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Small Mod compilation

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  • Hello ghostbreed,

    Thank you for your post.
    Feature-wise there will not be another "small mod compilation" soon.
    This mod has been grown since 3-4 years and reached a level, which I never planed to go.

    My highest target was always to NOT change the gameplay and the feel of Quake.

    Even though some features do change it, fortunately we have the cvars to turn them off. And this will always be the case, cause that is my main target.

    But if we go much further, you would not recognize Quake anymore I guess.
    We should keep the balance of nice and useful features and an overwhelmed Quake.

    Regarding your and splitterfaces specific features demands:
    1.) Nails stick in entities
    It works on meshes (doors) already in current smc.
    For monsters it would be a more difficult thing because of the simplified model boxes (living or dead monsters (corpses) makes only little difference).
    DarkPlaces gives us VERY powerful extended features to do it though:
    I think it can be done, but imagine the amount of nails and the size of them.
    The entity would look like a hedgehog quickly.
    So I would not do it.
    Making Painskins would be a much better idea.
    That is an easy QC task, but requires some photoshop skills/jobs.

    2.) Corpses are affected by slime and lava too
    That is a more or less easy thing to do.
    But remember, that they dont float like gibs in smc at the moment, so it makes this idea a little unnecessary.

    3.) Living monsters are affected by slime and lava too
    Adding a .touch function will do the job. Quick and clean.
    Normaly monsters would never fall into lava or slime pools in Quake.
    But now that we have Gyro doing its magic, it happens
    So we should give them a .touch function anyway, because at the moment lava does NOT hurt the monsters. Which is maybe a little unusual (in sense of "realism").
    So this is what I would accept as a small feature addon.

    But as I said, there are actually no plans (nor time) to make a new version soon. My family will come back soon and time will be near zero again.

    But there is a small small secret going on at the moment.
    An earth shuttering new blast will hit us all soon.
    One of the most talented person is back and brought a bag full of goodies with him...
    My mouth stood far open as I saw his magic.
    Nothing more to speak/reveal for now.

    Kind regards,


    • Thanks for filling us in Seven
      Actually, I couldn't be any more happy with SMC in its current state. And I agree, tweaking Quake too much and it wouldn't be Quake anymore, somewhere we have to draw a line.

      But still I can't wait for that little secret of yours
      Souvenirs d'un autre monde


      • just updated from 3.1 to 3.61 and i thought i had fun before kicking gibs around a room and painting it red... gibs floating in water is awesome. way to go keep up the good work cheers

        on a side note... pain skins from reforged would be sweet... almost too sweet to think about.. and i wouldnt mind enemies looking like porcupines after being peppered by my super nail gun... maybe just make it an available option one could enable

        why id hasnt hired you on yet seven is beyond me. thanks for all your work


        • @Seven
          I'd like to still voice my desire for different gib models/ body parts for each monster for the future. I know there would be much work on this, but it would be excellent IMO. I'm trying to educate myself more to see what way I could contribute to this. Maybe soon.
          The monsters getting hurt in lava due to gyro is a great idea!
          I'm enjoying what has been accomplished thus far and am very grateful for all the work from contributors!

          Best wishes


          • With 50hp for all corpses it is really hard to not get everything gibbed which I found boring. I liked idea of larger monsters corpses being tougher to gib, while smaller monsters being easily gibbable. I've implemented feature for smc3.1 which done that ( you had to roughly kill corpse for the second time to gib it ). Unfortunately Webangel missed that it required all “monster.qc” files and it worked only for ogre in her pack ( she included ogre.qc because of the aim mod ), and now Seven dropped it completely. I've reimplemented this feature in SMCv3.61. Maybe someone beside me liked it...

            autoexec.cfg cvars:
            With default values it behaves exactly the same as SMCv3.61, but “corpsehealth” cvar from SMCv3.61 is not used.

