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Hello peoples

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  • Hello peoples

    Hi everyone!

    I'm Fr@g, been gaming since pong and been addicted to shooters since ID released the shareware of Wolf 3D. Always a player but never into modding scene. Played everything from Wolf 3D to Rage That ID, Raven and Grey Matter have made on my custom built pooters and HD consoles.

    My favourite games are Quake1 and Quake 3 as both offer fluid gameply, ither single player or online. Quake 2 and 4 both sucked so hopefully Q5 will be awesome!

    I played as Powerbladder 3.1 in Quake one and as FR@GBOY Thereafter. Anyone that played Q1 online when it was released and on UK servers should remember the bladders and the all pink skins as there was fair few of us and we all were friends in the real wold and mostly from Glasgow.

    Progressed to Q3as 2 was pants and then played in the UOCUK clan on our clan server and as FR@GBOY and BOB on ow ping DM, CA and CTF servers. I still play Q3 and DeFrag as well as DooM and Heretic (Via Kickstart) and just started playing Q1 using the Joe client.

    Regarding Quake 1, is there any step by step walkthroughs to explain how to install, patch and setup vanillia Quake 1 to the best and latest mod for single and multi play for modern appearance and so on?

    All help appreciated and hail to the kings baby! (that's ID software btw )


  • #2
    w/e. Welcome to Quake
    Want to get into playing Quake again? Click here for the Multiplayer-Startup kit! laissez bon temps rouler!


    • #3
      w/e. Welcome to Quake
      What? You're not excited? It's Fr@GBOY brah! ROFL!


      Welcome to QuakeOne, man.


      • #4
        It was originally a post that was rather long winded,and as of the recently 4th time banned Larry Mondello character. It basically said, while im normally up for meeting new people on the forums, it seems that there is a real good chance im meeting Larry Mondello for the 3rd,or 4th time,and I had no desire in meeting him for,say, a 5th or 6th time.

        Sorry for the lack of enthusiasm,I was feeling the pressure to be a "Rock" and hurl myself at a window. The sound of breaking glass DOES get ones attention

        When I rage-deleted the original post, I was just flat out bummed and tired of typing. The w/e was actually aimed at myself for even bothering to explain why'd I would rather meet Fr@gBoy in-servers, as opposed to on the forums. My bad broseph's!
        Want to get into playing Quake again? Click here for the Multiplayer-Startup kit! laissez bon temps rouler!


        • #5
          I liked Todd (larry or not) until he started on WL. That was the "icing" for me. I don't give a crap if someone wants to act like a moron and waste their time with ridiculous posts, but when they start attacking people for apparently no's time to go. I was hella disappointed in his second to last thread.


          • #6
   I missing something here?

            Ok, I take it there has been others using the gamertag "FR@GBOY" but I have no idea who he is. My email address is fragboy, my gamertag usually has fragboy in it depending on what console i'm online with and even my car has FR@G on the back of it

            I even have my gold bars machined to show my name

            So thanks for the rather unorthodox welcome and could someone read my initial post and offer some guidance please? Oh and I come from Glasgow in Scotland.



            • #7
              Originally posted by FRAGBOY View Post
     I missing something here?

              Ok, I take it there has been others using the gamertag "FR@GBOY" but I have no idea who he is. My email address is fragboy, my gamertag usually has fragboy in it depending on what console i'm online with and even my car has FR@G on the back of it

              I even have my gold bars machined to show my name

              So thanks for the rather unorthodox welcome and could someone read my initial post and offer some guidance please? Oh and I come from Glasgow in Scotland.

              ProQuake , Qrack , DirectQ :

              Either of those are great starting points for getting back into the game!

              Since your in the EU area, I recommend or , first server being somewhere in EU and second being in NewYork,USA.
              Want to get into playing Quake again? Click here for the Multiplayer-Startup kit! laissez bon temps rouler!


              • #8
                Originally posted by FRAGBOY View Post
       I missing something here?

                Ok, I take it there has been others using the gamertag "FR@GBOY" but I have no idea who he is. My email address is fragboy, my gamertag usually has fragboy in it depending on what console i'm online with and even my car has FR@G on the back of it

                I even have my gold bars machined to show my name

                So thanks for the rather unorthodox welcome and could someone read my initial post and offer some guidance please? Oh and I come from Glasgow in Scotland.

                If thats your game name then use it. My original game name is striker. You know how many people have the name striker? LOL.. In quake alone back in the 96-2002 scene i knew of 3 other striker's. Only 2 of us were actually known from the TDM scene, as the 2 other's played other mods.


                • #9


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Mindf!3ldzX View Post
                    It was originally a post that was rather long winded,and as of the recently 4th time banned Larry Mondello character. It basically said, while im normally up for meeting new people on the forums, it seems that there is a real good chance im meeting Larry Mondello for the 3rd,or 4th time,and I had no desire in meeting him for,say, a 5th or 6th time.

