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The "Introduce Yourself Thread"

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  • #91
    It's really great to see so many new players finding the game.


    • #92
      I am here.

      I am Scampie, better known as Lord of Quake Level Design, and all around good guy. I am also Lord of the Dance, but only on the weekends.

      I've mapped for the various Quake games since editors for Q1 were first released. I guess I did something right, as I'm now a professional level designer for Raven Software (No, I didn't work on Q4).

      Quake has always been my favorite FPS, and has brought me much joy throughout the years. The community spirit has always been great and through it, I've met loads of great people.

      I also enjoy classical music, and long walks in the park.


      • #93
        Curious. What software does Raven use to build brand new game maps?


        • #94
          Welcome, Scampie. Among other things, Scampie ran speed mapping at (now renamed to

          Speed mapping is where a theme is selected or preassembled texture set -- or even some map parts -- are designated and then mappers submit their final submission. This has produced some outstanding maps, such as Shut Up RPG

          SM32: Shut Up RPG!

          SM36: Subterrain Siege

          And within the last year, maps such as Rubicondom (a play on words on the map Rubicon and one of RPG's controversially named maps):

          SM82: Rubicondom

          Speed mapping is up to theme #120 which was released Feb 28; those can be read about at Func_Msgboard.
 - Being exactly one-half good and one-half evil has advantages. When a portal opens to the antimatter universe, my opposite is just me with a goatee.

          So while you guys all have to fight your anti-matter counterparts, me and my evil twin will be drinking a beer laughing at you guys ...


          • #95
            Originally posted by Canadian*Sniper
            Curious. What software does Raven use to build brand new game maps?
            For almost all the 3d FPS games Raven has made, they've used ID engines, so it's always been a Radiant/Qe4 varient.

            For X-men Legends (1 and 2), the team I work with, we used 3D Studio Max


            • #96

              ANTI PAT PAT PAT GO!

              Hey, I'm RenegadeC, I'm a 21 year old male who's in college for Computer Programming and lastly: I'm Canadian.. there seems to be quite a few Canadians around here which is great!

              Anyway, I first started Quake in 1996 .. 1 month after its release and prompty finished it many times over in its single player campaign; shortly after that I moved onto upgrading my computer with more RAM and started immediately playing online after a friend showed me q95 (I never bothered to see what it did). After I joined my first Quake deathmatch game I was hooked and nearly played all day and every day and quickly signed up for cable modem and became a known hated LPB on my ISP server.

              I also started playing with different mods shortly after that, Cujo, ReaperBot, numerous weapons packs etc; This alone sparked my interest in QuakeC and I qiuckly discovered Inside3D and started putting together crap mods using their tutorials.

              I ended up releasing my first Quake mod in an IRC channel and every told me how crap it was and I should just give up, but I never did and kept making crap mods for a long time; now who's laughing! I've practically mastered QuakeC, and have a serious project that's always nearing completion every day.

              Today I'm practically keeping the QuakeDev section (on their message board) of alive, and working on a fully stand alone game using the Quake engine powered by Makaqu and Darkplaces (also works on XBox, and Dreamcast and even regular Winquake!) titled: The Ascension of Vigil .. I've made many past mods which have been well received (CastleVania, Starship Troopers: Tactical Defense, Volley Ball Quake, Codename: Corporal / Envenom .. etc)

              You can view almost all my Quake work here!
              Last edited by RenegadeC; 03-20-2006, 11:57 PM.
              "I'm convinced RenegadeC is in fact not a human, but rather an expirimental IRC/QuakeC bot who has the ability to randomly formulate mods and code them, programmed to have a distinct Canadian personality as well."
              Author of The Ascension of Vigil


              • #97
                *kicks renegadec square in his canadian balls*
                Inside3d - Because you can't be Outside 3D!


                • #98
                  *kills scar3crow until he's dead*
                  "I'm convinced RenegadeC is in fact not a human, but rather an expirimental IRC/QuakeC bot who has the ability to randomly formulate mods and code them, programmed to have a distinct Canadian personality as well."
                  Author of The Ascension of Vigil


                  • #99

                    Me love you long time


                    • What the hell is it with Canadians?

                      You're both aberrant, extranormal, freaks.


                      • Originally posted by Scampie
                        What the hell is it with Canadians?

                        You're both aberrant, extranormal, freaks.
                        Originally posted by Scampie
                        "and all around good guy."
                        "I'm convinced RenegadeC is in fact not a human, but rather an expirimental IRC/QuakeC bot who has the ability to randomly formulate mods and code them, programmed to have a distinct Canadian personality as well."
                        Author of The Ascension of Vigil


                        • We have more fun. Btw take a look at some of your arcade scores

                          you call us freaks, but RenegadeC and I are counting how long it takes till you FREAK out at your arcade scores being deminished.


                          • Hiya Mindz...!

                            I do have a small tattoo on my left breast. It's not something I am proud of, I got it when I was relatively young. It's a small heart BTW.

                            It's good to see so many people interested in Quake, still. I love this game.
                            Last edited by Cherrie; 03-21-2006, 03:52 AM.


                            • *gives Renegade and scar3crow a huge hug*

                              I'm Error. I'm 21 and live in Virginia.

                              Been playing Quake since the release, and been modding since about a month after the qc source release.

                              I currently linger in #qc on and run with the assistance of Randy (Random), FrikaC, Chillo, Dr. Shadowborg, and scar3crow.

                              I'm really happy to see so many 'faces' in the Quake community still. Quake on. You guys are the reason I do what I do.
                              Inside3D - Wocka-Wocka-Wocka


                              • Hey Renegade dood!! Remember me from #terrafusion? I was the monster_6 guy asking for mapping help. Yeah, I started out playing BGBOT and then Reaper also. I remember I was so amazed when I first played the BGBOT. Even though it totally sucked.

