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Heretic1 + Hexen1

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  • #46
    @ osjclatchford

    since Update 2 ( 2010-10-08 ) ALL weapons have external models and skins.
    Also Hellstaff.
    Be sure to read my readme.txt and download last version.
    I corrected all weapons offsets. They were badly misplaced before.

    Using external textures and models is of course everybodies own decision.
    You can do it or let it be.
    There have been spent much work into this thread.
    I gathered all available resources, tweaked them and punched them into one/two files.
    For your convenience.

    You can of course exclude every single skin/model you want.
    Thats a benefit from Doomsday.

    Best wishes,


    • #47
      oh, ok. sorry to have been talking nonsense again...

      ...I'll get downloading now!

      great stuff, I'm using both seven's pack and spinvis's items now!

      anyone know ho to get rid of THIS BUG on the torches? its quite irritating.

      now I'm just hoping someone, with more modeling talent/knowledge than I (they can't be hard to find, can they? LOL) makes new corpses/death animations for the wizzards/ironliches now, then it would be PERFECT lol!
      Last edited by osjclatchford; 11-18-2010, 05:08 AM.


      • #48
        staff skin for Jheretic

        Ok, not that I didn't like the model/skin for the staff but I thought that It was in dire need of shading and higher detail.
        The wood texture was the first to change (my garden table to the rescue!) and then I moved onto the metal. The metal textures are actually quite nicely detailed but lack the third dimention and depth when on the model in-game. (I always thought It looked a little like glass/crystal as apposed to metal!) I simply fudged with the levels of contrast/brightness and added some shading to key areas to improve the in-game finish.
        with the glossy effects available in Doomsday the effect is (IMO) more faithfull to the original.

        all credit to Cain for the orignal model/skin.

        anyway - have at it

        and - pic

        enjoy or not...



        • #49
          Hello osjclatchford,

          the difference is clearly visible in game. Very nice.
          Thank you for your work and that you share it.

          The bug with the torches, which you described 2 posts above, is NOT in my game.
          It sure is a config issue. Or maybe due to different OS.

          Kind Regards,


          • #50
            Xbow skin for jheretic

            Oh, I'll just have to suffer it then...

            BTW, I'm glad you like the staff-skin, I've redone the metal on the Xbow too so I'll post that here as well...


            well here it is as promised; xbow skin
            with new metal textures (ok not amazing I know, but better IMO)

            the obsevant of you may also notice the edited stock!

            again, all credit to Cain for the original model/skin
            enjoy... or not

            more regards!
            Last edited by osjclatchford; 11-20-2010, 06:47 AM.


            • #51
              Thank you for your small tweaks osjclatchford,

              but i think this forum is not the Best one to release them.
              This is where you should post them.
              You would reach 200% more people, who like Heretic/Hexen.

              Kind Regards,


              • #52
                thaks for the link but to be honest with you I found said forum a little cluttered and clumsy in Its organisation.

                It was only your release of the large collection of packs in one 'easy-to-swallow' box that inspired me to release my 'tweaks' at all. I just thought you and the guys on this thread might appreciate them so I packaged 'em and the rest is history.

                my work here is done! LOL!



                • #53
                  Please dont understand me wrong osjclatchford.

                  I would be happy to see more enhancements from you here.
                  Just thought your work should see more eyes, which might be the case in
                  that special heretic/hexen forum from Doomsday.

                  I didnt make something special. Just compressed the resources I found, with some adjustments.
                  Guys like you, who tweak things, are the real important persons.

                  Hope to see more from you.



                  • #54
                    many thanks for your kind words and support! You are of course right, though; I should really put my bits onto the heretic/hexen forum, to 'share the wealth' so to speak.
                    I guess I've just been being lazy! lol.

                    as for your pack, I can assure you that pooling all those resources must have taken a lot more time/patience than I spent on my skins, it is most appreciated by many.

                    I will endeavour to improve more stuff and upload it on said forum and probably on this thread too.


                    • #55
                      Thanks osjclatchford, again some nice work from you. Btw i have the same bug with the torches, it came with the new resource pack 1.1. I haven't fixed it yet, but i am working on it.
                      FPS Source Ports


                      • #56
                        Did you like GZDoom engine? I like it, for me it best ever.
                        Or like Skulltag? This allow you to play heretic and hexen online.
                        Hexen:Edge of Chaos: News - my most awaiting game
                        Qtracker - for easy searching of Quake and HeXen II servers
                        HeXen II: All Source Ports List - i am collecting everything for HeXen II
                        HeXen II Files - under development
                        Me at Facebook - want play hexen2 multiplayer write me
                        hexen2 ftp
                        hexen2 maps, mods, addons, etc, torrent


                        • #57
                          For DooM (Ultimate, 2 tnt, plutonia and mods [such as zwolf3d/zsod]) and hexen I use plain ol Zdoom. its the least buggy and most faithfull.
                          is gzdoom the zdoom with 3d model support and glowing lights? if so Id probably choose Doomsday for this option as it supports more options.

                          never used skulltag but isn't that just zdoom for online play?

                          PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong, its the only way I will learn!


                          • #58
                            GZDoom support everything that ZDoom and it works faster and more accurately than Doomsday(maybe it just for me? I prefer GZDoom more than anything else). Skulltag it GZDoom for multiplayer.
                            GZDoom and ZDoom has most big community than others.
                            Hexen:Edge of Chaos: News - my most awaiting game
                            Qtracker - for easy searching of Quake and HeXen II servers
                            HeXen II: All Source Ports List - i am collecting everything for HeXen II
                            HeXen II Files - under development
                            Me at Facebook - want play hexen2 multiplayer write me
                            hexen2 ftp
                            hexen2 maps, mods, addons, etc, torrent


                            • #59
                              Doomsday is better in managing mods and textures... but developing is slow as hell
                              Ia! Ia! Shubb Niggurath!

                              "Not dead is what forever can wait" (HPL)


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Spinvis View Post
                                Thanks osjclatchford, again some nice work from you. Btw i have the same bug with the torches, it came with the new resource pack 1.1. I haven't fixed it yet, but i am working on it.
                                I too found that its the in the new items pack.

                                Swapping back to the old torch model has solved the floor-fire issue but now I have a low-res torch-pickup that doesn't animate...
                                Last edited by osjclatchford; 12-04-2010, 04:25 AM.