                    Sorry for the lack of enthusiasm,I was feeling the pressure to be a "Rock" and hurl myself at a window. The sound of breaking glass DOES get ones attention

                    When I rage-deleted the original post, I was just flat out bummed and tired of typing. The w/e was actually aimed at myself for even bothering to explain why'd I would rather meet Fr@gBoy in-servers, as opposed to on the forums. My bad broseph's!
                    Guess I missed all the excitement.Sorry Frog, this is an inside joke around here,has absolutely nothing to do with you Welcome home soldier!
                    I certainly wont be needing these but Mindz will!
                    Taste like chicken?
                    May be too intense for some viewers.
                    Stress Relief Device
                    ....BANG HEAD HERE....


                    • #11
                      Welcome back Powerbladder 3.1
                      Greatings from the old Isdn-K clan

                      Join us at Euroquake, like mention above.
                      My servers for the gamers:

                      port 26000 EuroQuake
                      port 26001 EuroQuake Coop

                      Offline ATM
                      Offline ATM
                      port 26010



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by FRAGBOY View Post
                        Hi everyone!

                        I'm Fr@g,...I played as Powerbladder 3.1 in Quake one and as FR@GBOY Thereafter. Anyone that played Q1 online when it was released and on UK servers should remember the bladders and the all pink skins as there was fair few of us and we all were friends in the real wold and mostly from Glasgow.


                        Regarding Quake 1, is there any step by step walkthroughs to explain how to install, patch and setup vanillia Quake 1 to the best and latest mod for single and multi play for modern appearance and so on?

                        All help appreciated and hail to the kings baby! (that's ID software btw )

                        Hi Fr@G.

                        There has been a spate of new members suspected of impersonating old/new/different players going on recently here at QuakeOne so please forgive the members' understandable reticence to immediately take one at their word. If you ever played at Dircon in the UK you will recall the players called "drama" and PitBull who appeared to get some weird pleasure from doing this on a regular basis.
                        They're a good bunch here, well mostly

                        I certainly recall playing someone called Powerbladder so if it's you then welcome back. As Polarite and Mindzy quite rightly said, if you are in the UK your best bet for an online game is either or one of Pol's many "Flanders" servers which offers a wide variety of mods, custom maps and gameplay options.

                        Before doing this you would be well advised to get your old quake client up and running, update it to the latest version (there are many links available on this site to allow you to do this) and then invest some time in making it to your liking. In terms of the choice of clients, well, they all have their pluses and minuses, but I tend to use the following very loose rule of thumb:
                        • Proquake = Pretty rock solid performance and good for modest PC's with a traditional look and feel but with many bugs fixed and some new features such as auto-downloads of custom maps added courtesy of the mighty Baker.
                        • Qrack or EngineX = Some nice eye candy and extra features including auto-downloads of custom maps, plenty of support on hand from the authors R00k and Baker respectively.
                        • DirectQ = Great performance, well supported by MH but does not work with some antique graphics cards.
                        • Darkplaces = Eye Candy overload (potentially) though to run it with everything maxed out you would need some decent hardware (eh Mindzy? ), If you decide to go through this route then check out the Small Mod Compilation Mod produced by Seven and ably assisted by a cast of thousands which allows you to have much greater control over the appearance, assuming you like "tweaking" config's and so forth.

                        Also, you might want to avail youself of Polarite's server browser script which allows you to quick check online servers for players ingame with the minimum of fuss. He posted it in a thread here in the Forums so it should be easy for you to find.

                        If you do a search through the links and forums here at QuakeOne you should find sufficient information to get all you need for the above options.

                        Hope this helps

                        Last edited by Mr.Burns; 08-23-2012, 05:07 PM.
                        "Helping to keep this community friendly, helpful, and clean of spammers since 2006"
                        WWW: Quake Terminus , QuakeVoid You Tube: QuakeVoid

                        News: JCR's excellent ctsj_jcr map is being ported to OOT


                        • #13
                          Thank you for the welcome and the explanation Montgomery....its good to know that I am not a victim of some weird conspiracy

                          Also thanks for the info, i shall take my time and look, ask questions, pick brains and get my Q folder the way i desire.

                          Oh and the "Powerbladders" were a Scottish clan, made up from real life friends and ranged from 2.0 to 5.0 in the end I believe. As I mentioned, i was 3.1....2.5 was a good Quake 3 DM player and ranked highly in the CLQ stats, as did I in DM/CA/CTF but I was FR@GBOY/UOCUKFR@GBOY/BOB by then but the chances are, we played on the same servers at some point.

                          I'm running mobile broadband atm so online gaming is kept to a minimum due to a 15 gb limit and the connection speed but tbh...I played on a dialup modem connection back in the day so it should be not too laggy hopefully


