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Version 100 - Your input?- What do you think about getting to one hundread releases?

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  • #16
    oh I agree that it looks like attempted video tags. It just doesn't look like ones that would work on any site. If he by some chance just copied and pasted his post from some other site and therefore that site is using those tags, the site developers need to take a crash course in design.

    According to that design they would be using some homemade bbcode script that first pools all the tags and then throws them into some switch that makes decisions based on the data. That's retarded. I could write a regex that would practically blink-replace the whole page. The silliest part is they would have to use some .indexOf and .substring function to make the pool and then a . replace function to make the modification, all of which are just wrappers for regex in the first place. Why not just run a complex regex with a global flag and skip all the unnecessary code that would be required to pool, switch/case and replace.

    A good example would be my math expression parser. If I did it a way similar to what would be necessary for those video tags I would have code like

    if("sin"){}else if("cos"){}else if("floor"){}else if("ceil"){}..................................... .

    that is absolutely ridiculous.

    In contrast, that video syntax would be like if I made it necessary to write expressions like these



    [sin]expression[/sin] ultimately sin(expr) is all that is necessary
    Last edited by MadGypsy; 12-14-2016, 04:59 PM.


    • #17
      Here's a short vid of walking through some of darkhold.

      Walking through darkhold: [video=youtube] [ame][/ame] [/video]

      It's short because after a few min the captureprogram freezes the computer when it uses up all the ram and hits the iron.


      • #18
        Originally posted by MadGypsy View Post
        @Where would be good places?

        For one, with this much content you should have a professional website, PERIOD. Using wordpress to make that site would be smart and save you a lot of time. Use this link and you can get a host, domain, 1-click wordpress install and a hell of a lot more for just $1 for the first year.
        Then they'd know who I was. I use tor and friends for a reason. I don't care if you register the domain and "fuck my shit up". I cryptographically sign the releases for a reason (allready got that threat from 8chan). Go ahead and make the site. A negative site would be fine too: publicity is publicity.

        Originally posted by MadGypsy View Post
        Everybody else is just watching you fail - if they are paying attention to you at all. I'm telling you exactly why this shit is not working out for you.
        I do not care what ******s who are opposed to men taking female children as brides think. Deuteronomy 22, 28-29 in hebrew allows man+girl. Deuteronomy also states that anyone who entices others to follow another ruler/judge/god must be killed immediatly. Why would I care if people who must be killed immediatly get their cuck-dick in a twist about a forum sytax error?

        I care about my game, not your forum.
        And I did it for free so you all can pound sand if you think incorrect thoughts against it without trying it. Infact if I was the ruler, and I found people libeling me without trying the thing they were libeling me about, I'd kill them.

        Anyway, I wanted to know other places to promote. Not "hey open a popsicle stand in a desert".

        Glad my video tags pissed you stick-up-the-ass pro-women's rights fucks up. Fuck you all.


        • #19
          Originally posted by bfg666 View Post
          Considering there is a [video=youtube] tag before each video and a [/video] tag after, it does look like he was trying to make video tags. The sites, on the other hand, just look like bracketed clarifications, and these indeed make no sense.

 is where the video tags are from
          while onrpg uses a much more sensible [YOUTUBE]
          here if I just put the URL it makes it a [URL]
          However if I put the style video tags with a space between them and the URL, it imbeds it. Who knew.


          • #20
            Originally posted by ChaosEsqueEd View Post
            However if I put the style video tags with a space between them and the URL, it imbeds it.
            Yes, but it looks sloppy on QuakeOne. Here, you should use the tag format I mentioned in post #13.

            I do not care what ******s who are opposed to men taking female children as brides think. Deuteronomy 22, 28-29 in hebrew allows man+girl. Deuteronomy also states that anyone who entices others to follow another ruler/judge/god must be killed immediatly. Why would I care if people who must be killed immediatly get their cuck-dick in a twist about a forum sytax error?

            I care about my game, not your forum.
            And I did it for free so you all can pound sand if you think incorrect thoughts against it without trying it. Infact if I was the ruler, and I found people libeling me without trying the thing they were libeling me about, I'd kill them.

