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the 'definitive' HD replacement content list!

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  • #46
    thanx again webangel!

    will upload em later to my dropbox so that links wont ever expire anymore,
    and then ill add them to the list
    are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
    > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
    everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


    • #47
      i think i found something you may want to add: roy's HD music

      (maybe in the "misc" section?)
      Last edited by Syluxguy28O3; 06-06-2014, 11:36 AM.
      My Avatars!
      Quake Leagues
      Quake 1.5!!!
      Definitive HD Quake


      • #48

        this link is bad i think.

        (high poly models from LHB, via mp1)
        My Avatars!
        Quake Leagues
        Quake 1.5!!!
        Definitive HD Quake


        • #49
          just added the alt statues and sword and ogre-boss by WebAngel to the list!

          @ sylux
          ah yush of course, music...
          while not really by definition "HD" its surely something people will want
          reminds me also of the alt music by sonic mayhem (band which also made music for quake2)


          also reminds me i didnt think of adding sound-packs!
          there's the one by mind-grid, the "epi-quake" sound-pack, and seven also made an HD soundpack (which is by far my fave)

          will have to go split the quake-post though cuz i already reached char-limit on that one...
          but luckily i also have a post before that, so i can just move part of the quake-list to that post.
          wouldnt have thought that the list could become so big that it exceeds max-char-limits of a post


          yeah the second link is broken sylux, post correct link?


          just added roy's music-packs and sonic mayhem soundtrack to lists,
          and i also added several HD sound-packs to the lists
          Last edited by talisa; 06-06-2014, 04:33 PM.
          are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
          > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
          everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


          • #50
            I think you missed some sky replacements...
            At least I cant find them.
            There are some very good threads.

            Sonic Mayhems soundtrack is great.

            Someone should make this thread sticky.

            Some sticky threads are outdated as hell and should be removed. Just my opinion.


            • #51
              yeah i am aware i didnt mention skies.
              i intend to add them, but i keep forgetting to actually add them to the list

              yeah sonic mayhem's soundtrack is cool if you want some music which is more pumping to play through the game

              also yeah ive poked mindz about making thread sticky.
              he mustve not been able to read my PM yet i guess


              will add skies soon, and i also plan to add some skyboxes to the list.
              personally think they add much more immersion to the game then scrolling skies
              are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
              > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
              everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


              • #52
                just added some replacement skies and links to a bunch of skyboxes

                some i couldnt link cuz sadly their download-links had expired.
                if anybody has any of the skies in these threads from which the links are broken, please share them so i can add them to the lists
                Last edited by talisa; 06-08-2014, 05:17 PM.
                are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
                > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
                everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


                • #53
                  just added the lantern-model for ROGUE that i just finished earlier today to the list

                  also just added the buzzsaw that i made for ROGUE / MP2 DoE
                  Last edited by talisa; 06-12-2014, 05:40 AM.
                  are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
                  > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
                  everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


                  • #54
                    Strangely enough, much of Webangel's content has mysteriously vanished. The torch has is no longer available on the file hosting site that it was put up on, and the DoE replacement textures have suffered the same fate it seems...

                    The same goes with much of the quake reforged monster skins outside of ID1 models. Textures for the scourge, Armagon, and the gremlin are especially hard to find, unfortunately. Downloading the MP addons for that outdated "Epsilon" engine is an indirect way to still get all that stuff, but then you'll be stuck with the "low" or "medium" versions of the textures. Just thought you might want to know.
                    Steel Sentinels remake project developer since 2012.


                    • #55
                      ill have a look. pretty sure i own most if not all those items

                      will re-upload the ones that have expired links and that i have to my dropbox so they will forever be available, dropbox links dont expire

                      just uploaded all 3 reforged SoA-skins and DoE multi-G ogre to my dropbox,
                      and uploaded WebAngel's torch and her ROGUE-textures & and added links to all of them

                      were those all the ones from which links expired?
                      Last edited by talisa; 06-15-2014, 01:32 PM.
                      are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
                      > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
                      everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


                      • #56
                        Can you post up some HD screens? since my rig cant run it smoothly with real time on.

                        Need them for advertisement

                        Really only need one of a preferably really cool looking area that is not the intro rexture project scene.


                        • #57
                          sure i can make some

                          do you want ones of maps of normal quake, or is it also ok if its pics of fan-made maps?
                          like perhaps pics of unforgiven or something wicked


                          here's a bunch of screenshots of normal quake!
                          tried getting all different kinda environments and enemies on pics so there's some variety

                          resized em to 1080p and converted em to jpg so they're not so big. (11MB instead of 217)
                          lemme know if you'd like the 1440p PNGs and ill send you those directly through torrents
                          Last edited by talisa; 06-19-2014, 09:30 AM.
                          are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
                          > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
                          everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by talisa View Post
                            sure i can make some

                            do you want ones of maps of normal quake, or is it also ok if its pics of fan-made maps?
                            like perhaps pics of unforgiven or something wicked


                            here's a bunch of screenshots of normal quake!
                            tried getting all different kinda environments and enemies on pics so there's some variety

                            resized em to 1080p and converted em to jpg so they're not so big. (11MB instead of 217)
                            lemme know if you'd like the 1440p PNGs and ill send you those directly through torrents
                            that's good enough more targeting 1080p crowd, should still look good enough for hi res users. Should have checked back sooner forgot.


                            • #59
                              This page is a no-brainer, my mouse hit the bookmark button on autopilot!


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Pvt. Gerpsnot View Post
                                This page is a no-brainer, my mouse hit the bookmark button on autopilot!
                                hope the lists will be usefull for you, and will save you lots of searchings
                                are you curious about what all there is out there in terms of HD content for quake?
                                > then make sure to check out my 'definitive' HD replacement content thread! <
                                everything that is out there for quake and both mission-packs, compiled into one massive thread

