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Nehahra w/ DarkPlaces

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  • Sat42
    Hi all,

    New spawn here, sorry for bumping an old thread but the nature of my question makes a new topic redundant.
    I have Nehahra working with DarkPlaces so it looks better than ever of course.
    EDIT: and for clarity, know that I am using the "small Darkplaces mod that adds/replaces some features/effects to Nehahra" by Seven.

    The thing is, I would like to experience Nehahra as close as possible to how it was originally envisioned - and that, importantly, includes playing with the mod's music: there are 11 tracker modules that come with Nehahra and it is obvious from quickly sampling them that they provide a very distinct ambience from stock Quake NIN tracks. But by default with DarkPlaces, Nehahra plays the original Quake soundtrack. Note that I have Scourge of Armagon and Dissolution of Eternity all playing their respective soundtrack too. I also noticed that many don't realise (or don't care) that they are playing Nehahra without the mod's music - Youtube videos I found always have the original Quake soundtrack playing instead.

    My guess is DarkPlaces cannot play the tracker modules. Is the solution to simply convert the Nehahra tracks to MP3 format?
    Thanks for any help!

    EDIT: just changed the name of the folder containing the Nehahra tracks to "music" (it was called "mods" originally), and it didn't change anything.
    Last edited by Sat42; 09-08-2020, 05:11 AM.

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  • enderandrew
    Searching in the forums for some of these only pulls up the "Travail" thread where you made the same post saying these are located elsewhere in the forums. I did find a few of them.

    A Google search isn't finding your Quoth file, nor searching for any post by you with the word "Quoth".

    SOE was on Rapidshare which appears to be down.

    The Zerstorer file has expired. I requested a re-upload here:

    I'm not finding your Digs01 file either with a forum or Google search. And it isn't in BV's Digs01 Reforged thread:

    It looks like a few of your files have been archived here:


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  • Seven

    This link should work: click me

    Have a great time with Nehahra !

    Here is a list of some other extensions/improvements I made to popular episodes/maps/mods:
    - [URL=""]Quoth	[/URL]			Quoth Ver.2.1   Pack  with  particle effects from SMC.rar
    - [URL=""]Rapture	[/URL]		Rapture_Improved_20161105_Seven.rar
    - [URL=""]Beoynd Belief[/URL]			bbelief   extended and fixes  !!!
    - [URL=""]Abyss of Pandemonium[/URL]	        AOP - The Final Mission v2.0  extended_20160330.rar
    - [URL=""]Nehahra[/URL]			Nehahra_extended_for_Darkplaces_20160527.rar
    - [URL=""]Soul of Evil: Indian Summer[/URL]	nsoe_devkit_with_particle_flames_+_fixed_book_reading.rar
    - [URL=""]Zerstörer[/URL]			Zerstoerer 1.1 + zer1m3_fix + SMC particles v1.2.rar
    - [COLOR="Yellow"]Drake[/COLOR]				Drake_with_particle_flames_+_candles.pk3
    - [URL=""]Travail[/URL]			Travail_Extended_20160904_Seven.rar
    - [URL=""]Digs01 9-maps Episode[/URL]	        digs01  full Episode  9 maps  with flames + impulse 12  + nails fixed.rar
    - [COLOR="Yellow"]Hipnotic[/COLOR]			SMC - Hipnotic v5.02
    - [COLOR="Yellow"]Rogue[/COLOR]				SMC - Rogue v5.02

    I added the file name of the newest versions behind it, so you can better search for them. They are all available in this forum. Please use the forums search-function. If you have troubles finding them, I can reupload them.

    Click on the episodes/maps/mods name to reach the quaddicted download page.

    Kind regards,

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  • enderandrew
    Originally posted by Seven View Post
    This is a small Darkplaces mod that adds/replaces some features/effects to Nehahra.
    It changes all the default particles as well as adding particle fire (torches & candles & lanterns (only not swinging ones)).

    Can someone please re-upload?

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  • Blood Vengeance
    I total worship Warpspasm, my favourite Quake Episode

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  • Mugwump
    Good selection. Penumbra has aged a bit visually, so you might want to start with this one after Nehahra, before moving on to prettier stuff. There's a sort of sequel to Soul of Evil called Indian Summer (or NSOE). Quaddicted has two versions: the original and an updated one, NSOE2. Of course, pick the latter. I would also add The Horde of Zendar, Beyond Belief, The Myths, Zerstörer, Castle of Koohoo and if you like a more brutal challenge, Warpspasm. Also check the IKSPQ series. Note that Sock is preparing updated versions of Zendar and Metmon for the upcoming Arcane Dimensions v1.5, so you might want to wait for its release.