            0 = all corpses have 50 hp ( like in V3.61 ) == default
            1 = corpse hp amount depend on monster type
            ( corpse hp = hard coded value: 0...50 less than monsters hp, for example ogres corpse has 150 hp )

            corpse_hp ( 1 == default )
            0 = corpses are invulnerable
            >0 = multiplier of hp amount determined by 'custom_corpse_hp' setting

            example: add this lines into your autoexec.cfg (if you don't add it, the default value will be automatically used)

            for corpse hp dependent on monster type:
            set custom_corpse_hp 1
            set corpse_hp 1

            for invulnerable corpses ( original quake behavior )
            set corpse_hp 0

            I don't know whether TE_EXPLOSIONQUAD and TE_TAREXPLOSION effects are actually used in game, but they were incorrect. It carried over from effectinfo.txt I've released with an early version of ozaim addon and Seven used. I've made them the same as TE_EXPLOSION effect again.

            Added lightbeams models and textures to pk3 and lightbeams .ent files to zip so lightbeams can be used without Webangel's pack ( if someone is using Rygel's textures for example ), .ent files versions with lightbeams only - without rain, are included additionally.

            Added to zip “Readme lightbeams ent support.txt” with credits and instructions. Updated other relevant .txt files with info about new cvars.

            Unofficial *link removed*
            It will be easier than addon that way. I hope Seven wont kill me

            @Seven – some ideas/ questions:
            - Which value in the code I have to change for gibs to slowly sink in the water with gyro enabled ? It's a matter of personal liking - player sink, so I would prefer gibs sink too.
            - You could experiment with spawning few of this new small meat chunks upon corpse gibbing.
            - You could make smaller version of debris and experiment with adding them to grenade/rocket explosion.
            - You can carry monster mass to corpse the same way I did with hit points, instead of using the same value for all corpses.
            - With gyro enabled all gibs after gibbing follow together in the hit direction. Gibs from exploded monsters/corpses could spread more, maybe half sphere or wide cone of possible random directions around the hit direction. As it is now gibbing with gyro disabled looks more spectacular ( gibs spread is completely random ).

            Last edited by _Smith_; 12-19-2011, 10:26 AM.
            Quake HD: Embrace the decline and have some guilty pleasure with it, or join a club for monocled gentlemen at quaddicted and play Quake the way it's meant to be played.


            • hi

              ive been playing the rogue smc today and i must say its very good

              i love all the features and the death animations are awesome.




              • Originally posted by seanstar View Post


                ive been playing the rogue smc today and i must say its very good

                i love all the features and the death animations are awesome.



                Yes, I thought the ghost-sword death was pretty cool
                There is no Dana, only Zuul


                • This all rocks and love the new skins!


                  • To answer Smith´s question:
                    It is explained in detail inside Gyro documentation (GyroDocs): click
                    Look for:
                    - Gyro_Object_SetBouyancy
                    - Gyro_Object_SetResistance

                    If you dont want to read, simply look inside "gyro_smc_settings.qc".
                    And make the gibphysics identical to monsterphysics = only use Gyro_Object_Activate.
                    I guess this is what you want to have.


                    • erm hey i wanted to ask for one thing.
                      not really a new feature but more like a slight modification

                      would it be possible to change when you have invisibility that your hud weapons dont become completely invisible too but only like 50% transparent or such? or better, configurable through a cvar how transparent the hud weapons become?

                      it always bugged me that your hud weapons become completely invisible when you have invisibiltiy cuz it makes it hard to see which weapon you are carrying, and you keep having to look at which kind of ammo it says on the hud to know which weapon you have equiped

                      could it be added that the hud weapons only become 50% invisible or such, just like in doom for example?

                      that would be great if that would be possible.
                      i never use invisibility myself cuz its annoying as hell imo that your hud weapon becomes completely invisible too

                      EDIT: and to add to what i said about corpses catching fire too...
                      it would be neat if you would also extend the floating at surface to corpses as well for that.
                      looks kinda weird imo that corpses sink but when you shoot them to pieces the gibs suddenly float up to the surface, as if they suddenly get injected with helium or something
                      are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
                      > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
                      everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


                      • I like your idea Splitter
                        Souvenirs d'un autre monde


                        • Got a problem, water splashes don't work :/


                          • did you add the 'set watersplash 1' cvar to your autoexec.cfg?
                            are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
                            > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
                            everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


                            • yep. Also tried the cvar ingame, it's like its not even there somehow.


                              • did you replace your effectinfo.txt with the new one inside the rar from the SMC?

                                i had the same 'prob'. the watersplashes need the newest effectinfo, otherwise they wont show
                                are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
                                > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
                                everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread

