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  • Of course it's all going to be free, no worries.


    • @MadGypsy
      Broke your fun, ha? No offends, tired, at work...
      MOD it! Start Point Remake Quake Scout's Journey Quaketastic WhiteDay Quake Terminus UQE


      • Still a great battery of screenshots you've got there and I look forward to seeing more in the future. Keep it up!


        • In addition...

          Originally posted by eukos View Post
          May I add however that we are not trying to make a modern day remake of Daikatana here and we're not trying to make something that appears like a modern day game, but a recreation of something that was in development back in 1997. So please don't mind the blocky geometry, it is our pure intention to leave most of it like that since it's a stylistic decision.
          There are a lot of reasons as to why our levels might not be as detailed as some people might like...
          • While we're working on this in our free-time you have to keep in mind that we are still working under deadlines. These are important since they keep us focused and mean we're able to push ourselves towards getting work done in a reasonable amount of time.
          • Neither me nor Eukos are dedicated level designers and it's something we're doing while also having to work on the source-code along with creating other content for the project such as textures, models, sounds and music.
          • We're building directly on top of the original levels which were created for the game in 1997 while Daikatana was still using the original Quake engine. Considering the technical limitations with the technology of the time and the fact that the Quake modding community was only just starting to grow (people from the Quake modding community were hired to work on Daikatana) I personally think these maps are incredibly impressive even without the enhancements we've already made. Thus why we don't like modifying them too much, the project is a re-imagining but the reason we're working on it is because their work is what inspired us and we want Daikatana to be the game it was intended to be.

          Hope you guys can understand that

          Also we'll hopefully be releasing some new media very soon along with some other cool things we've got in store. We were hoping to show it all sooner but I'm currently starting to reach the end of my college year so a lot of my time is focused towards that as of late but the game is still steadily progressing and I'm certain we'll have a release for you guys before the end of the year.


          • IndieDB Update!

            You can read about it here!

            OpenKatana News Update - Indie DB


            • Hey Hogsy,

              I just want you to know that I read about it there. I'm listenin to Sinhead as I write this. Funny thing (maybe) first I thought that said Sinead (as in O' Connor {-sp}). That lent itself to a moment of confusion while I remembered how to read.

              Good stuff OpenKatana Team!

              I just realized that I was goofing off (with hgdagon) in this thread. Sorry, they all melt together after a while. I'll pay more attention. I promise I wasn't trying to derail your thread.


              • Comment

                • very nice!!
                  My Avatars!
                  Quake Leagues
                  Quake 1.5!!!
                  Definitive HD Quake


                  • Only just realised that the last screenshot looks incredibly dark on some monitors, trust me it's not that dark in-game but we'll see about making it a little bit brighter if it proves to be a problem.


                    • Hello hogsy,

                      When reading your last posts, it always sounds to me as if you were trying to explain/justify yourself.
                      Why would you do this ?
                      Your team is doing an amazing work and it should be the other way round:
                      We must Thank You for doing what you are doing.
                      Your team has good reasons for the decisions that were made.
                      And that is all that counts.

                      Best wishes,


                      • I think it's pretty clear that Hogsy is a dedicated perfectionist. I agree with what you are saying, but I also believe I can identify with Hogsys M.O.. You're trying to explain to a tiger why it doesn't need stripes.


                        • Hey again everyone!

                          It's been a while since we made any updates. We've shown you as much as we'd like to show in-regards to E1M5 and should be showing you more of everything else soon when we feel it looks good enough.

                          However we're having some major issues when it comes to finding outside help on the project. We've had some pretty amazing people join the team and help out during OpenKatana's development, but we're looking for someone who can help us out for the duration of the project and someone with the interest and enthusiasm that we have.

                          Interested? Well right now we're looking for people who are capable in either of the two fields: level design or programming. The former is the most preferable but we could certainly do with more programmers on the team too. Don't think your skills are good enough? We don't care, all that matters is that you have the passion and interest towards working on this project.

                          If you'd like to work on OpenKatana then feel free to email me at any of the following email addresses:
                          [email protected]
                          [email protected]
                          [email protected]

                          You can also contact Eukos at [email protected]

                          Also I suppose this gives me a good opportunity to reveal the new logo for the project. I hope you guys like it.


                          • Sorry to correct you but I keep on hearing this and it's actually fairly upsetting for us... Firstly It's not a modification; it's a game because we're not requiring anything from Quake and the project is completely standalone, and secondly we don't support anything like that because we selected the Quake engine mainly as a stylistic choice, otherwise we would have used a much more modern engine instead. OpenKatana is supposed to be something that could've been released in the 90's, it's based around a game that was being developed during the 90's and we're borrowing inspiration from many other games that were being developed during that period.

                            I say this to everyone who feels the need to suggest or is thinking about it but if you want to tell us to support more modern features like that then you're missing the point of OpenKatana, and this game probably isn't for you.


                            • hes new dont worry bout it!
                              My Avatars!
                              Quake Leagues
                              Quake 1.5!!!
                              Definitive HD Quake


                              • For anyone interested I have made a more detailed page on the position avaliable here...
                                [UNPAID] Level designer for upcoming Quake-based FPS.

