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Bush still isn't done royally raping this country yet.

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  • #16
    Sole has a point in defending Bush Jr. the way he does. He's not the worst US president. James Buchanan was the worst. He didn't avert the Civil War. What did Bush Jr. do? He invaded Iraq for more oil. [sarcasm]Smart move I say. I'm with Sole on this. Bush Jr. not the worst! Bush Jr. not the worst! Bush Jr. not the worst! Bush Jr. not the worst!

    LEAVE BUSH JR. ALONE!!![/sarcasm]


    • #17
      lol, i all i want is a decent GPL player model for Quake1 fuck the weapons! ||


      • #18
        I'm not bashing Bush because it's easy or cool. Don't you think that it is WRONG to release embezzelers back into society? People who screw the rest of us over by not paying thier taxes like everyone else has to?


        • #19
          Originally posted by Spoon View Post
          "how else can you explain a former junky/slum lord/terrorism advocate being chosen over a war hero to lead our nation in times of war?"

          You sir, are a fucking moron. Go walk into oncoming traffic and rid the world of your stupidity.
          care you expand on this sewage line of teenage idiocy? or is that all you have? it is? ok. go away now, troll. the adults are talking.
          Last edited by Shadowswift; 11-25-2008, 08:07 PM.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Death Knight View Post
            care you expand on this sewage line of teenage idiocy? or is that all you have? it is? ok. go away now, troll. the adults are talking.
            He is a former junky, like Bush, but a slum lord and a terrorism advocate? You're just making that up.


            • #21
              Originally posted by the_f0qer View Post
              I'm not bashing Bush because it's easy or cool. Don't you think that it is WRONG to release embezzelers back into society? People who screw the rest of us over by not paying thier taxes like everyone else has to?
              Unless you do some research on these people, it'd be very hard to know what the circumstances are. You can say someone was an "embezzler", but if you think the court system is fair or always does justice, that's completely wrong. There are people convinced wrongly, given unfair sentences, or convicted by an unjust law.

              I think usually clemency cases tend to address situations where the sentence was unjust or something, although every president usually does a some politically related pardons before leaving office.

              It is my understanding that most pardon cases under every president are generally reviewed by a US Attorney who looks over the circumstances and details and makes a recommendation (or declines to do so).
     - Being exactly one-half good and one-half evil has advantages. When a portal opens to the antimatter universe, my opposite is just me with a goatee.

              So while you guys all have to fight your anti-matter counterparts, me and my evil twin will be drinking a beer laughing at you guys ...


              • #22
                Originally posted by terminus View Post
                He is a former junky, like Bush, but a slum lord and a terrorism advocate? You're just making that up.
                yes. im making it up. it never happened, because the media never reported it, right?

                ok, lets be fair. using such terms is perhaps a bit unfair to Barack. just because he used to use illegal narcotics doesnt mean he was a junky. i retract that statement
                just because he was involved financially and personally with the landlords of unkempt, unmaintained low-income apartments (who, by the way, somehow were able to contribute somethin like $1,000 to Obama's state senate campaign when they couldn't even afford to turn the heat on in their apartment complex durring the winter) doesnt mean he, himself, was a slumlord. i retract that statement as well.
                just because he was intimately involved with a radical, dangerous and highly 'threatening' anti-capitalist group doesnt mean he was a terrorist-advocate. i retract that statement, also.
                my appologies, Mr. Obama.
                Last edited by Shadowswift; 11-26-2008, 11:16 AM.


                • #23
                  See, now that wasn't so hard, was it?


                  • #24
                    not hard at all. infact, i feel a little better!


                    • #25


                      • #26
                        Death, I'm not a teenager. I am an adult. And when I see that you call him a junky/slumlord/terrorist-advocate, it sickens me to see that people are so gullible. You are just as impressionable as everyone else that you claimed jumped on the "hate bush\ love obama bandwagon" (Bush's approval ratings have been very low for a very long time, not exactly a sudden swing for everyone to jump on because it's popular) . As for him being those things you said he was, where's the source of your information? Another forum? Fox news? You need to realize there's a lot of false information even through legitimate news sources, and that every politician (every person even) has skeletons in their closet. Including your war hero. I respect McCain a hell of a lot for his service to the country, but I wouldn't vote for him.
                        And if you were talking to McCain and called Barack any of the things you did on this forum, he would correct you right away. Just like he did to that old hag on his campaign when she called Obama an "arab". Even the guy you voted for realizes that Barack is a good person and that his supporters don't need to fear an Obama presidency.
                        I'll change my advice. Don't walk into oncoming traffic. That was harsh. Sorry, I was drinking.. I'll just say... don't believe everything that you read, even if it's telling you what you want to hear.


                        • #27


                          That's one to start with... I'm sure you can easily find more. And no, that's not from Fox News.


                          • #28
                            That story proves he was a "slum-lord" how exactly?


                            • #29
                              google is your friend. google the full name of the Acorn thing (cant remember what it is off the top of my head) along with Obama.

                              google Obama slum lord.

                              i didnt bother googling Obama + illegal drug use, since he openly admitted that one, but thats almost ok by todays standards since who knows how many presidents have admitted to illegal drug use of some sort at some point in their sad.

                              i dont believe everything i read, even if it is something i want to believe. it works both ways, also. for instance, if i read something that said John McCain commited grand theft auto once and it was from more than one credible sourse, id believe it because it was most likely true. as fun as it is, most press would rather not put out fake shit. not just because they can get in big trouble for that, but because its bad publicity for them. they lose readers and credibility that way.

                              like i said before, i dont hate Obama. i barely even dislike him. i just believe we can do a lot better. and, since im not a hypocrit and since he is our elected president, i will support him as my president and i honestly would rather see him do a great job and lead our country into a better future than see him fail horribly and fuck things up even worse.


                              • #30
                                Well, yeah obviously they don't put out stories that are flat out lies. But take that story posted by solecord. To me, it seems like Obama's friend's company needed to take care of it's projects rather than contribute to his campaign. This Rezko guy is a jackass. I'm not looking at Obama through rose-colored glasses. I know the man's not perfect. And I'm sure he's done some bad things and has associated with douchebags such as this guy. But to slap on a label such as slum lord seems as going a bit too far. As a politician, especially in our current political state, you're probably at some point going to be taking money from some less than stellar individuals or groups. They all do it. Not the democrats fault, or the republicans fault. It's just the way it is.

                                As it's often said, ya gotta choose what you see as the lesser of two evils. And that's when the heated arguments start.