            Anyway, I wanted to know other places to promote. Not "hey open a popsicle stand in a desert".

            Glad my video tags pissed you stick-up-the-ass pro-women's rights fucks up. Fuck you all.
            HUH?!? Gypsy was just providing advice to improve the visibility of your mod. Where is this nonsensical rant coming from?
            ♪ I'm skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain, just skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain ♪
            ♪ What a glorious feelin' I'm haaaaaaappy again ♪


            • #21
              bfg666: The discussion of My videotags == people thinking my mod sucks.

              Honestly, I would like to hunt down and kill every person who thinks:
              I'll tell you what, it's making you look confused and nooby. It is not adding anything to the experience of reading your post. It's just random garbage. You know what that makes me (and others) think? Maybe your project is full of random garbage. If you can't even make a proper post, how can I believe you can make an entire game/engine?
              As you can see, MadGypsy thinks my mod is "full of random garbage" because I used video tags in this forum he didn't like.

              "You know what that makes me (and others) think?"

              You know what most such dullards also think: women should have rights, men should be sent to pound men in the ass ****** prison if they try to marry a young girl, anyone who likes young girls is somehow "gay", etc.

              I think people who think those things should be killed. Deuteronomy agrees.
              I put effort into my mod because it gives me the game I want. I don't do it for you good boi american/european ******s. You'll all be gone within a generation as a people that are fine with man+girl and man running the show replace your worthless idiotic asses.

              The romans noted how stupid fucking "whites" (gauls in this case) were. That they were controled by the will of their women (the women trapped them into marching forward via oxcarts, the men thought this was their own "bright idea"). That same way of thinking decrees that men who like girls are "chomos" and "gay". That same way of thinking jumps from "oh a tag that does work, but looks bad" to "game must suck".

              Shame the romans didn't wipe you born-feminists out 2000 years ago. They tried: they killed 1/2 of you. Shame.


              • #22
                Where the FUCK are you getting all this nonsense? And how is this at all related?

                You come on here, bitch about how no one wants to play your stupid mod, then go off the deep end when one person finally tries to help you. You annoy the piss out of everyone by triple posting your garbage and never take the hint.

                Do yourself a favor and just leave. You're just flat ass weird and incapable of understanding things.
                'Replacement Player Models' Project


                • #23
                  I don't hate you for the things you said. I know that you are incredibly socially awkward and it's not your fault. I also know that you probably have a psychological problem which is also not your fault.

                  If I had to guess, you suffer from borderline personality disorder. I do too to some degree but I think you might have me beat by a lot. Your personality is exceptionally reclusive/withdrawn and it often seems like you are completely disconnected when you post. The information about you being so concerned with people knowing who you are that you hide behind as many firewalls as possible is an illustration of this. I'm sad for you. You will never be a free man. You reside in a prison of self and there will never be parole. I apologize to you for everything I said that triggered you. However, I have no intention of continuing to follow your project. Not because I am mad. It is fruitless. You are "stuck". You aren't even in control of the things you do. Everything you do is programmed due to a malfunction. I could literally walk you around like a marionette if I was a terrible person. I am not.

                  It's all good bro. Keep reading your bible and doing your thing.
                  Last edited by MadGypsy; 12-15-2016, 04:11 PM.


                  • #24
                    I feel like I've just stumbled down the rabbit hole...
                    Last edited by Mugwump; 12-15-2016, 04:15 PM.
                    ♪ I'm skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain, just skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain ♪
                    ♪ What a glorious feelin' I'm haaaaaaappy again ♪


                    • #25
                      Ya know... this guy is probably a great person. It would just take a lot of acceptance for most people to see it. Because most people wouldn't realize the effect that every little word has on this guy, against his will. Most people also wouldn't realize that they are programming him to freak out.

                      My personality is too aggressive to communicate with him (and there's my personality disorder*). To switch gears to accommodate him would be akin to manipulating him. My only real option is to completely leave him alone.

                      An example would be you and I bfg. We bump heads sometimes but I think we can both accept who the other is. This guy literally cannot do that. It is not even an option for him. The whole world is against him even if none of the world acknowledges his existence.

