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Small Mod compilation

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  • Seven: Ok, so maybe it's a DP problem then. I tested it several times, and it happened every time, I though I was doing something wrong. However I figured out the strafe thing myself and eventually got the door to open.
    Regular One Man Slaughterhouse


    • I have to ask...

      How exactly do you activate this mod? Apparently the directions are not clear enough.

      "This Compilation works only with Darkplaces and can be used for Original Quake (not Mission Packs 1 or 2).

      Simply put the .pk3 file into your ID1 folder."

      Ok, All I have is quake 1 with dark places. Put the .pk3 in my ID1, sure ok, sounds simple enough! Fired up dark places...


      Not a single change after doing that. Even after configuring the autoexec.cfg to cause every enemy to have some kind of special death every death, nope. No footsteps. No new flames. Nothing.

      What am I missing?


      • If there is a progs.dat present in your id1 folder - rename it to something else.


        • Thank you guys for all your hard work. These mods are amazing.

          Just a quick question: why would the torches all disappear when I enable flamestyle 2? The other settings work fine but the particle effect version just makes all my torches/flames invisible!


          • Originally posted by prismra View Post
            Thank you guys for all your hard work. These mods are amazing.

            Just a quick question: why would the torches all disappear when I enable flamestyle 2? The other settings work fine but the particle effect version just makes all my torches/flames invisible!
            I donīt know.
            Do you use the proper particlefont?
            And only ONE in your ID1 folder?


            • This must be the bit I'm missing. Per the readme included in the mod ZIP, all I did was place the PK3 file in my id directory.


              • The .pk3 contains the right one.

                Donīt forget to copy the effectinfo.txt on the right place!
                Last edited by webangel; 10-09-2011, 01:44 PM. Reason: I have a idea:)


                • No. I just checked them all.


                  • I can reproduce this error when I delete my Effectinfo.
                    Do you have another one in a .pk3


                    • No. None of the PK3's have an effectsinfo.txt nor a particles folder.


                      • Please unzip this in your ID1 folder and give it a try!
                        Attached Files


                        • Still no flames. I also noticed that with that file there the lava balls on the 1st map have no particle trail. So that didn't quite work.


                          • Strange!
                            How does your autoexec.cfg looks like?


                            • set flamestyle 2
                              set demon 0
                              set dog 0
                              set enforcer 0
                              set hknight 0
                              set knight 0
                              set ogre 0
                              set shalrath 0
                              set shambler 0
                              set soldier 0
                              set wizard 0
                              set zombie 0


                              • Should be Ok.
                                Sorry I canīt help you.
                                Please PM Seven about your problem!
                                He should know what to do.
                                Last edited by webangel; 10-09-2011, 02:40 PM.

