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Quake Reforged Project

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  • That makes sense, DP water patch is a frame killer!


    • I let my lawyers to speak for me...

      @king hazza: I'm not sure, but in that version the enforcer had a dual-color gloss-map... just testing.

      @samus-aran: don't worry, we have a skin thicker than shub-niggurath (btw I'm very happy with its new skin ).
      You're right about brightness, it's something I've acknowleged from the start. If you refer to the image with the hellknight drawing its sword, I think it's a bit bright/shiny just because I took the screenshot right when I was firing (muzzleflash), however stay sure I'm taking in account your advices!

      Attached Files

      Quake Reforged
      Retexturing and Reskinning project for Quake, Scourge of Armagon and Dissolution of Eternity

      SoA skins
      DoE skins pre-release


      • Oh, guys, you're making me feel like playing through all Quake again!


        • hehe I could say now "release what you have"...but I prefer the full finished polished package. But the more I look at all the shots in this threat, waiting gets similar to torture...I found my original Quake 1 disc, downloaded Rygels Ultra pack, got DarkPlaces - now it's up to you how long I have to bleed till i can play Quake 1 with eyecandy-monsters


          • If I wimper all pathetic-like, would you attach a .tga or. jpg of the Enforcer and Grunt skins for us to play with? :-/ *wimpers pathetically*

            I feel like I'm going through withdrawal waiting for these skins, though I've never had them to use before.

            p.s. I like the green Enforcer the most.

            Originally posted by CarVio View Post
            hehe I could say now "release what you have"...but I prefer the full finished polished package. But the more I look at all the shots in this threat, waiting gets similar to torture...I found my original Quake 1 disc, downloaded Rygels Ultra pack, got DarkPlaces - now it's up to you how long I have to bleed till i can play Quake 1 with eyecandy-monsters
            I don't think this texture pack can be released as a single polished file, because there are many alternate skins involved. Unless there's an accompanying QuakeC mod which randomly picks between the skins, it will be up to each person to pick their favourite skins (e.g. the colour of the enforcer).

            All the more reason for a beta test of a few of the skins, so we can give feedback which might help to improve them!
            Last edited by Samus_Aran; 11-02-2009, 10:05 PM.


            • Originally posted by Samus_Aran View Post
              I don't think this texture pack can be released as a single polished file, because there are many alternate skins involved. Unless there's an accompanying QuakeC mod which randomly picks between the skins
              coming soon.


              • Breathing... getting... harder....
                Check out my awesome Deviant art page!
                Quake fanart (obviously included)!



                • What happens under the hood? All skins are done.

                  Actually we've stopped improving the skins - adding details beyond this level doesn't make sense anymore, because of in-game rendering: the finest detail already is blurred away and, though I was working on a new more detailed deathknight, you could appreciate it only on the tga (useless)
                  Then, adding special effects has been more enjoyable and effective (mystery here).

                  Now it's polish-time: we're focusing on at least a version of every skin, usually the most similar to the original, with the idea to release them in a single pack, while you can download the alternative versions separately from the site.
                  I think this is the better method to assure the highest overall standard of quality (for us at least).

                  Obviously, we're ready to adjust the skins also after release, if internal beta-testing fails

                  Finally I'd like to point out the difference between alternative skins and variations of skins.
                  The former means that the skins are quite different, also in style, to please the more of you as possible.
                  The last refers to little changes between models with the same version: you could have a zombie wounded differently, a knight with diffent blood splashes and so on.

                  We'll see if it's feasible. What do you think?

                  Quake Reforged
                  Retexturing and Reskinning project for Quake, Scourge of Armagon and Dissolution of Eternity

                  SoA skins
                  DoE skins pre-release


                  • Hi Nergal,

                    that sounds very good and i think i speak for everyone here, that we will leech every file that you will upload - for my part i would be very glad to test everything you release and i will give feedback as much as i can! I am looking forward for your variations and i will check all out!

                    I am very happy, that i have joined the QUAKE community in the last couple of weeks, and this to the right time! I love your project!


                    • Originally posted by Nergal View Post
                      What do you think?
                      I think that I have reloaded this page too many times waiting for you to post the skins!

                      Like TR2N, I will be downloading anything and everything you post, and trying it out and providing you with detailed feedback.



                      I should also mention that I only play Quake 1 in coop mode with my friends. We try out new levels all the time, so it never gets boring. I've been doing this for many years and some hundreds of single player maps. These skins will add greatly to our gameplay, as the regular Q1 monsters are looking very blurry as compared to Rygel's large pack (900MB).

                      I only like skins and textures that both:

                      a) Fit into the Quake universe, matching the existing style
                      b) Are not overly bright, which causes unbearable hdr/bloom on the surface, washing them out to almost unseeable

                      Most of your monster skins match these. They are different from the original monsters, but close enough to "feel right". The brightness thing will only be checkable in the game for me.

