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Obama threatens Russia

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  • Obama threatens Russia

    Obama threatened Russia with cyber attacks in retaliation for Wikileaks a couple of days ago. And if you expose widespread government corruption --- well, the US government just won't tolerate that. Ask Snowden or Assange.

    Now half our internet is down today.

    Netflix doesn't work, I've heard Twitter and Facebook don't work. Maybe Amazon.

    Great job, Obama! That'll teach Russia quite a lesson. - Being exactly one-half good and one-half evil has advantages. When a portal opens to the antimatter universe, my opposite is just me with a goatee.

    So while you guys all have to fight your anti-matter counterparts, me and my evil twin will be drinking a beer laughing at you guys ...

  • #2
    I'm so mad I couldn't tweet about Twitter being down because it was down when I wanted to tweet about it being down


    • #3
      That's some messed up stuff. Sorry you guys have to deal with that. I don't use any of that stuff so, I can't really identify but, I empathize.


      • #4
        You missed the point.

        The USA threatens cyber attack on Russia. Next day, half of USA internet is down.

        Github is down too. PayPal down. Many other things are down like Amazon AWS servers (powers a large part of "the cloud" that countless companies and internet caching companies use). - Being exactly one-half good and one-half evil has advantages. When a portal opens to the antimatter universe, my opposite is just me with a goatee.

        So while you guys all have to fight your anti-matter counterparts, me and my evil twin will be drinking a beer laughing at you guys ...


        • #5
          Why the hell would anyone give a warning about something like that? "Hey pal, just to give you a heads-up we're gonna fuck with you..." I mean, seriously?!? Just do it bro!
          ♪ I'm skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain, just skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain ♪
          ♪ What a glorious feelin' I'm haaaaaaappy again ♪


          • #6
            I didn't miss that. I totally get that. I don't use any of that stuff. I probably don't even need the internet beyond research. If I left quakeone I would have no identity connected internet presence what-so-ever.

            edit: I do have email, but I wouldn't give a shit if I didn't.
            Last edited by MadGypsy; 10-21-2016, 06:31 PM.


            • #7
              Originally posted by MadGypsy View Post
              I don't use any of that stuff.
              I mentioned GitHub.
              You've put stuff on GitHub with your Flash/Haxe projects.
              You said you don't use any of that stuff.

              Who am I believe, haha?

              /But yeah, I wouldn't call much of the known stuff that is down "essential", but there is no doubt stuff that is important that is down when that much of the internet is affected.

              Originally posted by bfg666 View Post
              Why the hell would anyone give a warning about something like that? "Hey pal, just to give you a heads-up we're gonna fuck with you..." I mean, seriously?!? Just do it bro!
              Because it's a Obama who does stuff like "draws a line in the sand in Syria" and no one listens to him and they do it anyway and nothing happens. Or that joke called the "Iran Deal".

              You don't tell people you are going to hack Russia. Especially when Russia can do 100x to us what we can do to them.

              It's just dumb.
     - Being exactly one-half good and one-half evil has advantages. When a portal opens to the antimatter universe, my opposite is just me with a goatee.

              So while you guys all have to fight your anti-matter counterparts, me and my evil twin will be drinking a beer laughing at you guys ...


              • #8
                You're right. The very first version of my engine (the shittiest one ever) is on GitHub. Do you think I care if I can't get it ever again? Actually the fact that you mentioned GitHub and I still didn't consider it says it all. To be honest, I hate GitHub. It's a pain in the ass for how I do things.

                I mean if we want to get technical I have thousands of posts on and a couple of other forums but, all that stuff is dead to me. I'm not trying to claim I've never used the internet. I'm just saying I don't have an online presence that I would miss (except here) if it died for good. I mean, exists and I don't give a shit about that either.
                Last edited by MadGypsy; 10-21-2016, 07:02 PM.


                • #9
                  Obama and Clinton are all salty that Assange got a hold of their stuff, and now that information is public. So, what now? ATTACK RUSSIA AND PUSH THE NARRATIVE!

                  YOU'RE GONNA CARRY THAT WEIGHT...


                  • #10
                    Yay, World War the Third!
                    ♪ I'm skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain, just skiiiiiiinnin' in the pain ♪
                    ♪ What a glorious feelin' I'm haaaaaaappy again ♪


                    • #11

                      Yep, there's gonna be a lot of houses to paint/build when this is all over. Maybe, I can get my trade back from the "undocumented citizens" due to way more demand than supply. I know what you may be thinking "The world is on the verge of war and all you can think of is work?!"...Yep. Maybe we can just burn the whole damn thing down and start over. I'm ready for whatever.


                      • #12
                        When Russian missile sites pop up in Cuba again, maybe the mystery about why the President has taken such a stance against the Kremlin will become less mysterious. Couldn't happen again? Eh, don't bet money on it. Over the past year, Russia has increasingly behaved aggressively towards NATO, especially with armed fighter jet flyovers in NATO airspace.


                        • #13
                          Did we really give up control of the internet the other day to the "global market"? I'm ignorant about most of this stuff but I heard on the radio the US was giving up some kind of control to "whoever"? Like Russia and China had as much say now or "control" as we, the US does of the internet? I may be WAY out in left field about this but something about this rings a bell...
                          *I chose the road less traveled... Now I don't know where the hell I am*


                          • #14
                            " The National Telecommunications & Information Administration, a Commerce Department agency, said Friday it is transitioning the function to the “global Internet community.” The decision marks a dramatic change. Since the Internet’s inception, the United States has played a leading role in the management of critical back-end Web work, including management of .com and other domain names. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has performed those functions under U.S. Commerce contract since 2000. "

                            One wonders if it will be impossible for certain people to register domain names.


                            • #15

                              I had this explained to me and I am going to ATTEMPT to pass that info to you

                              The USA has basically owned the internet since it's inception. For reasons I don't have answers to, it is apparently foolish to believe that we could maintain that monopoly. The internet has been given to "a neutral entity" in order to make sure that it doesn't fall into the hands of any special interest or governmental control.

                              I'm sure that explanation is probably pretty crappy and instigates more questions than it answers but, it's all I got. Somewhere in there is a better explanation that is similar.