    Most if not all of the mods/maps you installed in QuakeSpasm, including Quoth and AD, should run fine in DP, you know... If they don't because of replacement content you installed, you can make a second parallel, cleaner DP install (use the 20140430 build, as it is the latest stable version). It would allow you to benefit from all the HD stuff that Talisa, Blood Vengeance and Icaro are making for these. QS supports hi-res textures and colored lights, but neither RTlights nor the many visual effects that DP can handle.

    Have fun quaking!

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  • phineas
    I spent quite some time here:

    Also checked a lot of reviews of maps and mods done the last 2 decades.
    'Wicked' is already installed, waiting to be played, besides some others i found to be worth playing after having a quick look into the first part of maps:
    Installed under Darkplaces:
    Soul of Evil, Travail, Penumbra of Domination, The Cassandra Calamity, Terra, Operation Urth Majik, Nehahra

    Installed under Quakespasm (plain):
    Arcane Dimensions, Marcher Fortress, Ivory Tower, Rubicon 2, Roman Wilderness of Pain, Insomnia, Map Jam 6, Honey, Rubicon Rumble Pack

    Quakespasm Quoth:
    Fort Ratsack, Metal Monstrosity, Plumbers don't wear Ties, Subterranean Library

    Quakespasm Drake:
    Something wicked this way comes

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  • Mugwump
    Thanks, Seven.

    @phineas When you have a moment after Nehahra, make sure to play Something Wicked This Way Comes. The main map is easily as huge as an entire vanilla episode (there's something like 7 HUNDREDS of enemies in the map!) and the start map is the most jaw-dropping scenery I've ever seen in Quake. A breathtaking beauty!

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  • phineas
    THX a lot, Seven, you are the man!

    By the way:
    If anyone wants to start right away without the 15 min. cutscene in Nehahra, put this in your autoexec.cfg (as an alternative to starting the game from console with '+map neh1m1'):
    cutscene "0.000000"

    Will be busy now playin' all the cool maps and mods of the last 19 years, using DP with and without SMC, as well as plain Quakespasm or with Quoth or Drake. Both clients pimped with QRP.
    Step by step i'm getting into it, with great help and info i get here on quakeone.
    I'm sure havin' fun!
    Last edited by phineas; 09-21-2016, 03:00 PM.

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  • Seven

    Here is an updated version, that can be run/used even if the SMC is present/available in the id1 subfolder.
    In other words, the Nehahra extension mod doesnt share the same contents which could bring issues before. It is standalone AND can be used even if SMC content is detected/used.


    Have fun,

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  • Mugwump

    I'm with Phineas here, a reupload would be great. BTW, does your mod also fix the overbright issue?

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  • phineas
    Just discovered the Nehara Mod.
    And thus this thread.
    unfortunately the Link is dead - any chance it will be available again or somwhere else?

    And: Thx, seven.

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  • Seven

    Thank you Solecord for opening this thread.
    I didnt want to create a new one, as this thread holds a lot of Darkplaces specific solutions for running and enjoying Nehahra.

    Thanks to AlexQuaker and Spike for making it possible to edit & compile the Nehahra source. I spent some time playing around with it and want to share a small mod with you.

    This is a small Darkplaces mod that adds/replaces some features/effects to Nehahra.
    It changes all the default particles as well as adding particle fire (torches & candles & lanterns (only not swinging ones)).
    It also changes the TE_LAVASPLASH effect from Gaunts and Archgaunts (which was extremely strong and didnt let you see anything anymore).
    Also the weird looking effects around the spawn/teleport points are now looking more like they look like in original Nehahra.

    Interesting thing about Nehahras custom effect code is that todays engine interprete them very differently. Example the above mentioned spawn/teleport points:
    While Darkplaces cripples them to a weird looking spherical purple/white ball and FTE sprays them like crazy all over the place. DirectQ comes nearest to the original look of them, but still quite strong.
    Interesting how different modern engines act to "not-standard" Quake code...

    This is a comparism from Darkplaces of those spawn/teleport points without and with the small mod:


    Have fun,

    Some more random screenshots for those who like to look pictures


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  • Solecord

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  • NightFright
    As I wrote in the DirectQ thread, I am currently experimenting with different ports to see which one is capable of running Nehahra in the best way these days. As of now, it seems it's gonna be either JoeQuake or reQuiem for me. Both stay faithful to the original visuals (with proper water surface warp, not like DP), support VISed maps and colored lighting (if you have LITs) while actually producing less error messages than DP. Only unknown command seems to be "r_waterripple".

    I have entered the second episode by now with JoeQuake without any problems - besides the fact that engine is unable to play the "nehend.s3m" music track, but it's rather a minor thing. So far it's my personal recommendation!

    OK, I got the infamous "Packet Overflow" issue after killing Nehahra and crashed to console. Otherwise, game seems to be fully playable in JQ until that point. Weird though that this issue still exists, seems it is known for quite a while already.
    Last edited by NightFright; 02-23-2014, 07:02 PM.

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