                      I will be mix and matching monster skins from various places to make a .pk3 that matches "a" and "b" above, then sending it to my friends whom I play coop with (I hope this is fine with you?).
                      Last edited by Samus_Aran; 11-03-2009, 12:38 PM.


                      • @Samus_Aran (not only quake, from your nick at least )

                        I completely agree with your points - quake has a distinctive style that I really appreciate too.
                        Unfortunately, sometimes the genesis of a project isn't clear, with its ups and downs, etc. In our case, skins was like a break from making textures (the first one was the enforcer), so there wasn't that "project" connotion it has now.
                        We made them just for fun, without guidelines, so quality ended up to being inconsistent. The transition to the status of full fleged project was what sucked most of our time - redoing skins again and again, while learning new tricks or improving the quality to the level of the last entry(they could have been ready a lot of time ago).
                        Now we try to stay closer with the original, while making new versions only as an alternative, 'cause this is what people seems to like the most.
                        In any case, we're gonna listen to you all for feedback, in fact, releasing in our case is just a "milestone", not and "end" at all.

                        Quake Reforged
                        Retexturing and Reskinning project for Quake, Scourge of Armagon and Dissolution of Eternity

                        SoA skins
                        DoE skins pre-release


                        • Originally posted by Nergal View Post
                          @Samus_Aran (not only quake, from your nick at least )
                          What I meant is that I don't play Quake 1 in DeathMatch or Single Player modes -- only in Cooperative mode.

                          In 1998 to 2000 I played a lot of Quake 1 DM, it was the first time with Internet and the novelty of playing against other people was very high... but that wore off and I got bored with the repetition of DM mode.

                          Played SP off and on with custom maps and mods for several years, and then found some friends who like coop, which is a huge step above SP in my opinion. It's nice being able to use teamwork to take out the big strong monsters, fun trying to avoid blowing each other up with incendiaries or walking across your friend's nailgun trajectory, and much more enjoyable hunting for secrets in a level with others (see who can find them first).

                          The number of SP maps is astounding and most of them work in coop, even when the author never intended them for coop play. The only SP maps that don't work in coop are ones where the mappers make triggers on taking weapons (which can't happen), or teleport triggers which cause everyone to telefrag each other, or having the starting of the map inaccessible when a player dies and respawns.

                          I usually play 2 or 3 person coop. I should try to find a few more hardcore coop players, could be neat to have a dozen of us all running around.

                          I guess this has gone way off-topic, I should go find the proper forum to post in.


                          • Originally posted by Samus_Aran View Post
                            What I meant is that I don't play Quake 1 in DeathMatch or Single Player modes -- only in Cooperative mode.

                            In 1998 to 2000 I played a lot of Quake 1 DM, it was the first time with Internet and the novelty of playing against other people was very high... but that wore off and I got bored with the repetition of DM mode.

                            Played SP off and on with custom maps and mods for several years, and then found some friends who like coop, which is a huge step above SP in my opinion. It's nice being able to use teamwork to take out the big strong monsters, fun trying to avoid blowing each other up with incendiaries or walking across your friend's nailgun trajectory, and much more enjoyable hunting for secrets in a level with others (see who can find them first).

                            The number of SP maps is astounding and most of them work in coop, even when the author never intended them for coop play. The only SP maps that don't work in coop are ones where the mappers make triggers on taking weapons (which can't happen), or teleport triggers which cause everyone to telefrag each other, or having the starting of the map inaccessible when a player dies and respawns.

                            I usually play 2 or 3 person coop. I should try to find a few more hardcore coop players, could be neat to have a dozen of us all running around.

                            I guess this has gone way off-topic, I should go find the proper forum to post in.
                            Funny, i talked to my brother last night an we talked about "cooping" QUAKE. How do you play it in Coop-mode? Which client do you use?

                            To play QUAKE in coop with the textures Alfader/Nergal are creating, WOW! I really canīt wait to get them!

                            That will be very awesome, a fully new experience of the "old QUAKE"!


                            • Originally posted by TR2N View Post
                              Funny, i talked to my brother last night an we talked about "cooping" QUAKE. How do you play it in Coop-mode? Which client do you use?

                              To play QUAKE in coop with the textures Alfader/Nergal are creating, WOW! I really canīt wait to get them!

                              That will be very awesome, a fully new experience of the "old QUAKE"!
                              We use Dark Places client for coop, with Rygel's high texture pack (900MB). It looks great, other than the player and monster textures compared to everything else. It's not *that* noticeable when everything is moving around, but once you stop to look at the players or monsters up close -- blurrrrrry!

                              I actually arrived at while hunting the net for improved monster skins, and realising you had to register here to see anything. I was rather annoyed at that, but once I did create an account and can see how active this community is -- no complaints!

                              I am really looking forward to these monster skins for the sake of an improved coop experience.


                              • Yep, quake in coop is really fun to play!!

                                Also: new footage


                                Quake Reforged
                                Retexturing and Reskinning project for Quake, Scourge of Armagon and Dissolution of Eternity

                                SoA skins
                                DoE skins pre-release

