.pak in id1\ and there you go.

      Unzip all contents (including .ini files) and run the installer. <- Get started with QW guide

      The main fQuake mirror (Endpoint) is under heavy DDoS attacks right now so downloading the installer through the website is not recommended (will probably not work).

      Select the "" mirror during the installation.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Canadian*Sniper
        I really never tried out QW or even know how it differs from regular quake. What is Quakeworld? a mod? a server? altered standard code?
        Originally posted by Canadian*Sniper
        kbdrate i seeeee youuuuuu

        It was originally released by id to make playing online better through client side prediction. As I remember it, netquake required for the server to relay back to you what was happening. Quakeworld let the client do some of the prediction to make the gameplay better on modems. I don't remember any physics changes that Baker mentioned. Since I started getting into online quake close to the time that quakeworld was released, I don't remember netquake all that well.

        Did quakespy have support for netquake? One nice thing about quakeworld that I don't think netquake did/does is register with an id master server. That way we don't have to have qview.qvw files. You can just query the aggregator to find out what servers it knows about. And you can have a quakeworld server automatically contact the aggregator to tell it your information.

        Quakespy ... I haven't said that in a while. That brings back memories of 10base2 LAN parties where we had to have all of the computers in a line because the cabling plus T connectors would only reach so far (along with space constraints).


        • #5
          Originally posted by Baker
          Quakeworld is basically a different version of Quake with altered physics, prediction, skin support, map download capability.
          Wow, it has been a while! I completely forgot NetQuake didn't have skins support. That was a lot of fun seeing what crazy things people would wear/come up with.

          Originally posted by Baker
          Being a NetQuake multiplayer guy, it's mostly the bunnyhopping, the altered physics and aim prediction that is why I don't play it very often.
          Back in the day, people didn't bunny hop like they do now in quakeworld. The best TF players never bunny hopped/circle strafed like people do now. I went back to a TF server a while back and people were flying all over the map. That never happened with even the top clans back then.

          I admit I hate bunny hopping mainly because I'm so bad at it.

          I thought the top players also played quakeworld? I know I played Kornelia in quakeworld (even fragged her once or twice ... before getting frustrated)

          Originally posted by Baker
          The most popular Quakeworld client is EZQuake and has an amazing array of features and options.
          This is what I've found out too. Could you update the guide to reflect that? It still says fuhquake is the gold standard for quakeworld.


          • #6
            The concept of someone playing Quake and not knowing of QW is just outright bizarre to me.

            No, seriously, it is. Being as how QW came out before broadband really became available, it was the only feasible option for most people. I could play semidecently on my parents 14.4 with QW, but try that with NQ... However, yes, bunnyhopping was a phrase I had heard back in those days but it was rare I saw anyone try it... I agree with kbdrate that I dont like it, and part of that reasoning is that Im not good at it, but also... it looks dumb. It has no natural reason behind it (like rjing or hooking). It also sets a clear delineation between players, there is "He is better because his aim and tactics" and "He is better because he knows a physics bug and exploits it, one which I cant found out how."

            Ah QuakeSpy... Hell even early Gamespy... So many people made it big through Quake alone, and yet now they neglect it. Man I miss the days of clicking the MegaTF tab and seeing a hundred servers pop up, at least 20 of which had real games going...

            ...Strange... I was practically undefeated back then... Often got accused of cheating for my aim. Now playing Quake online is an exercise in pissing me the fuck off as all I do is respawn and rarely even see what killed me.

            As far as clients go, Id still go with glqwcl.exe or qwcl.exe at a high res, or maybe have a go with DarkPlaces as it can connect to QW servers... Most everything else looks like shit to me honestly.

            Man oh man the skins... Skins alone give me a heavy wave of nostalgia....
            Inside3d - Because you can't be Outside 3D!