                      *for the record I was perfectly normal til I got my head bashed in with a blunt object at 13. I was never the same after that. That's probably why I am wide-awake crazy. It isn't chemical. My brain was physically damaged. I was in the school bathroom one day and the next thing I know I'm in the hospital struggling to stay awake. I apparently was clubbed with a blunt object and pissed on. I was the nicest kid on earth before that. Now I'm a royal mother fucker. Actually, it's a true statement that over the last 30 years I have gone from being a total bad-ass to trying very hard to undo being a total bad-ass. Aggression is a very hard demon to overcome.
                      Last edited by MadGypsy; 12-15-2016, 04:51 PM.


                      • #26
                        Nevermind your allegedly "aggressive" personality. You can be blunt sometimes, yes, but I've never seen you actually be aggressive. His reaction totally came out of left field. I very rarely experienced something this surreal... even when stoned as fuck.
                        ♪ I'm skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain, just skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain ♪
                        ♪ What a glorious feelin' I'm haaaaaaappy again ♪


                        • #27
                          @You can be blunt sometimes, yes, but I've never seen you actually be aggressive.

                          Lucky you. Maybe I'm getting better at this.

                          @His reaction totally came out of left field

                          Cause he has a mental disorder, bro! Have some compassion. Picking on this guy is like picking on someone with a learning disability. I don't like bullies! You are emotionally superior to this person. There is nothing to gain by highlighting that with insults. Think about it, this guy doesn't even have the capacity to properly defend himself. He isn't even sure when he is supposed to. He could quote the entire bible and attempt to prove I'm the biggest asshole that ever lived and I will still defend him cause he isn't capable of doing it himself.

                          He is either going to say nothing about all this or come in here and try and deny it and I'm not going to make a peep trying to prove he is lying, wrong, etc.. It is obvious to the most casual observer something is very wrong with him and I seriously doubt he asked/chose to be this way.
                          Last edited by MadGypsy; 12-15-2016, 05:16 PM.


                          • #28
                            I didn't insult him. Well, time to move on, I guess... *exits stage left*
                            ♪ I'm skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain, just skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain ♪
                            ♪ What a glorious feelin' I'm haaaaaaappy again ♪


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Dutch View Post
                              Where the FUCK are you getting all this nonsense? And how is this at all related?

                              You come on here, bitch about how no one wants to play your stupid mod, then go off the deep end when one person finally tries to help you. You annoy the piss out of everyone by triple posting your garbage and never take the hint.

                              Do yourself a favor and just leave. You're just flat ass weird and incapable of understanding things.
                              What is stupid about my mod? Please be specific.

                              Why is "everyone" annoyed when I post release information about my mod?

                              What is it about my fork of Xonotic that you and everyone else dislikes?

                              There may be "random-garbage" in it, but there is alot of "random-garbage", so much so that the "random-garbage"s create complete sets of thematically similar random-garbage that is a superset of anything a "non-random-garbage" game has as it's only theme.

                              IE: your good-proper game has decided to be a medeval game. It has 8 to 10 medeval weapons, a few medeval maps, etc.

                              My game has more medeval weapons than your proper game, and more medeval maps that are bigger than your proper game. It also has medeval buildings you can build, medeval siege weapons, etc.

                              Same goes for furturistic weapons, maps, buildables.

                              And for modern weapons, maps, city-generation.

                              I have complete random-garbage sets that roll-over your proper-nice games.

                              And IF you want, you can mix and match too. But you don't have to.

                              MadGypsy: years ago some people were posting a google map of what they thought was my house, because they were angry about something I said. They got the map via IP lookup and geo-location. I was using a proxy then too so they got the wrong one.


                              • #30

                                That's a good stance you're taking bro. Thanks for posting that, I've completely shifted gears on my opinion of this guy.


                                You're mod does not look like garbage at all. It looks very good. I was spouting off angry comments in response to yours, which was wrong. I apologize. As long as you enjoy making the mod, that is what's most important. All MadGypsy was trying to do was offer you some advice. Your mod isn't getting much attention around here, because people are different and don't like the same things you do. Its not personal.
                                'Replacement Player Models' Project

