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Metal Monstrosity

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  • #31
    Noops, no effect!
    Fórum QuakeBrasil

    Lots of Quake related stuff


    • #32
      Try disabling fog alltogether to rule it out as culprit?
      Quake 1 Singleplayer Maps and Mods


      • #33
        wow all those settings on my end reproduce and fix your bug on my nviia card
        maybe its how ati handlesfog? ||


        • #34
          Originally posted by Spirit View Post
          Try disabling fog alltogether to rule it out as culprit?
          gl_fogenable 0 solves the problem! Although the fog is "auto enabled" every time the map is loaded (didn't tested if this behavior happens only with this map).


          Any news about the problem involving the mouse razer when the refresh rate is over 125hz?

          Fórum QuakeBrasil

          Lots of Quake related stuff


          • #35
            not sure maybe the rate is locked
            are u using -dinput m_dinput 1 or m_raw_input 1?


            • #36
              Thanks once again Rook, -dinput solved the problem!
              Fórum QuakeBrasil

              Lots of Quake related stuff


              • #37
                Originally posted by vegetous View Post
                Thanks once again Rook, -dinput solved the problem!
                Ops, Second thoughts, no effect with the bug! I think I just played a lucky match last time!

                Doesn't looks like there is a m_dinput command in qrack!

                Command line -dinput with or without m_raw_input 1 didn't stop the bug!
                Fórum QuakeBrasil

                Lots of Quake related stuff


                • #38
                  m_directinput 1 enables dinput

                  m_rate sets the poll rate

                  i'll look to see if the rate is capped at 125...

                  are u just saying it doesnt go over 125 or everything goes crazy over 125?


                  • #39
                    This looks really nice


                    • #40
                      I can't get it running on DP.

                      I can't seem to get this game running on DP at all. The map loads up but every single enemy in the game is invisible and I don't really know what I am missing here.
                      Make no mistakes here... I'm not a mere madman... I'm a realist!


                      • #41
                        make a map called quoth where you unpack quoth 2.2,
                        and make another map metmon where you unpack the contents of the zip of the map

                        and then start the game like this:
                        darkplaces.exe -game metmon -game quoth +map metmon

                        that should work... works at least for me, to start the map that way
                        are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
                        > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
                        everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by R00k View Post
                          m_directinput 1 enables dinput

                          m_rate sets the poll rate

                          i'll look to see if the rate is capped at 125...

                          are u just saying it doesnt go over 125 or everything goes crazy over 125?
                          Thank you, I'll try it!

                          My mouse is a Razer Salmosa, it has two switches which allows the user to manually change DPI and the refresh rate directly in the mouse. In my case it's always set to maximum DPI (1600 I think) and 1Ghz for the refresh rate.

                          With this settings, the actions binded to my razer's buttons, get stuck constantly, and/or are not triggered.

                          I also have a wireless mouse from Microsoft, which works normally, even when the razor is connected to the system.

                          This bug doesn't affect ezquake or darkplaces!
                          Fórum QuakeBrasil

                          Lots of Quake related stuff


                          • #43
                            darkplaces.exe -game metmon -game quoth +map metmon
                            wouldn't it be

                            darkplaces.exe -quoth -game metmon +map metmon
                            (engine -basedir -game gamename +map mapname)

                            darkplaces.exe -quoth
                            quoth/contents of quoth - this directory loads first en todo

                            -game metmon +map metmon
                            metmon/maps/metmon.bsp - then this game folder contents and specified map are loaded on top of the previously gathered game data

                            I'm surprised your way works. Basically your command line is looking for a basedir named "game metmon"
                            Last edited by MadGypsy; 07-09-2014, 10:05 PM.


                            • #44
                              im pretty sure i tried using that commandline before and it didnt work,
                              but when i just tried starting it with that commandline it seemed to work

                              ah well.... both ways seem to work

                              in my way the quoth folder gets loaded last though and i only need a single config and autoexec.cfg,
                              instead of having to copy them for every quoth-map which needs to be placed in its own folder
                              Last edited by talisa; 07-10-2014, 06:23 AM.
                              are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
                              > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
                              everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by R00k View Post
                                m_directinput 1 enables dinput

                                m_rate sets the poll rate

                                i'll look to see if the rate is capped at 125...

                                are u just saying it doesnt go over 125 or everything goes crazy over 125?
                                m_directinput "1" dinput enabled, and m_rate set from 125 to 1000, and the bug remains affecting the game!
                                Fórum QuakeBrasil

                                Lots of Quake related stuff

